The difference between vacuum drying oven and electric blast drying oven

A, blast drying oven, is under the action of the fan, the rapid surface of the material volatile substances volatile molecules through the air exchange and take away, so as to achieve rapid drying of the role of the material. It is through the moisture in the material, solvent or volatile components of the molecular thermal action, so that its molecular rapid movement and thus detached from the drying material and gradually make the material to get dry. Its drying speed can be very fast, and the drying temperature can be very high. It is a commonly used instrumentation, mainly used to dry samples, but also to provide the temperature environment required for experiments, applications and chemical, electronics, casting, automotive, food, machinery and other industries.

Generally divided into stainless steel liner and galvanized steel, digital display and pointer, blast circulation and natural convection.

Scope of application: for industrial and mining enterprises, laboratories, scientific research units, etc. for drying, baking melting wax, sterilization, can also be used for general thermostatic test.

Two, vacuum drying oven is through the vacuum pump will dry the material where the space is pumped into negative pressure that

the so-called vacuum state. In the vacuum state, or low-pressure state, the material in the water, solvent and other volatile components of the boiling point is reduced, so that in a lower temperature state can be detached from the surface of the material particles and vacuum pump.

It is mainly used in those materials that oxidize, polymerize and undergo other chemical reactions at high temperatures. It also has the dual role of heating to promote moisture, solvents and volatile components to accelerate the evaporation and thus detach from the surface of the material.

Vacuum drying oven is specially designed for drying heat-sensitive, easy to decompose and easy to oxidize materials and designed to flush the inert gas to the interior, especially some of the complex composition of the goods can also be rapid drying.

Scope of application: Vacuum drying oven is widely used in biochemistry, chemical and pharmaceutical industry, medical and health care, agricultural research, environmental protection and other research applications, for powder drying, baking, and various types of glass containers for disinfection and sterilization only. Especially suitable for drying heat-sensitive, easy to decompose, easy to oxidize substances and complex composition of the goods for rapid and efficient drying treatment.