First aid kit for the family first aid kit

Many families in Europe, America, Japan and other countries are equipped with a first aid kit so that they can save their lives in life and death situations. Nitroglycerin tablets (or sprays), fast-acting heart pills are first-aid medicines, and the family medicine kit should be equipped with six types of medicines, including surgical medicines to deal with skin injuries, cold and flu remedies, and antiseptic medicines. In addition, first-aid medicines should be checked and replaced every three to six months, with particular attention paid to the expiration dates of the medicines.

●The medicine chest should also be equipped with Band-Aids and aspirin to deal with trauma, pain, and other emergencies

In American homes, almost all are equipped with a first aid kit. The American Red Cross lists 10 first-aid medicines and tools that should be in a home first-aid kit, including: Band-Aids of all sizes, sterile gauze and medical tape, disposable gloves, tweezers, thermometers, antibiotics, antiseptic wipes, first-aid manuals, topical antihistamines and aspirin, and face masks.

In some emergencies, such as cardiac arrest, most of the time for resuscitation is actually pre-hospital emergency care, and winning the time for resuscitation can reduce the rate of disability. Self-testing, self-management and self-care are effective complementary treatments to professional care. Family emergency drugs and tools are not just for earthquakes and other large-scale disasters, but also in everyday life, such as a cut hand, broken foot, or a sudden attack of cardiovascular disease in the elderly, all need some emergency drugs and tools.

Experts: suggested that the family medicine box equipped with 7 types of drugs

1. cardiovascular emergency. Including nitroglycerin, quick-acting heart pills, musk heart pills, compound danxin drops and so on. In case of emergency, you can take a piece of nitroglycerin under the tongue, and now nitroglycerin has a new type of spray, which is more convenient. Quick-acting heart pills, on the other hand, can be taken under the tongue for 4 to 6 tablets.

2. Surgical drugs. Including small scissors, hemostatic paste, sterile gauze, bandages, hemostatic paste used for small traumatic wounds to stop bleeding, wounds larger application of gauze, bandages. In addition, Aner iodine, Pepto-Bismol, burn cream, Yunnan Baiyao spray for the treatment of trauma. However, it is important to note that once a wound stops bleeding or becomes infected, you should seek medical attention. Small but deep wounds, animal bites should be promptly treated in the hospital to prevent tetanus or other special infections.

3. Cold medicine. The family medicine box should be equipped with 1~2 kinds of cold and flu medicines, such as cold and fever granules, fast-acting cold capsules, white plus black, BaiShuNing and so on. You should read the instructions carefully before taking them, and especially do not mix multiple cold medicines to avoid the superimposed effect of drugs. In addition, it is not recommended to have antibiotics in the family medicine box, antibiotics are prescription drugs, have certain side effects, should be used under the guidance of a doctor.

4. Digestive system drugs. These include Emmondia, Antidiarrheal, Simethicone, Horn Zhenglu Pills, Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Pills, etc. These medicines can treat non-infectious diarrhea. Once infectious diarrhea is suspected, medical attention is recommended. Frequent vomiting, especially blood, as well as blood in the stool, should be sent to the hospital immediately.

5. Anti-allergy medicines. In the event of allergies, redness of the skin, rash after eating seafood, and being touched by caterpillars, antihistamines such as kairatan, restorative, paracetamol, etc., can be used, but paracetamol has strong side effects such as drowsiness.

6. Analgesics. Such as aspirin, Piriton, Tylenol, Fenpropidol, etc., can relieve headache, joint pain, back pain, muscle pain and other symptoms.

7. Antihypertensive drugs. Such as Lovoxil, Kepoton, Mono, Bisoprolol, Cosuya, etc., but all of the above are prescription drugs, should be used under the guidance of a doctor. It should be reminded that hypertensive patients should do a good job of self-management of chronic diseases, remember to take medication at home, and don't forget to bring your medication with you when you go on business trips or outings.

The medicines in the family first aid kit should be checked and replaced regularly, and it is best to clean it every 3 to 6 months, and it is best to have a first aid manual. In addition, symptoms are only one of the bases of disease diagnosis, a symptom may be the manifestation of a variety of diseases, random use of medication may mask the symptoms, or even misdiagnosis, omission of diagnosis, should be clearly diagnosed before using medication.

Elderly people: the medicine box should be placed at the bedside

The above are commonly used first aid items, but if there is an elderly person at home, or heart disease and other conditions, but also for the special circumstances of the supplemental medicines.

1. Elderly people are often constipated, and there are reports that some elderly people died suddenly because of constipation. Lu Yong said, simple constipation will not cause sudden death, but constipation caused by intestinal obstruction and excessive force during bowel movements can cause accidents, it is recommended to be equipped with Kaiser, fruit guide, glycerin suppository and so on.

2. Oxygen concentrator. Suffering from coronary heart disease or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic bronchitis, etc., it is recommended to prepare an oxygen concentrator. If you can't get relief from home oxygen intake, it is recommended that you seek prompt medical attention.

3. Stroke. Rumor has it that Angong Niu Huang Pills can be used to prevent stroke or as a stroke emergency medicine, slurred speech, unable to speak, it is best to take a pill. Lu Yong said, Angong Niu Huang pill is not emergency medicine, stroke, should be immediately sent to the hospital for treatment.

The medicine box should be placed at the bedside of the elderly, a reach to be able to get, especially when the onset of the night. In addition, the family medicine box is only used in case of emergency, the sudden symptoms after taking medicine to get relief, you should go to the hospital to check, so as not to miss the time of treatment. In addition, the elderly home alone when you go out, you should carry emergency medicine and write the name, address, contact phone number, the card of the disease, in order to be prepared for emergencies to get someone's timely treatment.