Large-scale projects Medium-sized projects How to distinguish

The various projects are not the same, and the criteria for differentiation are also different.

Only in terms of classification standards for medium-sized projects, there are many different standards (such as the upper limit of medium-sized projects, then above the upper limit of large):

Medium-sized project standards for various professions list

No. Professional Category Medium-sized project standards Remarks

1 housing construction projects

(1) 25 floors or less, 12 floors or more (including, the same below) of the housing construction projects;

(1) 25 floors or less, 12 floors or more (including, the same below) of the housing construction projects. (including, the same below) of the building construction works;

(2) height of 100 meters below, 50 meters above the structure or building;

(3) a single building area of 30,000 square meters, more than 10,000 square meters of building construction works;

(4) a single span spanning less than 30 meters, more than 21 meters of the building construction works;

(5) Building area of 100,000 square meters, 50,000 square meters or more of the residential district or building groups;

(6) a single construction contract value of 100 million yuan, more than 30 million yuan of building construction works;

(7) depth of 15 meters, more than 13 meters, and a single contract value of 10 million yuan, more than 6 million yuan of weak foundations;

(8) a single span span of 30 meters, more than 21 meters;

(9) a single span span of 30 meters, more than 21 meters;

(10) a single span span of 30 meters, more than 21 meters;

(11) a single span span of 30 meters, more than 21 meters;

(8) Deep foundation pit enclosure and earthwork projects with depth of 11 meters or less and 8 meters or more;

(9) Steel structure projects with weight of steel structure less than 1,000 tons and more than 500 tons, and with construction area of steel structure less than 20,000 square meters and more than 5,000 square meters;

(10) Net frame structures with weight of steel structure less than 300 tons and more than 100 tons, and with construction area of steel structure less than 5,000 square meters and more than 5,000 square meters; and Structure construction area of 5,000 square meters or less, more than 1,000 square meters of net frame project

2 Highway Engineering

(1) Highway Roadbed Project: 5KM of highway roadbed above Grade I or 10KM of highway roadbed above Grade II;

(2) Highway Pavement Project: 100,000 square meters of highway pavement above Grade II;

(3) Bridge project: a single bridge length ≥ 100M or single span ≥ 30M bridge;

(4) tunnel project: a single tunnel length of 150M or more highway tunnel project;

(5) traffic safety facilities: to undertake the first class highway signage, marking, guardrail, barriers, anti-glare boards and other projects in two or more projects and highway mileage of ≥ 10KM or the amount of the project ≥ 4 million yuan RMB of the project;

(6) electromechanical systems engineering: to undertake a highway above the communication, monitoring and toll collection system in a single system project highway mileage ≥ 40KM or project amount ≥ 8 million yuan of electromechanical systems engineering, or ≥ 500M bridge and the amount of ≥ 3 million yuan of electromechanical systems engineering.

(7) single project contract value of 20 million yuan or more of highway projects.

3 water conservancy and hydropower projects

(1) reservoir projects with a total capacity of ≥ 10 million cubic meters;

(2) irrigation projects with an irrigated area of ≥ 50,000 acres;

(3) installed capacity of ≥ 50,000 kilowatts of hydroelectric power generation projects;

(4) over the gate flow of ≥ 100 m3 / s barrage;

(5) Installed flow ≥ 10 m3 / s, installed power ≥ 0.1 million kilowatts of irrigation, drainage pumping stations;

(6) three permanent hydraulic buildings;

(7) earth and stone dams ≥ 40 meters, concrete dams, slurry dams ≥ 50 meters of hydraulic dams;

(8) hole diameter ≥ 4 meters, length ≥ 2000 meters of hydraulic tunnels, or head ≥ 75 meters of pressurized tunnel. 75 meters of pressure tunnels, or flow rate ≥ 25 m / s open-flow tunnels ≥ 1000 meters;

(9) completion of hydraulic concrete casting ≥ 100,000 cubic meters, or dam earth and rock filling ≥ 300,000 cubic meters, or rock foundation grouting ≥ 20,000 meters, or impermeable wall wall ≥ 20,000 square meters, or depth of ≥ 30 meters of pebble drifting stone containing the ground impermeable wall project, or the depth of ≥ 30 meters of curtain grouting project ;

(10) two embankment project ≥ 5 km, or three embankment project ≥ 10 km, or ≥ 1,000 linear meters of embankment vertical seepage control wall project;

(11) river control project ≥ 500 linear meters, or in the water into the occupation of the dingba ≥ 5, or the second level of embankment ≥ 500 linear meters, or annual dredging (or underwater earth excavation) ≥ 2 million cubic meters, or the annual blown fill Earth ≥ 1 million cubic meters;

(12) contract value of ≥ 5 million yuan of water conservancy and hydropower projects, or the unit cost of ≥ 500,000 yuan of metal structure fabrication and installation works.

4 Power Engineering

(1) single capacity of 200,000 kilowatts unit of the main plant project;

(2) single capacity of 200,000 kilowatts unit of the main installation project (refers to the boiler, steam engine, electrical and other major equipment);

(3) single capacity of 100,000 kilowatts unit of the finishing construction and installation works;

(4) 220 kilovolt transmission line length of 40 kilometers. kV transmission line length of 40 kilometers or more transmission line works;

(5) 110 kV transmission line length of 45 highway or more transmission line works or substation installation works above 110 kV;

(6) a single contract amount of 10 million yuan of electric power works.

5 mine engineering

(1) 600,000 tons / year or more of iron ore mining, selection of the main project

The main project of the mine, including: vertical shaft shaft, inclined shaft shaft, shaft yard and mine room, track, transportation and return air alleys, mine mechanical and electrical equipment installation and mine ground production system.

The main project of the coal processing plant includes: the main plant, raw material warehouse (product warehouse), coal processing plant electromechanical equipment installation and railroad special line project, etc. The main project includes: the main plant, raw material warehouse (product warehouse), coal processing plant electromechanical equipment installation and railroad special line project. year or more of uranium ore main project

(6) 100,000 tons/year or more of gypsum mine, quartz mine or 400,000 tons/year or more of limestone mine main project

(7) converted to standard feet of 6,000 meters or more of the pioneering or mining roadway project

(8) depth of 200 meters or more of the freezing of the wellbore or drilling of special wells such as drilling shafts project

(9) Stripping volume of 600,000 cubic meters or more of open-pit mine works

(10) the main body of the mine with a single contract value of more than 10 million yuan

6 Smelting Works

(1) annual output of more than 100,000 tons of steelmaking or continuous casting works;

(2) annual output of more than 100,000 tons of rolling works;

(3) an annual output of 250,000 tons of ironmaking or sintering project with an annual output of more than 24 square meters;

(4) coking project with an annual output of more than 200,000 tons;

(5) oxygen production project with an hourly capacity of more than 3,200 cubic meters of oxygen production;

(6) alumina processing project with an annual output of more than 100,000 tons;

(7) non-ferrous metal smelting and electrolysis project with an annual output of more than 50,000 tons of copper, aluminum, lead, zinc and nickel;

(8) iron and steel rolling project with an annual output of more than 100,000 tons;

(9) iron and steel production project with an annual output of more than 25,000 tons; and Project;

(8) annual output of more than 10,000 tons of non-ferrous metal processing projects;

(9) daily output of less than 2,000 tons (excluding 2,000 tons) of kiln decomposition of cement projects;

(10) daily output of less than 2,000 tons (excluding 2,000 tons) of preheater system or cement firing system projects;

(11) daily melting capacity of 400 tons of the following (excluding 400 tons) (excluding 400 tons) float glass project;

(12) 50 tons per day and above gold concentrate smelting project;

(13) investment amount of 20-50 million (excluding 50 million) of the project.

7 petrochemical engineering

(1) less than or equal to 300,000 tons / year production capacity or total investment of 1-10 million yuan of the main oil field projects;

(2) less than or equal to 150 million cubic meters / year production capacity or total investment of 2-15 million yuan of the main gas field project;

(3) Length less than or equal to 120 kilometers or oil transmission volume of less than or equal to 6 million tons / year pipeline oil transmission projects;

(4) length less than or equal to 120 kilometers or gas transmission volume of less than or equal to 250 million cubic meters / year pipeline gas transmission projects;

(5) the total reservoir capacity of less than or equal to 80,000 cubic meters, a single tank capacity of less than or equal to 20,000 cubic meters of crude oil storage tanks and ancillary projects;

(5) total reservoir capacity of less than or equal to 80,000 cubic meters, single tank capacity of less than or equal to 20,000 cubic meters of crude oil storage tanks and ancillary projects;< /p>

(6) total storage capacity of less than or equal to 15,000 cubic meters, a single tank volume of less than or equal to 0.5 million cubic meters of natural gas storage project;

(7) crude oil processing capacity of less than or equal to 250,000 tons / year, natural gas processing less than or equal to 250,000 cubic meters / day of the oil and gas processing project;

(8) 1-2.5 million tons of the following / year refining project and the corresponding main production unit;

(9) production unit of gas diversion project with a production capacity of 100-200 thousand tons/year;

(10) catalytic reaction and processing project with an investment amount of 0.5-200 million yuan;

(11) hydrogenation and hydrogen production project with an investment amount of 0.3-100 million yuan and a pressure of 4-8 Mpa;

(12) synthesis project with a production capacity of 8-180 thousand tons/year; and 180,000 tons/year production capacity of synthetic ammonia and the main production unit;

(13) 14-30 million tons/year ethylene project or the corresponding main production unit;

(14) 100-200,000 tons/year of fertilizer project and the corresponding main production unit;

(15) 80-160,000 tons/year of sulfuric or nitric acid project or the corresponding main production unit;

(16) 100,000 tons/year of sulfuric or nitric acid project and the corresponding main production unit;

(17) 100,000 tons/year of sulfuric or nitric acid project and the corresponding main production unit;

(18) 800,000 tons/year of ammonia project and the main production unit;

(16) 80,000-300,000 tons/year of soda ash project, 30,000-50,000 tons/year of caustic soda project;

(17) less than 40,000 tons/year of synthetic rubber, synthetic resins, plastics, and chemical fibers project;

(18) 0.5-100 million yuan of investment in biopharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical products, pharmaceutical packaging materials;

(19) 100,000-300,000 sets of tire project and the corresponding main production equipment Tire project and the corresponding main production unit;

(20) 13-30 million tons/year urea project and the main production unit.

8 Municipal Public Works

(1) urban expressway or trunk road more than 100,000 square meters of pavement works, more than 5 kilometers of road works;

(2) a single bridge length of ≥ 100 meters or a single span of ≤ 30 meters of the bridge project;

(3) a single hole length of more than 150 meters of the tunnel project;

(4) the amount of the contract for more than 30 million yuan of road, road and tunnel works;

(4) the contract value of more than single Roads, tunnels and bridges with a contract value of more than 30 million dollars.

(5) 80,000 tons / day or more, and a single contract value of more than 20 million yuan of water supply plant projects;

(6) pipe diameter of 600 millimeters or more, and the length of more than 5 kilometers of the water supply pipeline project;

(7) 50,000 tons / day or more, and a single contract value of more than 20 million yuan of sewage works;

(8) Pipe diameter of 600 millimeters or more, and the length of more than 5 kilometers of drainage pipe project;

(9) 100,000 cubic meters / day or more, and more than 20 million yuan of contract value of a single project of gas gas plant project;

(10) pipe diameter of 250 millimeters or more, and the length of more than 5 kilometers of gas pipeline project;

(11) More than 3 million square meters, and the contract value of a single project more than 20 million yuan of heat supply projects;

(12) heat pipeline length of 6 kilometers or more of thermal engineering;

(13) a single project contract of 20 million yuan or more of domestic waste landfill project;

(14) a single project contract of 20 million yuan or more of domestic waste incineration Project;

(15) single project contract amounting to more than 30 million yuan of municipal roads (bridges), pipelines integrated projects.

9 electromechanical installation works

(1) general contract for a single project contract value of 10 million yuan or more of electromechanical installation works

(2) a single project contract value of 5 million yuan or more of electromechanical equipment installation works

(3) a single project contract value of 5 million yuan or more of environmental protection works

(4) a single project cost of 5 million yuan million yuan or more of building intelligence projects

(5) more than 10 million yuan of a single project cost of electronic engineering

(6) 4 times more than 1,000 kilonewton-meters above the installation or dismantling of lifting equipment;

200 tons of cranes or gantry cranes installation or dismantling

(7) 3 speed of 2.5 m / s above the installation of elevator Project

6 elevator installation projects with a speed of 1.5 m/s or more

(8) Fire protection facilities project of automatic fire alarm system and fixed fire extinguishing system with a floor area of 20,000 square meters or more

10 Decoration and Furnishing Project

(1) Decoration and Furnishing Project with a cost of more than 5 million yuan for a single project.

(2) unit volume of 6000 square meters or more of the curtain wall project.

(3) the cost of a single project more than 5 million yuan of curtain wall project.