One, on the direction of enterprise computing
Enterprise computing (Enterprise Computing) is a slightly more fashionable and good-sounding term, mainly refers to enterprise information systems, such as ERP software (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM software (Customer Relationship Management), SCM software (Supply Chain Management, i.e., logistics software), banking and securities software, financial software, e-commerce/government (including various websites), data warehousing, data mining, business intelligence and other enterprise information management systems. E-commerce / government (including a variety of Web sites), data warehousing, data mining, business intelligence and other enterprise information management systems.
Second, about the direction of embedded systems
Embedded systems is undoubtedly one of the most popular and promising IT applications. Embedded systems are used in some specific specialized equipment, usually the hardware resources of these devices (such as processors, memory, etc.) is very limited, and very sensitive to the cost, and sometimes the real-time response to the requirements of the very high. Especially with the intelligentization of consumer appliances, embedded is more important. Like our usual common cell phone, PDA, electronic dictionary, video phone, VCD/DVD/MP3 Player, digital camera (DC), digital video camera (DV), U-Disk, set-top box (Set Top Box), high-definition television (HDTV), game consoles, smart toys, switches, routers, numerical control equipment or instrumentation, automotive electronics, home appliance control system, medical instruments, aerospace equipment, etc. are typical embedded systems.
Three, about the game software direction
The game software talent called digital media software talent may sound better, including game software planning (the most lack of game planner), game software art design, game software program design, and other aspects of the talent, to the software school, game software program design is of course the most appropriate.
Fourth, about the interview questions
This is an embedded interview questions, this set of questions from the Huazheng Vision partner companies embedded engineer position written questions, of course, such a written question each company is not the same, but much the same. This is a randomly selected set of written questions, just to give the majority of embedded learners a reference, you can also self-assessment. The first threshold into the enterprise.
1. ls, cd, rm, mv, grep, apt-get, make menuconfig, mm are what operation
2. Write a function to implement memcpy, void* memcpy(void* dst, const void* src, intlen);
3. Write a structure or class to hold information like hao123 train ticket booking system and can be used for maintenance.
4. There is a function int led(void) that returns the state of the light with a non-zero return value for on and zero for off. Write a function that collects the state of the lamp every second, and prints the state of the last 10 led (print format customized). Predict the result of the printout.
5. I2C, SPI, USB....... Write the pins you are familiar with. Registers.
6. What are the ways in which the Linux system requests memory and what are the characteristics of each.
7. What is the role of cache, draw a diagram to show how the cpu, cache, and memory may be inconsistent with cache and memory and explain the solution.
8. Flow of interrupt handling.
9. Programs A and B have an identical code
int num[10]; ....... printf(the addr: 0x%x\n, &num[0]); printf(the value: %d\n, num[0]); A and B are executed together Is it possible that the result of A is the addr: 0x200000 the value: 100 The result of B is: the addr. 0x200000 the value: 1000
Is this possible? Describe the circumstances under which this condition could occur
10. A schematic question that looks at the names of the components: resistor, transistor, and diode. And the state of the input when it goes high. The third question is what that diode does. That one seems to be a voltage regulator diode.
11. is a watchdog question, the English introduction, introduced the watchdog three registers, there is the address, let you write your own 32768Hz input clock, so that the cpu 250ms after the reset of the program.
12. a program analysis question asking what the program does, what it lacks and how to optimize it.
In addition to the job-embedded interview questions, the company also came up with questions beyond the technical requirements of the job, as follows:
1. 27 athletes are very tired, buy a drink, drink promotions, three empty bottles for a bottle of drink, ask the minimum number of bottles you can buy to ensure that each person a bottle. In addition to the exchange of empty bottles, what other good methods you have.
2. The four monks, which one do you want to be? Reason. The role of the other three in the team? Which character is the most important?
3. You are a freshly graduated nurse, you and a very good surgeon surgery, surgery is almost sutured, you find that there are only 7 pieces of gauze in the plate, but the surgery used 8 pieces. What do you do at this point?