FDA CertificationThe FDA's responsibility is to ensure the safety of food, cosmetics, drugs, biologicals, medical devices, and radiological products produced in or imported into the United States. This certification is the most utilized. Applicable products: drugs, food (all tableware), medical devices (eyeglasses, knee pads), toys, and more.
DOT certification DOT certification system that is the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS). DOT certification is mandatory, that is, all motor vehicles and accessories products sold in the United States must be certified by the DOT, with the DOT logo. Applicable products: motor vehicles and spare parts products, automobile lights, automobile accessories, etc..
UL certification UL certification in the U.S. is a non-mandatory certification, mainly product safety performance testing and certification, the scope of its certification does not include product EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) characteristics. If a consumer purchases a product with a UL Mark and then experiences adverse consequences due to product quality issues, the consumer can complain to the seller, who can easily be compensated by the insurance company. The certification cycle is usually about 2 months. Applicable products: lamps, household appliances, telecommunications, power tools, wire and cable, etc. FCC certification FCC full name of the United States Federal Communications Commission, the FCC through the control of radio broadcasting, television, telecommunications, satellites and cables to coordinate domestic and international communications. More than 50 states, Colombia and the United States are involved in ensuring the safety of radio and wire communications products related to life and property. Many radio applications, communications products and digital products require FCC approval to enter the U.S. market. Applicable products: electronic products, such as computers and computer accessories, household appliances, power tools, lamps, toys, security, etc. CE marking CE marking is a safety certification mark, is regarded as a passport for manufacturers to open and enter the European market. Products to enter the European Union must be CE certified, CE marking on the product. Applicable products: All products entering Europe.BQB CertificationAll Bluetooth products imported into the United States need to get BQB certification. If your product has a Bluetooth function, regardless of whether your product appearance is not marked with the Bluetooth logo need to pass this certification, only recognize the use of the main body, do not distinguish between products, whether it is headphones, speakers or cell phones and other products. Applicable products: Bluetooth-related products.