Strategies and Measures in the 1990s for China's Child Development Planning Outline

(1) Population and family planning.

1. Continue to implement the basic state policy of controlling the size of the population and improving the quality of the population, and keep the average annual natural population growth rate for the next ten years within 12.5 per thousand.

2. Widely publicize the significance and policies of family planning, popularize knowledge of contraception among all couples of childbearing age, and provide guidance and services on safe and effective contraceptives and birth-control techniques.

3. In 2000, the complication rate of birth control surgeries was controlled at less than 10 per 10,000 people.

4. Widely publicize and actively advocate pre-marital check-ups, so that by 1995, 60% of counties (cities) will have the conditions for pre-marital check-ups, and eugenic counseling services will be carried out; more than 80% of provincial and prefectural maternity and child health-care institutions will have the capacity to screen for congenital defects, and by the year 2000, the rate of congenitally handicapped infants will be reduced by one half.

(2) Maternal and child health care and nutrition.

1. Health administrations at all levels have taken the strengthening of preventive health care and rural health as a strategic priority, and have appropriately adjusted the structure of internal investment, striving to increase funding for maternal and child health care and epidemic prevention at a rate higher than that of the total investment in health, and to effectively carry out the policy of "prevention as the mainstay of the work".

2. Mothers are able to have their deliveries assisted by trained birth attendants; by the year 2000, the rate of births assisted by the new method in rural areas will reach 95 per cent, so that the majority of rural mothers will be able to give birth in hospitals, and by the year 2000, deaths caused by post-partum haemorrhage will be reduced by half.

Strengthening on-the-job training for maternal and child health professionals, female village doctors and midwives, and continually improving the quality of the existing workforce.

3. Producing fortified food for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers and enhancing nutritional guidance for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, so as to reduce iron-deficiency anemia in pregnant women by one-third. Increase the rate of exclusive breastfeeding for infants between four and six months of age, with the breastfeeding rate reaching 80 percent by 2000 on a provincial basis; and formulate a code of marketing for breast milk substitutes. Promote home-made complementary foods for infants, and where possible, increase the production of formula milk powder, complementary foods for infants, nutritional foods with different formulas for young children, and food for school-age children; 50 per cent of the total number of infants with nutritional deficiencies during the Eighth Five-Year Plan period will be reduced to 80 per cent by the year 2000, while the proportion of infants with nutritional deficiencies will be reduced by one third. In 2000, 80% of children with nutritional deficiencies will be supplied with industrially fortified foods and nutrition-based foods that meet national standards.

4. In 1995, the health-care coverage rate for children under seven years of age and for pregnant women reached 85 per cent by province; the three-tiered medical and preventive health-care network was enriched and perfected, with a focus on strengthening the capacity of maternal and child health care, and sanitary and epidemiological prevention services at the village and township levels; and the issue of remuneration was reasonably resolved and the team of rural doctors was stabilized.

5. Maintaining a high level of planned immunization coverage, with the rate of children's planned immunization (including tetanus toxoid vaccination) reaching 85 per cent by 1995 and 90 per cent by the year 2000 in townships and villages; eradicating polio and eliminating neonatal tetanus by 1995, and reducing the death rate and morbidity rate of measles by 95 per cent and 90 per cent respectively as compared with those prior to the introduction of immunization.

6. To halve the number of deaths due to diarrhea among children under five years of age and reduce the number of people suffering from diarrhea by 25 percent by the year 2000.

7. By the year 2000, more than 90% of pediatric acute respiratory infections (ARIs) will be case managed and clinically managed, and deaths from ARIs will be reduced by one-third. By the year 2000, basically eliminate iodine deficiency in children and further combat vitamin A deficiency.

(3) Improvement of the quality of life and the environment, and enhancement of safe drinking water and hygienic disposal of excreta.

1. Within ten years, the country as a whole will **** build four dry 500 water supply projects (tap water supply to households) in townships, with the quality of the water meeting the hygienic standards for drinking water in rural areas and guaranteeing the normal supply of water in general drought years.

2. Vigorously publicize the implementation of the Chinese People's **** and the State Water Law, the Chinese People's **** and the State Environmental Protection Law and the Ministry of Water Resources, "on the work of rural drinking water for human and livestock Interim Provisions", to strengthen the protection of water sources, to prevent the contamination of water quality.

3. Continuing to carry out the National Patriotic Hygiene Campaign in depth, actively promoting the harmless treatment of human and animal manure in rural areas, promoting the experience of working in rural manure treatment demonstration zones, and formulating as soon as possible the relevant ordinances and statutes on patriotic hygiene and control of the hazards of smoking, so as to improve the quality of life and the environment of the urban and rural people.

4. Continuing to vigorously carry out afforestation, increase the area of forests and the nation's green space, actively prevent and control environmental pollution, and protect the living and ecological environments.

(4) Basic education and literacy.

1. Fully implement the policy that "education must serve socialist modernization and must be integrated with productive work, so as to cultivate builders and successors with all-round development in morals, intellect and physique".

2. Actively develop pre-school education, adhering to the policy of "mobilizing social forces to develop early childhood education through multiple channels and in multiple forms". The rate of enrollment in urban kindergartens (classes) has reached 70 per cent; the rate of enrollment in rural kindergartens (classes) for children in their first year of preschool has reached 60 per cent; and in economically underdeveloped rural areas and in mountainous and pastoral areas where the population is dispersed and transportation is inconvenient, various forms of pre-school education should be utilized.

3. The Compulsory Education Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulations on the Work of Eradicating Illiteracy continue to be implemented on a regional, stage-by-stage and step-by-step basis in the light of the different conditions prevailing in different parts of the country. At the present stage, in areas where primary education has been universalized and illiteracy among young adults has been basically eradicated, it is necessary to continue to enrich and improve the conditions of schooling, to improve the quality of teachers and the quality of teaching, and to actively carry out post-literacy continuing education. In areas where primary education has not yet been universalized and where illiteracy among young and middle-aged people has been eradicated, the problems of drop-outs among primary school pupils and the return of illiteracy to the blind should be resolved effectively, and in areas where economic difficulties are particularly acute, the first priority should be to universalize three- and four-year elementary school education.

4. The new system of "hierarchical running of schools and hierarchical management" is being further improved, and an effective mechanism is being established for fully mobilizing the participation of society in the running of schools, with government financial allocations as the mainstay, so as to further alleviate the tension of insufficient funding.

5. Priority should be given to the development of teacher education, and the training and upgrading of teachers should be vigorously strengthened, so as to establish as soon as possible a sufficient number of teachers of good quality. By the year 2000, the majority of elementary school teachers will be of good political quality and have the qualifications required by the state. Various forms of training for early childhood teachers, improve the level of teachers, literacy work to form a full-time and part-time teachers to meet the needs of the team.

6. The construction of school buildings and teaching facilities has been strengthened, so that the conditions for running schools have gradually reached the standardization requirements. Already the basic solution to the school building and elimination of dangerous buildings in the region, to focus on the construction of school buildings and supporting the construction of teaching instruments, library materials, recreational and sports equipment configuration and other additions to the work. In areas where there are insufficient school buildings, we must continue to solve the problem of "no one and two" (i.e., no dangerous buildings in schools, classrooms in classes, and desks and benches for all students).

7. In the next ten years, China's task of universalizing compulsory primary education and eradicating illiteracy will be concentrated mainly in economically underdeveloped regions and ethnic minority areas, with the outstanding problem of solving the difficulties of schooling for girls. Special measures should be taken to expand and build new elementary school or teaching centres in those provinces, which are vast, dispersed and inconveniently located, and to set up boarding elementary school and ethnic elementary school in places where they are needed. Emphasis is being placed on training female teachers of ethnic minorities, establishing a scholarship system for girls in impoverished areas, promoting the enrollment of girls in schools, and continuing to run good classes for girls.

(v) Community and family safeguards.

1. Developing community education, establishing a mechanism for educating people that combines education in schools (child-care centers), social education, and family education, and creating a social and family environment that is conducive to children's physical and mental health, as well as their harmonious development.

2. Promote the scientific research, production and sale of children's food, toys and daily necessities, as well as the creation, production and dissemination of children's films, TV and reading materials through policy favoritism.

3. Strengthen the construction of places for children's out-of-school education, science and technology, culture, sports and recreation. Government investment and multi-channel financing can be taken to improve, increase and expand children's activity facilities, and constantly improve the level of management, teachers and social benefits, urban planning should take into account the matching construction of children's activity places and facilities.

4. In accordance with local conditions, a variety of forms are adopted, through a variety of channels, to widely and y publicize and popularize the basic knowledge of family eugenics, eugenics, eugenics and eugenics. In cities, based on the community, schools for newlyweds, schools for pregnant women, and schools for parents of infants and toddlers, elementary school students and secondary school students are being organized to provide parents of children of different ages with more comprehensive knowledge and methods of family education; in the countryside, correct methods of child care and education are being promoted through a combination of radio schools for parents and parent schools in counties, townships, and villages, as well as family education counselling stations and counsellors.

Using a variety of mass media and forms that are popular with the public, national family education publicity, counseling and service work is being carried out. Training is provided at all levels for the backbone of family education work.

5. Teachers' colleges and universities, on the basis of pilot projects, are gradually offering courses on family education, and the relevant academic institutions and organizations are carrying out theoretical research on family education in order to provide theoretical support for the improvement of the family and social environment in which children grow up.

6. Women play a key role in children's development and well-being. The status of women must be further improved so that they have equal access to education, training and a wide range of social services, and the opportunity to seek appropriate employment and participate actively in social development. Special attention should be paid to training rural women so that they have the opportunity to acquire practical skills for production and to improve their family incomes. At the same time, wide-ranging publicity and education efforts should be made to raise women's awareness of and capacity for self-care, especially among rural women.

(vi) Protection of children in difficult conditions.

1. The establishment of a sound social compensation system for childbirth is being encouraged in urban areas; in rural areas where conditions are favorable, special old-age insurance for one-child and girl parents is being promoted, so as to gradually eliminate gender disparities in childbearing, schooling, employment and other areas.

2. Early diagnosis, care, rehabilitation and education for children with disabilities are being strengthened. Four to five training bases for disabled children's rehabilitation personnel have been improved throughout the country, and foster homes for disabled children and language training centers for deaf children have been established in communities. The majority of school-age children with disabilities receive compulsory education by means of building special education schools, organizing special education classes in ordinary schools, and enrolling children with disabilities in classes.

To establish a good moral culture of understanding, respect, care and help for the disabled in society as a whole, and to continue to carry out the "Red Scarf Campaign for the Disabled".

3. Special attention should be paid to the protection and education of children from divorced families, and to helping parents of single-parent families to create a good family environment for their children. Proper arrangements should be made for the life and education of street children. Emphasis is being placed on supporting children's welfare units in all provinces, so that welfare has some rehabilitation and medical equipment, and all dangerous buildings are being upgraded. Children in places where serious natural disasters occur have universal access to assistance.

4. Special support is given to the survival, protection and development of children in economically underdeveloped areas. The "Hope Project" continues to be implemented to help children from economically disadvantaged families to attend school.

(vii) Protection of children's rights and interests.

1. The Convention on the Rights of the Child, ratified by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, is being effectively implemented.

2. Effective implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors.

3. Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government will formulate by 1995 implementing regulations for the implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors in their respective regions.

4. Special laws and regulations on the protection of children's rights and interests, such as the law on eugenics and health care, the law on family education, the regulations on the management of children's health, and China's code of practice for the sale of breast-milk substitutes, should be formulated and improved.

(viii) Eugenics, optimal parenting, and optimal education.

1. Continuing to advocate eugenics, eugenic education and eugenics in society as a whole, vigorously publicizing and popularizing the scientific knowledge of the "three excellences", and improving the quality of children's work.

2. In places where conditions are conducive, pilot work on the "Three Excellencies Project" is being carried out, and experience is being constantly summed up and gradually promoted.

3. Scientific research on eugenics, eugenic education and eugenic education should be actively carried out, and a fund for scientific research on the "Three Excellencies" should be established, with prizes for major scientific research results on the "Three Excellencies".