PDCA is the first letter of the English word Plan (plan), Do (execution), Check (check) and Action (action), PDCA cycle is to manage in this order, and the cycle is more than a scientific program.
P: Do things first with a plan (planning), work with important information, including all the little things, for every patient, every thing as a case to do, with the cycle of PDCA to check whether they are doing a good job; D: in accordance with the standards, systems, norms, processes, requirements for the implementation of the work plan, that is, the execution of each person; C: control, Check each level of execution, that is, the hierarchical quality check of nurses, nurse manager, departmental nurse manager, education and training director, director of faculty, director of the nursing department; A: Feedback of all information, learning from experience, improvement (correction), monthly quality summary, nurse manager meeting, departmental committee meeting, quarterly quality assessment, so that every nurse in the hospital is aware of the PDCA cycle of our work. Whether it is at the management level, departmental level, unit level, or group/individual level, the same thing is true, much the same. The difference is that the use of the management level, will form a management framework; used in the department level, will form a team **** knowledge of the management system; used in the department level, will become the daily work of the implementation of the management model and law; used in the group / individual level, is the effective work habits and methods. From the PDCA cycle can be seen, placed in the first important position is the plan or management, only to manage the plan to do well, the implementation of a good job, do a good job of checking the feedback to do a good job of corrections, in order to really apply the PDCA cycle to the daily work, as a regular management of a scientific and effective method.
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Dr. Ming Dai's PlanDoCheckActionDrEdwardDeming
Hot Topics in Nursing Management
Nursing Department. >Nursing Department Yang Qingmin
In the work to meet the medical quality Miles and grade review, we have carefully studied all kinds of advanced quality control management concepts. Reviewing our work at present, there are the following hot topics, to discuss and share with colleagues, and hope that colleagues in the work of the application.
Hot Topic 1 - Learning and Discussion of PDCA Quality Management Cycle
Dr. Deming's: Plan-Do-Check-Action (Dr. Edward Deming-PDCA). It was originally proposed by Dr. Deming in the eighties to be used in the production of quality management of a management theory, the main solution is how to improve the production of quality management issues, and now has been widely used in hospital management, but also the hospital JCI certification of the most essential part. This quality management theory is called the PDCA cycle.
PDCA is the first letter of the English word Plan (plan), Do (execution), Check (check) and Action (action), PDCA cycle is to manage in this order, and the cycle is more than a scientific program.
P: Do things first with a plan (planning), work with important information, including all the little things, for each patient, each thing as a case to do, with the PDCA cycle to check whether they are doing well;