1. General Requirements for the Disposal of Dead Bodies
The principle that the deceased must be handled with full respect, the principle of timely in-situ cleanup and burial as soon as possible, and the principle that those who must be identified and cannot be disposed of immediately should be stored for as short a time as possible.
2. Requirements for temporary storage of corpses
Storage time in the average temperature below 20 ℃, the natural storage should not exceed 4 days; into the body bag can be appropriately extend the storage time, but should be in the body of the top and bottom of the wine covered with bleach to reduce the rate of corruption of corpses to reduce the odor; the body of the body appears to be highly decomposition should be cremated in a timely manner or burying treatment. Conditions permit the appropriate centralized storage, easy to manage. Storage locations should be away from water sources, avoiding personnel activity areas, avoiding low-lying areas.
3. body wrapping requirements
Preferred unified production of body bags, can be selected according to local conditions of the deceased used before the bedding and other parcels, body wrapping should be as tight and strong as possible; in the body of a high degree of decomposition of the body in the body bag should be added to the cotton fabric to absorb the liquid, and appropriate spraying of bleach or other disinfection and deodorants; on the mildly decomposed general body, without disinfection and deodorant treatment In order to reduce the stench of the surrounding environment, the environment around the body can be properly sprayed disinfection and deodorant.
4. Requirements for transportation of corpses
Requirement for special vehicles for transportation of corpses; before loading corpses, the carriages should be lined with liquid absorbent, liquid absorbent should be sterilized before removing the liquid absorbent and the carriages with bleach, etc.; for transportation of corpses, try to choose routes with fewer crowds.
5. Burial requirements of the body
Cremation processing site can run, there are conditions for cremation should be the preferred method of treatment; A and B infectious diseases of the dead, should be done thoroughly disinfected, as quickly as possible, transported out of the cremation or 2 meters below the depth of the burial; a high degree of decomposition of the body should be disinfected and deodorized; the body of the place of burial should be designated by the local government, and shall not be buried indiscriminately; the choice of earth burial, should be as far as possible to choose the 2 meters of burial; the body should be buried in the ground, should choose the best possible route. In the case of earth burial, a deep burial of less than 2 meters should be chosen as far as possible; when the number of burials is concentrated in a large quantity or when there are special reasons for not choosing a deep burial, such as avoiding the pollution of groundwater, etc., the collective decision of the on-site health experts can be made to choose the method of shallow burial (1 meter). In the town, outside the village to choose a good burial site, in order to facilitate transportation and does not affect the appearance of the city, the village of the location of the choice of the body burial site, should choose the soil structure of the firm, low water table site; burial site should also choose the terrain of the location of the higher ground, the burial site must be away from the water source, as far as possible to choose the densely populated areas of the downwind direction.
6. Body cleaning staff protection requirements
General cleaning of the body, the transportation staff need a certain sense of protection and health protection equipment.
The decomposition of corpses produces gaseous substances (such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, methane, carbon dioxide, etc.) and liquid substances (such as mercaptan, cadaverine, putrescine, fecal odorant and water, etc.), of which the polyamine compounds are collectively called cadaverine (including cadaverine, putrescine, neurotoxin, etc.), which can lead to poisoning of the human body. In cleaning up a large number of corpses, may be exposed to a large amount of mercaptan, cadaveric amine and other substances, so should be removed from the stench, you can wear anti-virus masks filtered with activated charcoal. Contact with corpses should wear medical protective masks, wearing overalls, gloves, rubber shoes, try to avoid accidental abrasions, so as not to be contaminated with bacterial toxins caused by poisoning; traumatic injuries need timely medical treatment; attention should be paid to personal hygiene, cleaning up the corpses after the operation and before the meal must be carefully washed hands; personnel cleaning up the corpses to prevent anaerobic traumatic infections (eg, tetanus, gas gangrene, etc.), if necessary, can be Inoculation of immune serum. In addition, you can use lime water, black grass ash adsorption of the body's odor containing material, can also be used 1% of manganese dioxide and wood chips mixed adsorption of hydrogen sulfide odor, but also can be sprayed with 3% to 5% of the Lysol. Practice shows that the best effect is calcium hypochlorite, calcium hydroxide and bleach mixed spray, can quickly deodorize and disinfect.
7. Patient's body
The body of the plague, cholera and anthrax patients with 0.5% peroxyacetic acid solution soaked cloth sheet tightly wrapped, mouth, nose, ears, anus, vagina to be soaked with 0.5% peroxyacetic acid cotton balls plugged as soon as possible after cremation. Burial, should be away from water sources more than 50 meters, the coffin should be buried 2 meters from the ground below the depth of the coffin on both sides of the body and the bottom of the coffin padding thick 3 to 5 centimeters of bleach, the bottom of the outside of the coffin padding thick 3 to 5 centimeters of bleach.