Odor treatment equipment - biological deodorization equipment: in order to reduce the chemical plant, sewage treatment plant or other industrial systems in operation to produce the emission of odor on the plant and the surrounding environment, can be sealed, collected for treatment of odor sources. Odor gas can be divided into five categories from its composition. One is sulfur-containing compounds, two are nitrogen-containing compounds, three are halogens and their derivatives, four are hydrocarbons, and five are oxygen-containing organic matter. These malodorous substances, in addition to hydrogen sulfide and ammonia are mostly organic. Biofilter deodorization process is a safe and reliable biological treatment method, which uses microbial degradation of H2S, SO2, NH3, etc. and most of the volatile organic malodorants adsorption, absorption, degradation to achieve the purpose of deodorization and does not produce secondary pollution, deodorization rate of up to 95% or more;
Odor treatment equipment- -Photolysis deodorization equipment: photolysis exhaust gas purification device using special ultraviolet wavelengths (C-band), under the action of special catalytic oxidants, the exhaust gas molecules broken and further oxidation and reduction of a special treatment. Exhaust gas molecules first through a special band of high-energy ultraviolet light waves to break the organic molecules, interrupting their molecular chains; at the same time, through the decomposition of oxygen and water in the air, to get a high concentration of ozone, ozone further absorption of energy, the formation of oxidizing performance of higher free hydroxyl, oxidation of exhaust gas molecules. At the same time, according to the different components of the exhaust gas configuration of a variety of composite inert catalyst, greatly improving the speed and efficiency of exhaust gas treatment, so as to achieve the purpose of purification of exhaust gas.