About how much does it cost to develop an app software
How much does it cost to develop an app?
The cost of developing an app is simply how many people are needed for this app, how long it will take to do it, and how much the personnel will be paid.
For APP outsourcing quote,
1, the length of time:
Need to look at the functionality of the software you need and its complexity, if you need less functionality, and simple, then the time required is not long. About a month or two will do. Then if you need more features and more complex, then the time is probably a little longer, probably need 3, 4 months of time.
2, developer wages
Generally speaking, outsourcing project offer is based on the developer's salary, and the salary is and years of experience, experience, level of decision. Developers here include product managers, UI designers, front-end engineers, server-side engineers, iOS and Android client engineers, etc. Different outsourcing projects require different developers.
For example, suppose an iOS development engineer has a monthly salary of 22,000 yuan (salary value is only an example), according to the 21.75 working days per month to calculate the daily development costs, here is every day (22,000/21.75)=1000 yuan, if you consider 20% profit, the daily cost becomes 1000x(1+20%)=1200 yuan. Yuan.
3, the complexity of the product features
The complexity of the product features determine the developers and time required, the development needs 30 people / day and 100 people / day, the price is different.
Picking up on the previous example, if a project requires an iOS development engineer for 30 people/day, then at a price of $1200 per day, the total cost of the project would be (1200x30)=$36,000.