What is the sales office phone number of Shanghai Hong Kong Landmark Kai Yuen?

Shanghai Hongkong Land Qiyuan Jiya sales office phone number is: 4006569058 to 29035.

Property Type: Residential

Developer: Shanghai Yixing Enterprises Development Co.

Property Rights: Ordinary Residential 70 Years

Building Type: Slabs

Sales Status: For Sale

Currently Reference average price about: Price to be determined

Project introduction: Hongkong Land West Bank Financial City site, Hongkong Land will be a new generation of financial city standards and concepts, the importance of human interaction and life, the integration of five major thematic elements of culture, vitality, fashion, finance, science and technology, and the gathering of finance, trade, culture, sports, tourism, ecology, residential and other industries, to create a warm urban public **** living room, making it one of the new growth poles of Shanghai's international financial center, a new generation of world-class financial city, and a waterfront urban vacation destination***.

Click to view: Hong Kong Landmark Kai Yuen Details.