1. Comparison of the structure of trade in goods between China and the United States. (1) China's import and export commodity structure. Since the 1980s, China's total foreign trade has been expanding, and in 2003 China's total import and export amounted to 851.21 billion U.S. dollars, with exports amounting to 438.37 billion U.S. dollars. Imports amounted to US$412.84 billion. The structure of export commodities has been gradually optimized, and gradually shifted from primary products to mainly industrial products. In the structure of export commodities in 1980, the proportion of primary products was similar to that of industrial manufactured products, which was 50.3% and 49.7% respectively, while the proportion of primary products exported in 2002 was only 8.8%, and the proportion of industrial manufactured products exported reached 85.5%; it can be seen that the It can be seen that, among the export products, the proportion of export of primary products has continued to decline substantially, while the proportion of industrial products has continued to rise. This shows that while the volume of foreign trade is expanding rapidly, the structure of foreign trade is changing constantly. At the same time, the internal structure of exports of primary products has also undergone great changes, changing the export pattern of purely focusing on mineral fuels, lubricating oils and related raw materials, supplemented by foodstuffs and movable materials before the reform and opening up, and forming a benign export structure that focuses on foodstuffs and movable materials, supplemented by mineral fuels, lubricating oils and related raw materials. On the other hand, the internal structure of China's exports of manufactured goods has also been optimized, changing the past pattern of exports dominated by light textiles, rubber products, mining and metallurgical products, and forming an export structure that places equal emphasis on machinery and transport equipment and miscellaneous products. China's exports of manufactured goods are developing in the direction of high-value-added, high-technology advanced manufactured goods. Industrial manufactured goods have been the main commodities imported by China, while the structure of imported primary products is also gradually improving. (2) The United States import and export commodity structure. U.S. product trade in addition to 1973, 1975, from 1971 onwards, more than 30 years in deficit and the deficit has been expanding year by year, 1971 exports of 67.2 billion U.S. dollars, imports of 72.7 billion U.S. dollars, a deficit of 5.5 billion U.S. dollars; 2003 exports of 1018.6 billion U.S. dollars, imports of 1507.9 billion U.S. dollars, a deficit of 489.4 billion U.S. dollars. Although the U.S. merchandise trade deficit year after year, but because of its strong economic foundation, so its import and export scale is still the world's largest, and has a significant impact on the world economy, which is the United States can always threaten to trade sanctions trade disputes with the country's reasons. The commodity structure of U.S. exports has been dominated for decades by manufactured goods, especially knowledge-intensive and high value-added products. In the export trade, aerospace, information, communication and electronics constitute the major part of the United States' exports; foodstuffs accounted for the largest share of primary products exported, amounting to 7.9 per cent (2001). Fierce foreign competition and the globalization of production so that many high-tech industry imports also strengthened, the most concentrated exports of the United States high-tech industry is also the most concentrated imports of industry, except plastics and aircraft; industrial manufactured goods in the United States imports accounted for 83.8 per cent (2002) year. The United States has to import a large number of raw materials from abroad every year, especially crude oil, imported means of production accounted for 72.7% of imports of primary products (2002) year. (3) Comparison of the structure of trade in goods between China and the United States. The level of U.S. trade structure belongs to the typical horizontal division of labor type, the basic feature of this structure is that due to the high degree of international division of labor and the internationalization of production by multinational corporations, manufactured goods account for a large proportion of both exports and imports. Compared with the United States, the level of China's merchandise trade structure is very low, with an intermediate vertical division of labor. Therefore, the export structure of China's goods trade structure is dominated by light textile products, the proportion of heavy and chemical industrial products is low, and the export of electromechanical products is less than 30%, while the import structure is dominated by heavy and chemical industrial products, especially electromechanical equipments, and the share of primary products is very small, less than 20%. Such trade structure makes our country in the two countries in the international trade division of labor at a low level.
2. Comparison of the structure of trade in services between China and the United States. (1) China's service trade structure. China's trade in services has gained rapid development since the 1990s, especially after its accession to the WTO. According to the data released by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), China's service exports totaled 39.7 billion U.S. dollars in 2002, an increase of 20% over the previous year; imports totaled 46.5 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 21% over the previous year. The growth rate of service exports and imports was the highest among all countries and regions in the world. Although China's trade in services is growing at a fast pace, the overall scale of exports is still very small compared to China's economic strength, and is at a disadvantage compared to merchandise trade, with exports of services accounting for 2.4% of global exports. China has been a net importer of trade in services since the early 1990s, and the deficit in trade in services items amounted to $6.8 billion in 2002, which reflects the imbalance in the world ranking of China's import and export of trade in services. In the trade in services items, there is a surplus in the sectors of tourism, communications, construction and other business sectors, the rest are in deficit, the main deficit sectors are transportation and insurance services. (2) The structure of U.S. trade in services. In the countries and regions of the world, the United States since 1976, the United States trade in services year after year to maintain a surplus, is the largest exporter of trade in services, the United States trade in services surplus has greatly improved the product trade in a long period of time in a huge deficit in the unfavorable environment, the 2002 exports amounted to 267.8 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for the global trade in services export value of 17.4%. The ten major service trade sectors in the United States are tourism, transportation, finance, education and training, business services, communications, equipment installation and maintenance, entertainment, information and health care, and these sectors are leading in the world, with strong competitiveness. (3) Comparison of the structure of trade in services between China and the United States. There is an obvious gap between China's trade in services and that of the United States. Firstly, from the point of view of the absolute value of trade in services, China's trade in services is far inferior to that of the United States. Second, from the composition of trade in services, China's
service exports are all low value-added labor-intensive industries, while most imports are higher value-added knowledge- and technology-intensive industries. Again, from the government's intervention in the trade in services, the U.S. government's promotion has caused the United States to become the world's number one service trade power. The United States through publicity, legislation, the establishment of specialized agencies and other means, the establishment of a more complete system of laws and regulations on trade in services and management mechanism; China has promulgated a considerable number of laws and regulations on trade in services, but there are still many shortcomings need to be improved and perfected.
3. Comparison of the regional structure of foreign trade between China and the United States. (1) China's foreign trade regional structure. Since the 1980s, China to change the previous foreign trade only for the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and some other friendly countries and regions in the form of structure, foreign trade regional structure shows diversification. Since 1993, Japan has been China's largest trading partner, and the trade volume between China and Japan in 2002 amounted to 133.57 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 31.1% over 2001. The United States has been China's second-largest trading partner since 1996, and the total trade volume between China and the United States amounted to US$126.33 billion in 2002, accounting for 14.8% of China's total foreign trade; the European Union (EU) is China's third-largest trading partner, and China's trade with the EU totaled US$125.22 billion in 2002. China's dependence on the three major trading partners is mainly reflected in exports and is the main source of China's trade surplus. With the economic recovery of ASEAN countries and the establishment of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, trade between China and ASEAN countries will grow substantially. (2) The regional structure of U.S. foreign trade. After the end of World War II to the late 1980s, U.S. foreign trade is mainly concentrated in Western Europe and Japan and other countries, mainly because of the early post-war period, the U.S. manufacturing industry to meet the war in these countries suppressed consumer demand as well as the need to restore the economy.
Since the 1990s, due to the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), U.S. foreign trade are concentrated in North America. Canada and Mexico are the first and second largest trading partners of the U.S. In 2002, U.S.-Canada trade amounted to US$370.1 billion, accounting for 14.6% of U.S. foreign trade; U.S.-Mexico trade amounted to US$232.09 billion, accounting for 9% of U.S. foreign trade. Japan, China, Germany, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Taiwan, France, Malaysia, in order to become the top 10 trading partners of the United States. Currently, the United States exports to Canada, Mexico, Japan and the United Kingdom, and the main importers are Canada, Mexico, China and Japan. (3) Comparison of the regional structure of foreign trade between China and the United States. From the analysis of the structure of foreign trade in China and the United States can be seen, Japan in China and the United States, the foreign trade has a considerable proportion, but China's trade volume with Japan is greater than the United States of America's trade volume with Japan; the United States of America's trade with developed countries is much higher than the proportion of China. The United States relies mainly on the North American market, while China relies mainly on the Asian market; China and the United States of Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe and other economically underdeveloped regions of the proportion of import trade are not large. The United States after years of foreign trade development and pattern of adjustment, its market structure has become more and more reasonable; China's foreign trade regional structure after more than 20 years of development, although there has been a great improvement, but there are some unreasonable factors, and the level of market diversification is significantly lower than that of the United States. Its main manifestation is that China's exports to the Asian market proportion is too high, and to North America, Latin America, especially the world's imports accounted for a large share of the European market's export proportion is too low, which provides inspiration for China's future trade regional structure adjustment.