Loan term is categorized into loan term classification

Medium-term loans are loans with a term of how many years

Medium-term loans are loans with a term of:

1-5 years.

Medium-term loans are loans with a loan term of 1-5 years. It is one of the classifications according to the term of the loan.

Loans are generally categorized into 4 types according to their maturity:

A. Medium- and long-term loans: loans with a maturity of more than 5 years (not included);

B. Medium-term loans: loans with a maturity of 1-5 years;

C. Short-term loans: loans with a maturity of up to 1 year (included);

D. Overdrafts: loans with no fixed maturity.

Medium-term loans are one of the categories categorized according to the loan term. The term of the loan is from 1 to 5 years.

Bank Loan Term

By the length of the loan term, loans can be categorized into short-term loans and medium- and long-term loans.

1. Short-term loan period of 1 year or 1 year (more than 3 months, less than 6 months for temporary loans), which is characterized by a short period of time, low risk, high interest rates, usually issued in the form of "lending", mainly used to meet the borrower's short-term capital needs.

2. Medium-term loans are for a period of more than one year (excluding one year) and less than five years (including five years), and are characterized by long maturity, high interest rates, poor liquidity and high risk.

3. Long-term loans are loans of more than five years (excluding five years).

The loan term and grace period of the development bank's medium- and long-term loans are determined for a specific loan project.

Loan term: refers to the period of time from the date of the first loan disbursement to the date of the last loan principal recovery for a particular loan project, the end of the debt and debt relationship.

Grace period: is the period of time between the first loan disbursement date and the first loan principal recovery date for a particular loan program.

Principles for determining the term and grace period of a loan:

The loan evaluation process is based on the following principles to determine the term and grace period of a project loan.

(I) Conformity with regulatory requirements

Where the regulatory authorities have made clear provisions on the loan term, when the Bank agrees on the loan term with the customer, the loan term must conform to the regulatory requirements.

(ii) Control of the upper limit of the loan term

Reviewers should reasonably design the financing structure and agree on the source of funds for debt repayment with the customer according to the upper limit of the loan term control index, and should not arbitrarily break the upper limit of the loan term.

(3) Measurement of maturity based on solvency

The length of loan maturity (including grace period) should be based on the agreed source of repayment funds, the projected annual repayment cash flow, and the loan maturity and grace period should be measured by meeting the required debt service coverage ratio. If the loan term and grace period calculated based on the debt service coverage ratio cannot meet the requirements of this manual, the source of repayment funds must be re-agreed or the financing structure must be redesigned.

(d) Taking the short term over the long term

Where the term of the loan measured on the basis of solvency is lower than the upper limit of the term of the loan, the term of the loan measured on the basis of solvency shall, in principle, prevail.

Section 2: Control Criteria for Classification of Loan Term

Principles for Determination of Grace Period:

The grace period is, in principle, the same as the construction period of the project, and generally does not exceed the second year in which the project is officially put into operation. For development bank loans used for mergers and acquisitions and debt restructuring, the grace period shall not exceed three years in principle.

Principles for determining the loan term and grace period for foreign exchange loans:

(1) the term of foreign exchange loans for domestic projects shall be determined with reference to the standards for controlling the term of loans in the same industry as RMB loans;

(2) the term of loans for offshore projects shall not be more than 15 years in principle;

(3) the grace period for foreign exchange loans shall be determined with reference to the relevant provisions for RMB loans.


The term of the project loan may be appropriately extended upon the consideration and consent of the Loan Committee.

How long is the term of a loan and what is the general classification

The term of a loan is categorized as follows: short-term loans (loans with a term of less than one year); medium-term loans (loans with a term of more than one year and less than five years); and long-term loans (loans with a term of more than five years).

Legal Basis

Article 8 of the General Principles of Loans

Short-term Loans, Medium-term Loans, and Long-term Loans:

Short-term Loans refer to loans with a term of less than one year (including one year).

Medium-term loans are loans with a term of more than one year (excluding one year) and less than five years (including five years).

Long-term loans are loans with a term of more than 5 years.

Article 11

Loan term:

The loan term is determined by both borrowers and lenders *** after mutual deliberation according to the production and operation cycle of the borrower, the repayment ability and the lender's ability to supply funds, and is set forth in the loan contract.

Self-employed loan period of up to generally shall not exceed 10 years, more than 10 years should be reported to the People's Bank of China for the record.

The maximum discounting period for bills discounting shall not exceed 6 months, and the discounting period shall be from the date of discounting to the maturity date of the bills.

How to categorize the bank's personal loan, have you figured it out?

We all know that the bank's personal loan variety, classification standards are also more, each bank personal loan varieties name designation and the number is not uniform, the difference is large. So, the bank's personal loan is actually how to categorize?

First, according to the purpose of the loan classification

Categorized by the purpose of the loan, including personal consumer loans and personal business loans.

1, personal consumption loans, refers to the loans used for the purchase of housing, cars for personal use, large consumer durables, home renovation, educational institutions, health care, leisure and tourism, as well as other consumer purposes in line with the bank's requirements.

2. Personal business loans refer to loans used for working capital required for production and business activities, the purchase of commercial premises, re-employment, and other business purposes that meet the bank's requirements.

Second, according to the loan guarantee mode classification

1, personal mortgage loans, refers to the main mortgage guarantee mode of obtaining loans.

2, personal, refers to the loans obtained mainly by taking a pledge guarantee.

3, personal guarantee guarantee loans, refers to the loans obtained mainly by means of guarantee guarantee.

4, personal credit loans, refers to the borrower did not provide any security measures, only on the basis of personal credit from the bank to obtain loans.

Third, according to the loan mode classification

1, between the customer-type personal loans, refers to the borrower in the bank cooperation special salesman (including real estate developers, car dealers, agricultural machinery and equipment dealers and large shopping malls) to buy goods, in the bank to issue a loan for the purpose of the goods purchased by the cooperation of special salesmen to provide a guarantee guarantee of a loan mode of operation.

2, direct personal loans, direct personal loans is relative to the inter-customer personal loans, is that the borrower in the seller to buy goods, the bank issued to the purchased goods for the purpose of the loan, without the seller to provide guarantee guarantee, but the bank directly to the borrower to issue a loan mode of operation.

Fourth, according to the classification of the source of loan funds

1, self-managed loans, that is, the bank to raise funds in a legal manner to the borrower to issue loans on their own, the risk borne by the bank, and the bank is responsible for the recovery of principal and interest.

2, entrusted loans, refers to the government departments, enterprises and institutions and individuals and other principals to provide funds, a bank (i.e., the trustee) according to the principal to determine the object of the loan (only refers to the natural person), the purpose, amount, duration, interest rate, etc. issued on behalf of. The bank supervises the use of the loan and assists in its recovery. The bank only charges a handling fee and does not bear the risk of the loan. Entrusted loans include personal housing fund loans and other entrusted loans.

Fifth, according to the loan period classification

1, personal short-term loans, refers to the loan period of less than 1 year (including) loans.

2, personal medium-term loans, refers to loans with a loan term of more than 1 year and less than 5 years.

3. Personal long-term loans, are loans with a loan term of more than 5 years.

Personal medium-term loans and personal long-term loans are collectively referred to as personal medium- and long-term loans.

Sixth, according to whether the loan is revolving classification

1, personal revolving loans, refers to a certain credit limit and credit period, the borrower can be recycled, as borrowed.

2, personal non-revolving loans, refers to non-revolving, a credit use of the loan, the vast majority of domestic banks personal loans are non-revolving loans.

The bank currently exists in the type of personal loan will give you so much, these six kinds of classification, I do not know if you are already clear about it?

What are the criteria for the division of the loan term? What kinds of classification?

Commercial bank loans can be divided into three categories of demand loans, term loans and overdrafts according to the term.

The main function of dividing the loan types by the criteria of loan term is to facilitate the bank to grasp the liquidity of the assets, and to facilitate the bank to maintain an appropriate proportion of short-, medium- and long-term loans.

Demand loans in the loan is not sure of the repayment period, can be at any time by the bank to issue a notice to recover the loan, this loan is more flexible than the regular loan, the bank needs funds at any time to recover the loan. Term loan is a loan with a fixed repayment period, according to the length of the repayment period, can be divided into short-term loans, medium-term loans and long-term loans. Term loans are generally not recoverable in advance due to their prescribed repayment period, less liquid, but with higher interest rates. Overdraft refers to a form of lending in which the bank permits its deposit customers to spend more than the deposit balance within the pre-agreed limit, which is essentially a kind of loan from the bank. Deposit customers are liable to pay interest on overdrafts and are obliged to repay them at any time. Overdrafts provide collateral, called secured overdrafts; do not provide collateral, called credit overdrafts.

Loan term

Loan term refers to the period of time from when the lender lends the loan to the borrower to when the loan is collected. The term of the loan is the period of time during which the borrower actually uses the loan.

One is that the lender can scientifically and reasonably arrange the loan according to the length of the loan term, so that the security and effectiveness of credit assets can be ensured. Secondly, the borrower can apply for the loan according to the term of the loan, and use the loan within the term to get the maximum benefit. Thirdly, the term of the loan is closely linked to the interest payment, which can enable the borrower to account for the cost of borrowing more carefully and reduce the unnecessary time of occupying the loan. It also allows lenders to rationally allocate the loan amount to improve the overall effectiveness of loan use.

By the length of the loan term, loans can be categorized into short-term loans and medium- and long-term loans.

What kinds of commercial loans are classified according to the loan period and what kind of people are they suitable for

With the gradual change of people's consumption concepts, overconsumption has become a kind of mainstream of social consumption, and more and more people satisfy their current consumption needs through commercial loans. Today for you to popularize the commercial loan according to the loan period classification which kinds.

Short-term commercial loans

Short-term loans are generally those with a loan term of less than one year. Now many banks credit card consumer loans, such as China Merchants Bank e recruiting loan, the Bank of Communications good enjoyment loan and so on belongs to the short-term loan, there is also a network credit platform peace of mind oxygen loan, Yiren elite loan and so on also belongs to the short-term loan. It is characterized by fast disbursement, no guarantee, and high interest. It is suitable for people who are in urgent need of money in the short term, such as the salaried groups who have to renovate their houses and go to school for further studies, as well as individual businessmen who are in urgent need of funds for turnover in the process of doing business, and so on.

Medium-term commercial loans

Medium-term loans are loans with a term of between one and five years, most of which are provided by large financial institutions such as commercial banks, with lower interest rates and longer repayment terms, making them suitable for people who have a greater need for a loan but are unable to repay it within a short period of time. The most common ones are auto loans, study abroad loans, etc. There are also many companies that use medium-term loans to increase their cash flow and improve their business leverage.

Long-term business loans

That's all we need to talk about the introduction of loan term classification.