Unturned Unturned Unshifter China South 2023 Latest ID Sheet Compilation

Unturned Unshifter China South 2023 latest ID table Daquan. Many players may not be too clear about the latest ID of this map 2023, the following brings a specific introduction for all players to refer to.

Southern China 2023 latest ID table compilation



(with animation)YANSHI: 60002 (95-1 style longbow assault rifle)

(with animation)YANSHI: 61502 (95-1 style longbow special version)

(with animation)YANSHI: 60095 (Type 95 Assault Rifle)

(with animation)Wanxiang: 61408 (Type 97 Longbow Assault Rifle)

(with animation)Wanxian: 61095 (Type 95-1-B Short Assault Rifle)

(with animation)Thousand Blades: 61096 (Type 95-B Carbine)

(with animation)Qianjun: 62095 ( Type 95-1 Squad Machine Gun)

(with animation)Inferno: 61097(Brazilian Chainbreaker BB Gun)

Kindness: 60107(Type 05 Police Revolver)

Madonna: 60109(Type 05 Police Revolver Short Barrel)

Trust: 61002(Dual Wield Type 05 Police Revolver)

(New Guns) Relentless: 61107(Original Tactical Type 05 Police Revolver)

(New Gun) Sky Vault Fury: 63900/63902(Raging Bull .500 caliber revolver)

(With Animation)Prairie: 61014(7.62mm High Precision Sniper Rifle)

Pinpoint: 61031(Original QBZ203 Assault Rifle)

p>(Animated)Conquest: 60363(CQ-A Assault Rifle)

(Animated)Eagle Fire: 60365(M4A1 Assault Rifle)

(Animated)Eagle Fire: 60367(M4A1 Assault Rifle Scorpion VII Paint)

(Animated)Eagle Fire: 60361(M4A1 Assault Rifle Alliance Paint)

(New Guns) Amazing Change: 60340 (M4URGI Assault Rifle Neon Blue Paint)

Blood Throat: 60008 (Original QBZ201 Assault Rifle)

Phoenix Stinger: 60191 (Type 191 Assault Rifle)

Phoenix Trace: 60001 (Type 192 Assault Rifle)

Cold Wings: 60132 (Type 88 General Purpose Machine Gun)

Vertical: 60501 (M99)

Dragon's Breath: 60015 (Original CS-LR35-1)

Deep Cold: 61021 (QSZ92G 5.8mm Military Pistol)

Trample: 60097 (QSZ92 9mm Police Pistol)

Breaking Night: 61020 (QSZ92 Magic Modified 7.62mm Pistol)

Yangxu: 60054 (Type 54 Black Star Pistol)

Canghai: 60140 (Original QSZ20/AP20 Automatic Pistol)

Cloudy: 60079 (Type 79 Submachine Gun)

Cloudy: 61079 (Type 79 Submachine Gun Modified)

Courage: 60005 (Type 05 Micro-Sound Submachine Gun)

Crowd: 60088 (Type 88 Sniper Rifle)

Competition: 60003 (Type 03 Assault Rifle)

Border: 60056 (Type 56 Submachine Gun)

Wanzong: 60057 (AK-47 Assault Rifle)

Qiangdiao: 61056(Type 56 Submachine Gun Special)

Yumen: 61057(Type 56-1 Submachine Gun)

Collector's Item: 61017(Type 17 Mauser)

Sharpshooter: 61032(Type 32 Automatic Mauser)

Hanyang: 61188(Hanyang Made Type 88 Rifle)

Wolf: 63043( Type 09 Shotgun)

Shungami: 63042 (Type 09 Shotgun Special)

(with animation) Burst: 60112 (Type 97-1 Riot Shotgun)

(with animation) Bursting Flame: 60116 (Type 97-2 Riot Shotgun with 12 Gauge)

Modified Nailer: 61165

Extermination: 60011 (Original QLU21 Sniper Duranium)

Pathfinder: 60081 (Type 81-1 Automatic Rifle)

Dangerous Gulch: 61081 (Special Version of the Type 81 Automatic Rifle)

(with animation)Abyss: 62081 (Type 81 Automatic Rifle Tactical)

Hunting Blade: 60066 (DDI PUMA Shotgun)

Aftermath: 61010 (Type 10 .50BMG Anti-Material Sniper Rifle)

Center: 61224 (Center Formal Rifle)

Net Gun: 60170

Aftermath: 61497 (Original 84-1 Flamethrower)

Liu: 61414/61416 (General Liu Rifle )

Liu's Soul: 61417/61418 (Original General Liu Enhanced Combat Rifle)

Regeneration: 62497 (Original Regenerator Phosphorus Flamethrower)

National: 61456 (Type 56 Semi-Automatic Rifle)

Iron Cavalry: 60006 (Original QBZ202 Assault Rifle)

(with animation) Outfield: 61710(Lee-Enfield rifle)

(with animation)Storm: 62701(Original QBZ303 prototype assault rifle)

Dragon's Tongue: 63500(Rocket Launcher Backpack)

(with animation)Star River: 61091(Original KT-19 Assault Rifle, concept by kt19)

Northland : 61140 (NP7 pistol)

Grande: 61143 (Glock 41 pistol)

Cobra: 61144 (Glock 18C pistol)

Grant: 61145 (Glock 43 pistol)

Pepper Spray: 61901

Vikara: 61447 (Victor Assault Carbine)

(New Gun) Skara: 61452 (Victor Assault Rifle)

(New Gun) Plague Vanguard: 61454 (Original Victor Split-Headed Bullet Submachine Gun)

Negative Heart: 61037 (SCAR-L Assault Rifle Mercenary Paint)

Negative Heart: 61035 (SCAR-L Assault Rifle Alliance Paint)

The Renegade: 61157 (Galil ACE32 Assault Rifle)

The Renegade: 61158 (Galil ACE32 Assault Rifle Coalition Paint)

The Raptor's Crown: 60519 (Type-69 40mm Rocket Launcher)

Longmont Fury: 61364 (CS-LM5 Vehicle Mounted Rotary Machine Gun 5.8mm Lightweight Type)

Jenager: 61972 (HK416D Assault Rifle Scorpion VII Paint)

Jenager: 61974 (HK416D Assault Rifle Alliance Paint)

Jenager: 61976 (HK416D Assault Rifle Mercenary Paint)

(New Guns) Suloog: 61980 (HK417D Assault Rifle Scorpion VII Paint)

(New Gun) Sulog: 61985 (HK417D Assault Rifle Alliance Paint)

Remodeled Fangs: 61026 (NR08 Submachine Gun)

Viper's Fangs: 61027 (MP5 Submachine Gun Scorpion VII Paint)

Viper's Fangs: 61040 (MP5 Submachine Gun Alliance Paint)

Viper's Fang: 61041 (MP5 Submachine Gun Mercenary Paint)

Shogun's Hammer: 62524 (SGR-12 Auto Shotgun Scorpion VII Paint)

Carve Ober: 62705 (CAR/PC-22M Submachine Gun)

Nightly Plunder: 61377 (G36C Short Assault Rifle Neon Blue Paint)

p>(New Gun) Annihilator: 61230 (M2HB Heavy Machine Gun Alliance Paint)

(New Gun) Annihilator: 61232 (M2HB Heavy Machine Gun Neon Blue Paint)

(New Gun) Masterpiece: 61237 (Type 89 Heavy Machine Gun)


Small-caliber Northern Industries Ammunition Box: 60040

Small Caliber NI Ammunition Box: 60041

Large Caliber NI Ammunition Box: 60042

Large Caliber NI Ammunition Box: 60043

Small Caliber Guerrilla Ammunition Box: 60044

Small Caliber Guerrilla Ammunition Box: 60045

Large Caliber Guerrilla Ammunition Box: 60046


Large Caliber Guerrilla Ammo Box: 60047

Police Ammo Box: 60048

Police Ammo Box: 60049

12-Gauge Shotgun Box: 60050

Burst Shotgun Box: 60051

Burst Smoke Shotgun Box: 60052

Tungsten-Core 12-Gauge Shotgun Box: 60053

Northern Industries Magazine: 60000

Northern Industries Drum: 60125

Northern Industries Expanded Drum: 60017

Guerrilla Magazine: 60123

Guerrilla Drum: 60124

Guerrilla Expanded Drum: 60126

Western Magazine: 60018

Western extended magazines: 60020

Western drums: 60019

Advanced magazines: 62700

Advanced extended magazines: 62703

Advanced drums: 62704

Northern Industries large-caliber magazines: 60298

Goodness magazines: 60108

Sky Dome Fury Magazine: 63901

Launching Prairie Magazine: 61429

Cold Wings Magazine: 60133

Deep Cold Magazine: 61022

Crushing Magazine: 60098

Yangxu Magazine: 60055

Canghai Magazine: 60141

Cloud Magazine: 60080

Cloud Extended Magazine: 61080

Courage Magazine: 60115

Courage Extended Magazine: 61115

Zhongzhi Magazine: 60089

Zhongzhi Extended Magazine: 60090

Collector Magazine: 61018

Hanyang Magazine: 61189

12-gauge Shotgun: 60111

Tungsten-core 12-gauge Shotgun: 63044

Bursting Shotgun: 60113

Bursting Smoke Shotgun: 60114

Destructive Grenade Drum: 60013

Hunting Edge Magazine: 60067

Hunting Edge Cartridge Drum: 60069

Centralized Magazine: 61225

Net Gun Ammo: 60172

Fuel Cartridge: 61498

Liu Magazine: 61415

Reinforced Heavy Machine Gun Cartridge: 61395

Phosphorus Fuel Cartridge: 62498

Seablue Medium Magazine: 61504

National Magazines: 61457

Tank Shells: 62172

Outfield Magazines: 61711

Outfield Extended Magazines: 61712

Dragon Tongue Rockets: 63501

Vikara Magazines: 61451

Vikara Extended Magazines: 61449

Vikara Magazine: 61450

Pestilence Vanguard Magazine: 61460

Pestilence Vanguard Magazine: 61462

Northland Magazine: 61141

Northland Extended Magazine: 61142

Inflammatory Magazine: 61098

Raptor Rocket: 60520

Dragon Gate Magazine: 61365

Dragon Gate Heavy Magazine: 61366

Viper Magazine: 61028

Viper Expanded Magazine: 61029

Viper Drum: 61030

Viper Expanded Drum: 61033

Hammer of the Shogun Magazine: 62526

Shogun's Hammer Magazine: 62527

Missile Group: 61474

Sulog Magazine: 61982/61987

Sulog Extended Magazine: 61983/61988

Sulog Bullet Drum: 61984/61989

Encimator Magazine Box: 61231/61236

Tensaku Cartridge Case: 61238


Silencer: 60144

Firecap: 61190

Ravager Firecap: 61192

Extended Barrel: 61191

Universal Barrel: 64419

Universal Barrel Gold: 64420

Universal Barrel Type 2: 64421

Universal Barrel Broken Chain: 61100

Universal Barrel Alliance Advanced: 61458

Sea Blue Firecap: 61506


Pop-up Grip: 64408

Kickstand: 64143

Vertical Grip: 64008

Corner Grip: 64145

Sea Blue Tripod: 61505

Assault Grip: 64409

Veteran Assault Grip: 63041

Allied Advanced Assault Grip: 61459

Cold Wing Tripod: 60134

Raptor Tripod: 60522

Carve Ober Commando Grip: 62707

Slash Grip: 64410

Shattered Chain Slash Grip: 61099


Advanced Tactical Accessory: 64444

Tactical Radiant: 60151

Tactical Radiant Gold: 60153

Tactical Laser Broken Chain Model: 61101

Tactical Laser Alliance Advanced: 61461

Tactical Light: 60152

Bore Upgrade: 61007

Rangefinder: 61008

Aquamarine Rangefinder: 61507

Three Pronged Spike: 61438


20x Scope: 64296

10x Scope: 61120

7x Scope: 60553

Sea Blue Assault Scope: 61503

Night Vision Assault Scope: 61201

Assault Scope: 64148

Red Dot: 64146

Mini Red Dot: 64149

Shattered Chain Mini Red Dot: 61104

Holographic: 64147

Advanced Holographic: 64150

Raptor Collimator: 60521

Carpenter's Holographic Collimator: 62706

Allied Advanced Cobra Sight: 61455


Green Flame Rod: 60250

Red Flame Rod: 60251

Yellow Flame Rod: 60252

Flashbang: 60253

Fragmentation Grenade: 60254

Fragmentation Grenades: 60255

Black Smoke Bomb: 60256

Green Smoke Grenade: 60257

Gray Smoke Grenade: 60258

Red Smoke Grenade: 60259

Yellow Smoke Grenade: 60260

Ultraviolet Stick: 60261

Homemade Grenade: 60262


Military Knife (LV1~3): 60185~60187

Baton: 61023~61024

Martyr's Name (LV1~4): 61942~61945

Longquan Trace: 61946~61948

Red Tasseled Gun: 61490

Three-pronged Spike: 61439

Slate: 61600

Agricultural Pickaxe: 61197

Hoe: 61198

Industrial Pickaxe: 61199

Kerosene Lamp: 62131

Plastic Slippers: 61601

Purple Nightmare: 61602

Red Nightmare: 61636

Divine Chef (LV1~4 ): 61950~61954

Mythic: 64049

Mythic Flare: 64050

Industrial Drill: 61627

Flashlight (LV1~3): 61622~61626

Pan: 61621

Crypt: 61620

Advanced blowtorch: 61619

Advanced blowtorch: 61618

Portable blowtorch: 61617

Chisel: 61616

Sander: 61615

Wrench: 61614

Drill: 61612

Chain saw: 61611

Firefighting Axe: 61610

Agricultural Axe: 61609

Camping Axe: 61608

Saw: 61607

Shear Iron Pliers: 61606

Breaking Hammer: 61605

Sledgehammer: 61604

Sheepshead Hammer: 61603

Neon Blade: 63932


Head Lamp: 61196

Weapon Sling (Fire Axe): 63114

Weapon Sling (Liu): 63115

Weapon Sling (Burst): 63116

School Uniform: 64440

School Pants: 64441

Daypack: 63100~63106

Travel Backpack: 63107~63113

Farmer's Top: 64690

Farmer's Pants: 64691

Farmer's Hat: 64692

Prisoner's Uniform: 62100

Prisoner's Pants: 62101

Neon Blue Top: 63435

Neon Blue Pants: 63436

Neon Blue Helmet: 63437

Neon Blue Vest: 63438

Neon Blue Backpack: 63439

Neon Blue Night Vision: 63440

Neon Blue Gas Mask: 63441

Neon Blue Beret: 63443

Mercenary Top: 62102

Mercenary Pants: 62103

Mercenary Hat: 62104

Mercenary Helmet: 62105

Mercenary Vest: 62106

Mercenary Backpack: 62107

Mercenary Night Vision: 62108

Mercenary Gas Mask: 62109

Scorpion Seven Top: 62300

Scorpion Seven Pants: 62301

Scorpion Seven Duck Hat: 62302

Scorpion Seven Helmet: 62303

Scorpion Seven Vest: 62304

Scorpion Seven Backpack: 62305

Scorpion Seven Night Vision: 62306

Scorpion Seven Gas Mask: 62307

Scorpion Seven Head Lamp: 62308

Baltic Army Hat: 61485

Baltic Army Tops: 61486

Baltic Army Trousers: 61487

Old Style Army Hat: 64227

Old Military Shirt: 64228

Old Military Pants: 64229

Officer's Cap: 64224

Officer's Shirt: 64225

Officer's Pants: 64226

Army Hat: 64230

Military Helmet: 64223

Military Vest: 64310

< p>Military Tops: 64491

Military Tactical Tops: 61557

Military Specialty Tops: 61559

Military Load Bearing Tops: 63591

Military Bottoms: 64492

Military Tactical Pants: 61556

Military Specialty Pants: 61558

Military Load Bearing Top: 63592

Military Backpack: 64222

Military Headlamp: 64493

Medic Top: 64231

Medic Trousers: 64232

Medic Helmet: 64233

Medic Crossbody Bag: 64234

Medic Waist Pack: 64235

Communicator Hat: 64236

Coalition Top: 63423

Coalition Trousers: 63424

Coalition Vest: 63425

Coalition Helmet: 63426

Coalition Night Vision: 63427

Coalition Backpack: 63428

Coalition Gas Mask: 63429

Coalition Beret: 63442

Coalition Advanced Helmet: 63432

Coalition Advanced Vest: 63433

Coalition Heavy Upper: 63430

Coalition Heavy Lower: 63431

Coalition Advanced Rucksack: 63434

Civilian Gas Mask: 61272

Police Hat: 60226

Police Hat (Black): 60225

Police Hat (White): 62225

Police Helmet: 63225

Police Vest: 60110

Police Top: 60223

Police pants: 60224

Traffic police top: 62223

Traffic police pants: 62224

Superintendent's top: 63223

Superintendent's pants: 63224

Special police night vision: 65490

Special police top: 65491

Special police bottom: 65492

Special Police Vest: 65493

Special Police Helmet: 65494

Special Police Backpack: 65495

Military Gas Mask: 61273

Military Heavy Duty Helmet: 64523

Military Heavy Duty Vest: 64510

Military Heavy Duty Top: 64591

Military Heavy Lower: 64592

Military Heavy Backpack: 64522

Military Night Vision: 64334

Advanced Military Night Vision: 64335

Firefighting Gas Mask: 61270

Firefighting Helmet: 60241

Firefighting Carrier: 61235

Black Firefighting Pants: 62234

Black Firefighting Jacket: 62233

Red Firefighting Pants: 61234

Red Firefighting Jacket: 61233

Medical Supplies

Commando Medical Kit: 64405

Standard Medical Kit: 64435

< p>Survival Maniac Medical Kit: 64415

Homemade Medical Kit: 64425

Purification Pills: 61900

Acute Syrup: 61904

Szechuan Pei Pei Loquat Cream: 61905

Vitamins: 61906

Painkillers: 61907

Antibiotics: 61908

Fortified Dressing: 61909

Herbal Fortified Dressing: 61910

Industrial Fortified Dressing: 61911

Survival Frenzy Fortified Dressing: 61912


Spicy Hot Stuff: 63300

Deathly Spicy Hot Stuff: 63301

Monitor Self-Heating Rations: 64481

Lychee: 63302

Chips: 63303~63306

Instant Noodles: 63307~63310

Milk Biscuits: 63311

Chocolates: 63312

Wafer Sticks: 63313

Boxes of Wafer Sticks 63314

Canned Beef: 63315

Military Canned Beef: 63316

Canned Pangasius in Black Bean Sauce: 63317

Canned Lunch Ham and Pork: 63318

Meat Rice Dumplings: 63319

Date Rice Dumplings: 63320

Mooncakes: 63321- 63324

Caramel Cheese Souffle: 63325

Boxed Caramel Cheese Souffle: 63326


Herbal Drinks: 62140

Hongxing Erguotou: 62141

Longquan Mountain Resort: 62142-62144

Yiquan: 62145-62148

Bai Lu: 62149~62153

Chiyu Mountain: 62154~62157


Large Weapons Cabinet: 60218

Small Weapons Cabinet: 60217

Bamboo Raft Materials: 60214

Demolition Explosives: 60211

Basic Workbench: 60208

Advanced Workbench: 60207

Complete Workbench: 60206

Territory Flag: 60198

Military Corpse Tide Machine: 60199

Untransferred Coin Corpse Tide Machine: 60203

High Performance Computer: 60204

Portable Generator :60200

Industrial Generator: 60201

Rechargeable Battery: 60202

Tool Resource

Military Parachute: 61103

Ratchet Wrench: 61274

Jackhammer: 61275

GPS: 61276

Blast Starter: 61277

Emergency Lockpicking Tool: 61278

Radio: 61370

Cell Phone: 61175

Gunpowder: 61645

Detonator: 61646

Military Equipment Upgrade Material (Damage): 61639

Military Equipment Upgrade Material: 61640

Compound (LV1~4): 61641~61644

Plastic Block (LV4~1): 61647~61650

Strainer (LV1~4): 61651~61654

Empty Bottle: 61655~61662

Exquisite Steel (LV1~LV4 ): 61663~61666

Gold Bars (LV1~LV2): 61667~61668

Platinum Bars (LV1~LV2): 61696~61697

Graphics Cards (LV1~LV2): 61669~61670

Physical Untransferred Coins: 61671

Battery : 61672~61674

Circuit Board: 61675

Case: 61676

Complete Computer: 61677

Computer Desk: 61678

Central Processing Unit: 61679

Central Processing Unit Fan: 61680

Mechanical Hard Drive: 61681

Keyboard: 61682

Monitor: 61683

Motherboard: 61684

Complete Motherboard: 61685

Mouse: 61686

Power Cord: 61687

Cable: 61688

Power Supply Unit: 61689

Memory Stick: 61690

Solid State Drive: 61691

Surround Sound Speakers: 61692

Emerald: 61693

Ruby: 61694

Sapphire: 61695

Emerald Ring: 61698

Ruby Ring: 61699

Sapphire Ring: 61700

Bamboo Poles: 60213

Large Stack of $100 Bills: 62063

Large Stack of $100 Bills: 62058

Half-Large Stack of $100 Bills: 62062

Small Stack of $100 Bills: 62057

100 yuan bill: 62055

50 yuan bill: 62054

20 yuan bill: 62053

10 yuan bill: 62052

5 yuan bill: 62051

1 yuan bill: 62056

1 yuan coins: 62059< /p>

5-dollar coin: 62060

1-dollar coin: 62061


Automotive repair book: 63200

Chinese pastry: 63201

Western recipes: 63202

Red case: 63203

Barefoot doctor's handbook: 63204

The Materia Medica: 63205

Militia Training: 63206

Friends of Talent: 63207

Survival Manual: 63208

Survival Maniacs' Bible: 63209


Transport 20 Kunpeng: 60020

Transport 5 Toyotomi: 60133

Wuzhi 10 Thunderbolt Armed Helicopter: 60136

Mi 240CN Super Elk Multi-Purpose Helicopter: 60135

Mi 24CN Elk Multi-Purpose Helicopter: 60138

Car 60CN Kamov Transport Helicopter: 60134

Car 60CNG Warrior Kamov Multi-Purpose Helicopter: 60137

J-20 Veyron Fighter: 60140

J-10 Raptor Fighter: 60141

Type 92 Lightweight Wheeled Troop Carrier: 60053

Type 92 WZ551A Storm Wheeled Infantry Fighting Vehicle: 60701

Type 92 WMA301 Imperial Wheeled Assault Gun: 60054

Type 59 Guardian Tank: 61554

Type 99A Pioneer Tank: 61599

Type 96A Prototype Vehicle Spearhead Tank: 61596

Blue ****Helper Bike: 60185

Cyan ****Helper Bike: 60186

Yellow ****Helper Bike: 60187

Orange **** Enjoy Bike: 60188

Raft: 60215

White Ghost Fire: 60176

Green Ghost Fire: 60177

Red Ghost Fire: 60178

Black Ghost Fire: 60179

Orange Bus: 64000

Blue Bus: 64001

Green Coach: 64002

Purple Coach: 64003

Red Coach: 64004

Blue Coach: 64005

Orange Coach: 64006

Scorpio Police Car (MG Scorpio): 60033