TCM medical equipment issues?

First of all, regardless of those medical equipment and so on. On your self-reported cold hands and feet in winter, the theory of Chinese medicine is that this is the characteristics of the body is weak. The body is also divided into qi deficiency, blood deficiency or qi and blood deficiency; 臓腑辨症又分肺虚虚、肾虚等,而这些 "虚",又分 "阴虚 "与 "yang deficiency. "The patient actually belongs to which one? The patient actually belongs to which, experienced Chinese medicine practitioners through the pulse, according to the yin deficiency nourishes yin, yang deficiency yang, yin and yang deficiency nourishes yin and yang principle of symptomatic treatment. Many patients listen to the kidney deficiency, did not understand the yin deficiency or yang deficiency that is their own medication, all the kidney tonic grabbed together within the service. In fact, the Chinese medicine respectively have nourishing yin or yang different effects, the use of improper can not achieve the therapeutic effect, or even counterproductive.

There is also the Chinese medicine referred to as lung deficiency, kidney deficiency, blood deficiency, etc., does not mean that these organs or blood problems, is the Chinese medicine method of identification (this aspect will take a lot of space to discuss clearly). The indicators of lung, kidney and blood deficiencies are normal when tested by Western medicine. So there is absolutely no need for you to test your kidney function because you suspect you have kidney deficiency. In winter, cold hands and feet in Chinese medicine to hang up internal medicine, through the Chinese medicine adjustment will be improved.