Treatment of Stomatology Department in Shamshuipo Center Hospital
Do you want to ask the treatment of the Department of Stomatology, Shamshuipo Center Hospital? Shenzhen-Shantou Center Hospital stomatology treatment: institutions, good treatment, good benefits; work 8 hours a day, but also double off, performance bonuses, year-end bonuses, pay five insurance and gold; stomatology, one of the medical disciplines classified. The main stomatological diseases include: oral and maxillofacial dermatoid, epidermal submandibular gap infection, maxillofacial lymphangiomas, dentigerous developmental malformation, maxillary sinus malignant tumor, jaw enamel cell tumor, chronic sieve sinusitis, mandibular retraction, tetracycline teeth, tongue white spot and other diseases. Many periodontal diseases are completely curable through technology.