Northeast N95 medical masks are divided into head-mounted and ear-hanging. Can filter bacteria and enjoy fresh air; Five-fold protection, professional testing, light and breathable; Close to the ear, soft and skin-friendly, 3D molding; Single-chip independent packaging, easy to carry, refuse secondary pollution.
Generally speaking, medical surgical masks can better prevent COVID-19. The medical surgical mask can play a certain waterproof role, which can block large water droplets, and the middle layer of the mask can absorb water droplets.
Wearing a mask can't guarantee never being infected, but it can greatly reduce the probability of infection. Some research data show that when in close contact with COVID-19 infected people, if both sides don't wear masks, the infection probability is as high as 90%; If both parties wear masks at the same time, the infection probability will be reduced to 1.5%.
How often should N95 masks be replaced?
Strictly speaking, it is best to change the N95 mask every 4 hours. However, the service life of masks is affected by many factors, such as the concentration of particulate matter in different environments, the way of use and storage, etc. , need to combine the specific situation to judge.