1. S375G CNC form grinder produced by Tansley Company is a high-precision CNC grinder, which can grind both internal and external helical gears and spiral parts such as worm and compressor rotor with complete functions and high precision. It is reported that the precision of grinding gears can reach DIN 1 level.
2. The VUS55P CNC forming grinding wheel grinder produced by Kapp company in Germany can grind standard gears with DIN2 precision, and the helix precision can reach DIN 1. 3. The 400GX thread grinding wheel grinder produced by Gleason Company in the United States grinds gears with the modulus m = 8 mm, and most parameters can reach DIN1~ 2 (AGMA15 ~14); The grinding accuracy of 245TWG CNC cylindrical/bevel gear grinder can reach DIN2 level.
4. The grinding accuracy of RZ300E and RZ30 1S CNC worm grinding wheel grinders developed by Reishauer Company in Switzerland has reached the DIN3962 standard 1 ~ 2 level, and is stable at level 3. The RZ400 worm grinding wheel grinder of Reishauer Company grinds spur gears with a modulus of 4mm, 27 teeth and a width of 50 mm, and the grinding time is only 0.82min, and the tooth profile accuracy reaches the second grade of DIN3962 standard. The precision of diamond-plated dressing grinding wheel produced by Reishauer company can reach 1 ~ 2 grade of DIN3960 standard.
5. GMX275 and GMX400 universal gear detectors produced by German Mahr Gear Gauge Company have DIN 1 precision for measuring gears.
6. Niagara Gear Company of the United States can manufacture precision gears conforming to DIN 1 ~ 2 (AGMA 15).
7.f is in Sweden? 0? The HMX-400 produced by 1ssler AG can be used to process the precision gears of DIN 1 ~ 2 (AGMA Q 15).