What are the benefits of hearing aids?

You can hear better and improve your quality of life

The main purpose of hearing aids is to make you hear better.

Hearing aids enable you to hear better in almost all situations: at home, when you are out and about, when you are traveling in public ****transportation or when you are commuting to and from work, at family gatherings and other social events, in the workplace and in many other situations.

Hearing aids can also help you listen better to what is said on TV or radio, and you can enjoy more music than you would without them.

Hearing aids will not restore your hearing to normal, but they can significantly improve your hearing. (It's like what eyeglasses do.)

Hearing aid technology has evolved a lot in recent years. This also means that user satisfaction and hearing aid images have improved dramatically.

Similarly, satisfaction with hearing aids in difficult listening situations has increased and is high.

Quality of life and health

The vast majority of hearing aid users claim that their hearing aids have improved their quality of life.

Some studies have also found that physical and mental health is better among people with hearing loss who use hearing aids than those who don't use hearing aids.

Physical and mental stress is lower, and hearing aid users sleep better than non-users.

Scientific studies have found that using hearing aids can reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia. Wearing hearing aids helps protect your brain. Untreated hearing loss increases the risk and degree of illness, depression, somatization and loneliness, as well as becoming dependent on others.

In general, older people with hearing loss who use hearing aids have better health than those who do not.

Social and working life

In the survey, hearing aid users noted that the use of hearing aids improves family and personal relationships, and therefore social life.

Hearing aid users also noted that hearing aids were helpful at work. In addition, the use of hearing aids had a positive impact on employment and income. People who use hearing aids have poorer hearing, higher unemployment rates and higher incomes than those who do not use hearing aids.

1, a better state of mental health; 2, more focused; 3, more able to work well with social groups; 4, better able to deal with work; 5, more amicable with family members; 6, feel better about themselves; 7, can improve physiological and physical health; 8, less prone to fatigue and exhaustion; 9, improve socialization. Undoubtedly, hearing aids are definitely useful for deaf patients, but how useful they are for hearing rehabilitation depends on the following factors: (1) expectations of hearing aids should be realistic and understand the performance characteristics of hearing aids. Hearing aids, as a medical device, cannot solve all of a patient's problems. Only when the patient fully understands the characteristics of hearing aids can he or she give up unrealistic ideas. (2) The correct selection of hearing aids. Hearing aid selection is an important part of hearing rehabilitation. Different patients have different degrees of deafness. Hearing aid fitting is a means to help patients effectively utilize their residual hearing. Therefore, the patient must go to a professional organization for the correct selection, so that the hearing aid can play a maximum role.

Can help to better realize the hearing Protection of speech discrimination

Smooth communication with others, comfortable mood. Work well, improve work efficiency and reduce losses. Harmonious family relationships. Cheerful, optimistic, positive, full of positive energy. Brain response gradually good, prevent dementia. Improve the quality of life for yourself and your family

Hearing aids can be used to compensate for different hearing losses, and can be effective through the quality of life.

By compensating for hearing loss, you can improve your ability to learn, your productivity and your overall quality of life.

Deaf people will enjoy a number of benefits from wearing hearing aids. Firstly, you will hear better. Hearing aids will not restore your hearing to normal, but they can significantly improve hearing. In the past a long time, you can not hear the sound, such as birds chirping, doorbells, wind and water flow, all of these sounds may be listened to again after wearing hearing aids. Hearing aids can improve the user's social, psychological and physical well-being and peace of mind. In its July 2009 issue, Consumer Reports published an article titled "Successful Listening in a Noisy World," which reported in detail on hearing aids, hearing conservation, and the hearing aid selection process. Hearing aid satisfaction was confirmed in a definitive study back in 2006, with over 75% satisfaction, in line with one-third of the average consumer product on the market, which is a big step forward. Studies of users' experiences show that wearing hearing aids generally improves their quality of life and helps them in a number of ways: they get along better with their families; they have better mental health; they improve their physical and mental health; they are more centered; they work better with their social groups; and they are better able to cope with their work.

The ability to hear better and protect your residual hearing. Sounds that you may not have been able to hear for a long time, such as birds chirping, doorbells, wind and water running, can be heard again with hearing aids. Hearing aids often improve the user's social, mental and physical health and sense of well-being. 1, better mental health; 2, more focused; 3, better able to work with social groups; 4, better able to deal with work; 5, get along better with family; 6, feel better about themselves; 7, can improve physiological and physical health; 8, less likely to be fatigued or exhausted; 9, improve socialization. Undoubtedly, hearing aids are definitely useful for deaf patients, but how useful they are for hearing rehabilitation depends on the following factors: (1) expectations of hearing aids should be realistic and understand the performance characteristics of hearing aids. Hearing aids, as a medical device, cannot solve all of a patient's problems. Only when the patient fully understands the characteristics of hearing aids can he or she give up unrealistic ideas. (2) The correct selection of hearing aids. Hearing aid selection is an important part of hearing rehabilitation. Different patients have different degrees of deafness. Hearing aid fitting is a means to help patients effectively utilize their residual hearing. Therefore, the patient must go to a professional organization for the correct selection, so that the hearing aid can play a maximum role.

1, a better mental health state; 2, the spirit of more concentrated; 3, more able to work with social groups; 4, better able to deal with the work; 5, more harmonious with the family; 6, their own feeling better; 7, can improve the physiological, physical health; 8, more difficult to fatigue, fatigue; 9, to improve the power of socialization. Undoubtedly, hearing aids are definitely useful for deaf patients, but how useful they are for hearing rehabilitation depends on the following factors: (1) expectations of hearing aids should be realistic and understand the performance characteristics of hearing aids. Hearing aids, as a medical device, cannot solve all of a patient's problems. Only when the patient fully understands the characteristics of hearing aids can he or she give up unrealistic ideas. (2) The correct selection of hearing aids. Hearing aid selection is an important part of hearing rehabilitation. Different patients have different degrees of deafness. Hearing aid fitting is a means to help patients effectively utilize their residual hearing. Therefore, the patient must go to a professional organization for the correct selection, so that the hearing aid can play a maximum role.