UFO researchers in various countries attach great importance to the collection and study of the behavior of UFO occupants who come to Earth, and one of the subjects of considerable importance is the various experiments they perform. What kind of experiments do humanoid life forms conduct when they come to our inhabited planet from hundreds of millions of miles away?
1. On-site experiments: the experience of amnesia
The so-called on-site experiments are those in which the UFO crew meets the Earthlings at the landing site, and they perform common medical tests on the latter on the spot. The list goes on and on.
On August 31, 1968, outside the village of Mendoza, Argentina, a broken-down car was parked in a wooded area, and the three men inside got out of the car to repair it, when suddenly an unidentified flying object flew in, and from it emerged several humanoid life forms. The latter, holding something like a pencil, touched the back of the car repairer's hand, took a blood sample, flew into the UFO and took off.
On Oct. 3, 1978, in Saitama Prefecture, Japan, an unidentified flying object shot a beam of orange light onto a girl sleeping on a seat inside a car. Her father, gripping the steering wheel, felt a tube touch his temple. He turned his head slightly and was surprised to see an ugly looking man holding the tube and watching him. A shrill sound went through his brain. When the ugly man flew back to the UFO, that father throttled up and fled like a madman.
There was a horrific incident in Italy in March 1978, when three friends witnessed a UFO land on the ground in Cecelis on March 12th. A week later, on the 19th of that month, one of the Italians felt a strong desire in his heart to visit the landing site. He went there alone and saw a large man, 2 meters tall, wearing a close-fitting luminous suit and a helmet. The big man extended his hand to the Italian, who shook hands with him as a feeling of security and friendliness rose in his heart. Unexpectedly, at the first contact, a sharp pain spread all over his body, and his hand was firmly glued to the man's hand. He struggled hard, and with the help of his left hand, his right hand broke free. The mysterious pugilist looked at him for a long time, then turned toward a grounded UFO, which shot out three conical lights, the center one sucking the pugilist into the UFO. The witness's right hand was red, swollen and painful, gradually drying up and shriveling.
Early in the morning of June 14, 1980, a farmer in Uruguay heard a suspicious sound outside his door and hurriedly got up and dressed. At that moment, he saw two pale, strange men standing outside his window, one of whom went to the door and twisted the knob to push the door into the house. The farmer hurried to the top of the door, but the door was pushed open a crack. He tried to hold the hand of his unwelcome visitor with one hand, but he immediately shrank back in pain. Afterward he was left with 42 burn spots on his hand. The two strangers did not break into the room and left without looking back.UFO investigators found triangular-shaped indentations left in several places in front of and behind the farmer's house. Villagers reported that a number of people saw a UFO fly over their village that morning.
In early November 1976, near the town of Lapponi in Finland, two glowing spheres moved against the ground. A mason saw them and curiously chased after them. A green light came from one of the spheres and knocked the mason to the ground. A few moments later the two spheres flew away and the mason realized he had red spots on his chest.
On November 15, 1969, outside Nancy, France, an unidentified flying disc landed in a field of fennel, releasing a choking, acidic odor. A businessman hid behind a mound of earth and watched silently as the disk flew away five minutes later. Five minutes later, the disk flew away, and the businessman found his face swollen and a blister the size of a pigeon's egg growing on his forehead.
The above examples prove that UFOs and their occupants take beams of light and take blood samples from witnesses on the spot or do other tests. The witnesses are often unaware of the results of the tests.
2. Experiments inside UFOs: the feeling of dream
There are many cases where witnesses have been hijacked into UFOs and subjected to humanoid life-forms while lying on table-like objects.
On the night of Feb. 8, 1981, in Franklin, U.S.A., Mrs. Barbara, a mother of six, was awakened by light coming from a luminous object hovering over the house. She was so frightened that she lost consciousness. Later, under hypnosis, she recalled the situation: in a spherical house with smooth, shining walls, a light was cast from the top, leaving a bright circle on the floor. A slit opened in the wall and a masked humanoid being approached her, moving a square box in front of and behind her. six months later, Mrs. Barbara was on her way home by car when she encountered another UFO. Once again, she was sucked by a beam of light into the interior of the UFO in exactly the same circumstances as the first sighting.
In 1953, a 12-year-old child in England fainted in fear when he saw a sphere descending as he waited for the bus in front of his school. He was missing for seven hours. Someone found the child under a bush in a park several kilometers away. His eyes were badly swollen. People asked him what had happened and he said he didn't know anything. Doctors applied hypnosis to him, and he remembered that two humanoid lifeforms had taken him into an unidentified flying object, shone a very strong light on him, and examined his whole body.
None of the above cases had any dangerous or painful scenarios, and the examinations were very simple. Were there any complex and agonizing examinations? There are many such examples.
On February 5, 1970, a hunter and his dog were forcibly pushed into a UFO by a group of humanoid life forms in the mountains of the Soria region of Spain. The humanoid lifeforms were very much like Earthlings. The hunter's dog refused to get into the UFO and was carried in. Inside the UFO, the hunter, who had a doctorate in veterinary medicine, was assigned to sit in a special chair. He was connected in his head to a series of questions posed by the UFO owner using induction. The owner asked him to give them permission to use an instrument to look at the internal organs of the hunting dog and to take a sample of the dog's blood. The poor dog seemed to be in shock, but there was not much pain afterward, only a modest scar on one foot. Then the hunter fainted from smelling an odor, and in a daze he heard a shrill whistle. When he awoke, he found his knees, ears and back were sore and itchy with several pinpricks.
On June 28, 1979, a forester in Brazil's Mirasole region was walking his dog in the woods when he was suddenly paralyzed by a red light coming from a round object. The forester awoke to see himself inside a flying saucer. The humanoid life form leads him into a snowy room next door and sits him in a chair. He was again unconscious, and three hours later he reappeared in the woods of the woodland. He saw several inexplicable pinholes on his arms and back. The dog was in good health, but never again refused to go to the spot where the UFO had landed, where there was a visible mark on the ground, a circle in which the grass was baked.
The case of Antonio Vila-Bovas drawing blood is a rather unusual one.
On October 16, 1957 on the Brazilian island of S?o Sebasti?o, the Brazilian man was attacked by two humanoid life-forms off the coast, forcibly stripped of his clothes, coated with an icy-cold liquid, and then laid down on a mat-like object. The two humanoid lifeforms were holding a tube connected to the same transparent vessel, with the flared end pressed against his chin. He saw his blood flow through the tube into the vessel. Then the humanoid life form pressed the flare against his belly. Afterward he saw a red spot on each of his chin and belly.
On December 3, 1967, in a place called Ashland, Nebraska, a policeman saw a spherical luminous object parked on the highway. He lost consciousness for 25 minutes. When he awoke, he found a red spot 5 centimeters long by 1 centimeter wide next to a blood vessel on the base of his ear. Doctors used hypnosis on him, and he recounted being taken captive to the UFO by a humanoid life form, but he could not remember what happened inside the UFO.
Humanoid life forms are also interested in the muscles of Earthlings. Here are just two examples.
In the late summer of 1950, Philip, an American, went on a picnic with his parents and younger brother in the woods of the Tennessee mountains. On the way back, the group realized that his brother had left his coat in the woods and returned. It was at this time that the distress began. Philip could not help but leave the group. Later he saw that he had a large wound on his left leg, which extended to the small of his back. He hadn't fallen or been cut by a tree branch, so where had he gotten the wound? It was a deep wound, but it didn't hurt at all, didn't bleed, and didn't turn into pus. The incident went unnoticed.In 1964, Philip was 21 years old and he was living in Pittsburgh. One night he woke up suddenly, unable to move his whole body. The room was filled with an uncanny light. Thinking something was wrong, he got up, dressed, and walked around the back of the house, feeling sick. The doctor hypnotized him and he remembered a lot of memories of the picnic in 1950 when he left the group and encountered a huge spherical UFO with a transparent dome. The dome was in three parts and was very bright. Philip felt sucked into the light and was carried into the UFO on a stretcher by a humanoid life form, and he remembers a robot whose hands dug a hole in his body and removed some flesh. Then he was placed in front of a giant eye and he was instantly unconscious. 1964 seems to have been different. He left the house and was sucked by an irresistible force to the hill behind the house. He climbed up the slope to a house that had been unoccupied for a long time. He saw a glowing UFO and a row of humanoid lifeforms. These had bald heads, red veins visible under their skin, and a hard, metal-like appearance. He entered the UFO and lay down on a table.
The second example also occurred in the summer of 1950, in Virginia, USA, when a little girl was playing in the barn of her grandparents' house. She wanted to pick up the eggs back to the house, when she felt numbness in her leg, rolled up her pants leg to see that there was a 5-centimeter-long wound on her left leg, there was no blood on her pants, and she felt no pain. The child's grandmother and mother questioned her in detail, and she said that no one had cut her leg, and people searched the barn for half a day and found nothing that could have injured the girl.29 Twenty-nine years later, after the doctor had performed several hypnosis sessions on her, she recalled certain episodes from the beginning. The first thing she remembered was being sent into a spherical room that was surprisingly bright. She felt comfortable lying on a layer of something soft. She talked to a humanoid life form in another room by induction. The latter asked her permission to cut a piece of flesh from her calf as a sample. The man told her that this would not hurt in the least, nor would it bleed, and that they were going to experiment on her flesh. This operation was performed by a mechanical hand, when there was a humming sound.
The hypnotism reminded the girl of another encounter: in 1960, she was 16 years old and had come to Alsace on vacation with her entire family. One day she went into the woods with her brother and suddenly she disappeared. Her brother searched everywhere for her and could not find her, so he ran to his parents to tell them what had happened. The whole family went into the forest and shouted, but to no avail. After a long time, the girl appeared and said that she had been in that place without leaving. There was a strange drop of blood on her dress. She recounted that she had just seen a very beautiful deer. Her parents called in a hypnotist, and in the course of the examination she remembered something: she had gone to a clearing in the woods, and there was a luminous flying object resting on the ground. She climbed in and saw three people shorter than herself, one of whose dark eyes stared at her all the time. The shorter people had glowing skin and looked energetic. They talked amongst themselves in short shrill voices. They seemed happy, celebrating their accomplishments. They took a sample of her blood and one of the drops landed on her shirt.
Henry Dillon, in his book Alien Footprints, described the case of the S?o Francisco Bad Salles in Brazil this way:
It happened on October 16, 1957, between 1:00 and 5:30 p.m. local time. The witness, A. V. B. (that's 3 capital letters of his name), was 23 years old and worked on the farm with his parents, two brothers and three sisters. He was often on night duty during the tilling season. At the same time, he was attending correspondence college. The incident began on the night of October 5, at about 2300 hours, when at first he saw from his window a circular beam of reflected light on the land inside the fence, as if it were white and bright as a car headlight shining on the ground from a high altitude, but he could not see where it was coming from. The light was closing in on his bedroom window and then disappeared. One of his brothers, Joao, also witnessed the phenomenon, and on October 14, between 2130 and 2200 hours, while plowing the ground at night with another brother, he tried to approach a bright luminous body, but tried more than 20 times without success. The luminous object looked like it was flying 100 meters in the air, it was the size of a car, it radiated light in all directions, and suddenly it went out again completely.
On October 15, A.V.B. was plowing his field alone in his tractor when he noticed a huge red star in the midst of the stars that was getting bigger and flying towards him; it quickly changed into a huge ovoid luminary that descended like lightning and stopped abruptly in the air 50 meters above his head. Its reddish glow was so intense that it eclipsed the tractor's headlights, and A-V-B- turned pale with fear. At this point, the glowing ovoid descended to the ground and came to rest about 10 meters away from the tractor.A-V-B described the UFO as follows: It was a huge egg-shaped object with three conical bulges in the front, resembling three reddish rods, as if it were headlights. Above the flying object, there was a flattened circular lid that rotated rapidly in flight, and when he came to rest on the ground, the lid was still rotating, only at a slower rate. When the object landed, three cased legs protruded from the lower part.
A-V-B- tried to make a quick getaway. But then the tractor's engine died and the lights didn't come on, so he had to jump out of the car and run. The freshly plowed dirt was damp and stained his shoes with rotten mud. Suddenly he was grabbed by the arm by a dwarf. He struggled desperately, but three other dwarves lifted him off the ground so that he could not move. He yelled and screamed and twisted his body and limbs as hard as he could, but to no avail.A-V-B- was carried to the foot of the UFO. He fought fiercely again on a rickety ladder, but in a short time he was propelled into a small, four-square room with smooth sheet metal walls and small square lights around the ceiling illuminating the empty room. He saw the ladder contract and the door close, no longer able to see where the door was on the wall, just the closed ladder telling them where it was.One of the five dwarves gestured to him, inviting him into the other room, and he stepped inside.
The new room was oval in shape, the lighting was the same as the one just before, and there was a pillar in the center of the room, like the walls it was also metal and gleamed silver. To one side of the room was an oddly shaped table with several swivel chairs with no backrests, all of this was made of the same white metal as well.A-V-B- was held up by two men and watched as the dwarves spoke in a series of grunts that they did not understand. Their discussion ended and they used force to strip A-V-B- of his clothes. He struggled and they did not hit him, not wanting to cause him pain. Though he cried out as hard as he could, and punched and kicked the dwarves, the dwarves eventually stripped him. They often stopped to look at him, as if to tell him that they were being polite.A-V-B-'s clothes were not torn. As he stood naked, he saw a dwarf approaching him and smearing him with a colorless, odorless liquid, slightly thicker than water. The brush the man used was made of something like a sponge, but much softer than the rubber brushes we use.A-V-B- winced, but the liquid dried extremely quickly, and after a while he felt nothing at all.
The 3 dwarves led A-V-B- to the room opposite the first one, where the door was automatic, and when it was closed there was no trace of it visible on the walls.A-V-B- saw a row of red letters above the door, which were somewhat three-dimensional in the light. Afterward, witnesses could not recall those words.
Two dwarves came in and took a blood sample from A-V-B-, using a rubber tube in their hands with a bulb attached to one end and a glass-like vacuum straw on the other. The blood was taken from the sides of his chin, and it was painless. But after a while there was a burning sensation on his chin, and he realized that there was no skin on the two places where the blood had been drawn. The dwarves all exited the room, leaving him alone. For a long half hour he surveyed the contents of the house, which contained a bed with an object across it, soft as a sponge. He sat down to calm himself.
He began to feel uncomfortable, realizing that the house stank of burning pieces of cloth, making him sick to his stomach. The smell was coming from the many small tubes in the partition above his head, with metal filters at the mouth, where gray smoke was billowing out. The suit was attached to a helmet, which was made of hard material, reinforced by metal plates at the front and back, and covered the whole face except the eyes. Their eyes could be seen through two large lenses. They don't seem to have large, light colored, perhaps blue eyes; the top of the helmet is a bit pointy, and overall larger than both heads. The helmet had three tubes, one in the center and one on each side, all shining like metal. all three tubes led to the back and were fastened to the back of the wetsuit, with the center one inserted into the shoulder blades, and the two next to it attached to each armpit.
The skin-tight sleeves are wrapped around their wrists, thin gloves the same color as their suits are attached to the cuffs, and their hands have five fingers. a-v-b-seeing that the fingers are incongruous with the palms of their hands does not prevent them from grasping objects and making delicate movements. Their shoes are wrapped around their legs like a continuation of their pants, of the same color as their clothes, with thick soles, slightly turned up at the front, and no seams or pockets visible on their clothes. On their chests was a round insignia, the size of a slice of pineapple, reflecting light like an automobile's reflector, fastened by a thin wire to an unbuckled belt. Wrapped and plastered in this clothing, the men walked stiffly, but otherwise moved with great agility and agility.
After a while, the door opened of its own accord, and the two dwarves touched A-V-B-'s forehead, and he passed out. When he woke up, he was lying on the seat of a tractor. Conventional wisdom about the origin of mankind holds that Earth humans evolved from hominids. Labor created man, and labor created human intelligence. However, some people have put forward a novel and controversial argument: in primitive times, outside the Earth, there existed a highly developed intelligence (the ancients called them "gods"). Having mastered high technology and exquisite craftsmanship, they came to our planet in spaceships to teach civilization to human beings, who were in a state of ignorance and chaos, and even to change human genes and achieve genetic mutation. In order to keep human society civilized and progressive, and not to be contaminated by the barbaric and lustful culture that was prevalent in the society at that time, the gods chose a group of pure and good people to return to the "Promised Land" to be a generation of civilized newcomers. Therefore, human beings are the creation of these intergalactic colonizers. There is also a view that the Earthlings are the descendants of aliens who mated with Earth apes.