2 Associative memory: 1) association of sound and form, that is, memorize words according to the rules of pronunciation. 2) association of form and meaning, such as: eye see the two e's as two eyes. banana see the a's as a single banana. bird see the b's and d's as two wings. 3) elephantine sound words, associating with the actual sound, such as: gong 膠 coo coo.
3.Constructive memory: use the constructive method to memorize words by analyzing roots, prefixes, suffixes, derivations and compositions.
4. Classification memory: Classify the words into categories such as: animals, plants, etc. to memorize them. You can find a classification dictionary as a reference.
5. Card Memory: Make your own word cards to memorize words at any time with you, write the word shape, word, word meaning, phonetic symbols, collocation, example sentences, etc. on the cards.
6. Dictionary memory: that is, memorize the dictionary, this method is a forced memory method. Its disadvantage is that it is easy to forget and just memorize the meaning of words in isolation. It can be used as a short-term reinforcement.
7. Comparative memory: 1) English-Chinese comparisons, such as: mama, cigar, beer, bar, fee, etc. 2) Comparison of singular and plural, such as: good-goods, spirit-spirits wood-woods 3) Comparison of homophones, such as: right-write, eye-I 4) Comparison of the yin and yang of words, such as: actor-actress host, host-actress, host-actress, host-actress, host-actress. The second is "second", further derivation, can also be understood as "auxiliary" with this method is particularly suitable for those words with multiple meanings.
9. Linkage Memory: It is better not to memorize words in isolation, but as much as possible to link them with related things. 1) link to the approximate meaning of the article being studied, link to the context, and 2) link to phrases and collocations
10. Sensory Memory: When you are memorizing words, don't just use one sense, but as much as possible to use more than one sense, hearing, reading, handwriting, seeing, and remembering.
11. Software Memory: If you have a computer, you can use computer software to memorize words, such as: "Happy Memorizing Words", "Open Sky Memorizing Words", "I Love Memorizing Words" and so on.
12. Reading Memory: Memorize words by reading English articles, novels, etc., and pay attention to the difficulty of the selection should be appropriate.
13. Synonymous memory: Memorize words through synonyms together, you can understand the exact meaning of the words, and you don't have to pay attention to the difference of their meanings at this time.
14. Antonymic memory: word memorization through antonyms together expands the meaning of words.
15. Chart Memory: Memorize by using graphic charts, which has the advantage of combining meaning, shape and object intuitively together. You can get an English illustrated dictionary as a reference.
16. Game Memory: Memorize words in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere by playing games by yourself and in a group, you can refer to the "English Games" on the author's homepage.
17. Song Memory: Memorize words by singing English songs. There are many English songs with lyrics and translations in software such as "Listen to the Boss" and "Listen to the Superhero".
18. Review memory: words remembered, will soon forget, every once in a while to review, consolidate the words learned
19. Trademark memory: through the trademarks and advertisements seen at any time and place to memorize the words.
20. Comprehensive memory: it is best to memorize words by a combination of methods, not just one, using the advantages of each.