The TISI certification system combines mandatory and voluntary certification in Thailand. For products that meet the standards, allowing the use of the TISI logo, for products that have not yet developed standards, TISI has also implemented product registration as a means of temporary certification.
The TISI certification system in Thailand combines mandatory and voluntary certification. For products that meet the standards, the use of the TISI logo is permitted, and for products for which no standards have been established, TISI also implements product registration as a means of temporary certification.
The Thai government requires mandatory certification for 60 categories of products in eight areas, including: electrical equipment and accessories, medical equipment, construction materials, consumer goods, vehicles, PVC pipes, LPG gas containers and agricultural products. Other than that, the certification of all other categories of products is voluntary. Voluntary certification can only be applied for by local manufacturers.
The Industrial Product Standards Act authorizes the Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI) to be responsible for certification in Thailand, and TISI is the government authority for mandatory certification in Thailand, as well as a standard-setting and regulatory body, a certification body, and an accreditation body for laboratory accreditation, personnel training and registration. TISI is also a laboratory accreditation, personnel training and registration organization. It is important to note that there is no non-governmental mandatory certification body in Thailand.
Application process
1, the customer to prepare samples and information;
2, the samples and information submitted to Thailand's partner laboratories for testing;
3, the experiment for testing, factory inspection at the same time;
4, testing and factory inspection passed, TISI issued a certificate.