How much does the price of double eyelids cost at Fuyang Palace Medical Cosmetic Clinic

How much double eyelid depends on what method you do. Currently do double eyelid surgery methods: cut and buried line. These two kinds of cut double eyelid price is not the same. The incision method is more difficult and more expensive, while the buried line method is relatively simple, therefore, the price is a little lower. In addition, the exact price of the surgery also depends on your eye condition, sometimes double eyelid is not only to do the incision or buried line method, but also combined with other surgical programs, therefore, the price of double eyelid cutting can not be generalized.

It is recommended to choose a more standardized regular medical beauty institutions prices of about 1800-5000 yuan. The price of double eyelid cutting in a few organizations can reach 8000-12000 yuan.