Bawanghe Industrial Park belongs to which district

Enterprises know the data show that the Bawanghe Industrial Park is located in Meixian County, Baoji City, Shaanxi Province (50 meters south of National Highway 310 in Meixian County, Baoji City), covering an area of about 2,781 acres, and as of now there are 142 enterprises in the park*** including Baoji Guodong Tongmao Hi-Tech Development Company Limited, Shaanxi Zhongjing Nonferrous Metals Company Limited, BaoTi Metals Composite Materials Company Limited, and so on.

Enterprises in the Bawanghe Industrial Park have 11.3% in the wholesale industry and 11.3% in the non-ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry. Among them, enterprises with registered capital of more than 10 million yuan include Baoji Guodong Tongmao Hi-Tech Development Co., Ltd, Baoti Metal Composite Materials Co., Ltd, Shaanxi Zhongjing Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd, Shaanxi Hengji Shengshi Building New Materials Co., Ltd, and Shaanxi Changxing Xiangrui Bio-health Co.

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