Turn ( /p/22273147 ) )
Intelligent hardware is currently played by many fewer people compared to those who play with PCs, servers and mobile. Previously, most of the people who study this area are related to the electronics industry, but the current popularity of the Internet of Things (IoT) has made a lot of hackers and security researchers to enter the field, which has led to the frequent occurrence of product security problems in the field. The development of the Internet of Things so that the virtual network and real life are closely linked, once the security problems, hacker attacks will have a serious impact on people's real-life environment and harm, and even jeopardize personal safety and life safety, such as the safety of the Internet of Things and so on. The Internet of Things has become the future trend of Internet development, then the Internet of Things security is also an important direction essential to the development of the security industry. For many people not involved in the field, especially those previously engaged in the computer industry, the feeling that this field is too wide, involving processor architecture is also more, embedded operating systems and non-operating systems are also quite a lot of feeling will not be able to start, then the main purpose of this paper is to guide newcomers to the door or want to switch to the direction of friends a learning reference. Of course, my personal energy is also limited, can only be involved in a small number of directions, I am only a certain aspect of the learning route to guide you as soon as possible to get started. For security, this field is still relatively new, there are too many things to learn, follow-up I will send some good technical articles to the board, and everyone together to discuss learning.
First, what is smart hardware
First of all, we have to understand what smart hardware is, clear concept, in order to locate the direction, not to start. Intelligent hardware is actually the upgrade of the concept of smart phones, that is, the traditional equipment to upgrade the transformation so that it has some kind of intelligence, such as TV, refrigerators, air conditioning, watches, door locks, tea cups, medical instruments, toys, robots, cars and even houses and so on. Therefore, the direction of this piece of intelligent hardware is relatively broad, involving a wide range of fields, and the industry related to this is also very, very much. Not like the PC platform, we only need to care about a certain type of processor architecture, or even only need to care about a certain operating system platform. If we want to completely list the knowledge architecture of intelligent hardware, we may have to write a book and not be able to list completely. Each of us has limited energy, and we can't be involved in every area, so we only need to care about one area or direction.
Second, according to the software classification
According to the different software systems used by the device, I divided these smart hardware into the following four categories:
1. android device series, including smartphones, smart TVs, smart watches, cars connected to the cloud, intelligent navigation devices and so on.
2. ios device series, mainly Apple products.
3. Embedded operating system: embedded linux, VxWorks, FreeRTOS, Windows XP Embedded, Windows CE, RTX, uCLinux and so on, this piece of embedded operating system related. 4. Non-operating system (here refers to the non-smart devices): such as cameras, cameras, washing machines, electronic toys, keyboards, mice, and so on. Non-operating system (here specifically refers to non-intelligent devices): such as cameras, cameras, washing machines, electronic toys, keyboards, mice, cameras, microphones and other electronic devices, including instruments, electronic cards, SIM cards and so on. The first two types of equipment, for friends familiar with android and ios should not be a big problem. Look at the snow these two sections have a lot of very good articles, interested in these two boards to learn. Here I mainly talk about the latter two types of devices to start learning. These two types of devices need embedded development-related knowledge and microcontroller-related knowledge as a preparation. For most of the embedded system is POSIX standard, this piece of the beginning, we can first learn linux, and then learn embedded operating system porting, it should not be difficult to get started, the security research and reverse analysis and the traditional way is almost the same, after all, are based on the operating system, the learning ideas are very similar, just reverse this piece of the compilation will be involved in a different way. For those non-operating system type of device, security research and reverse analysis is relatively difficult, because most of these devices are enclosed or semi-enclosed, basically need to open the package, analyze the circuit board and the circuit board for testing and analysis. This area of entry to the main microcontroller learning to get started will go farther. We can learn microcontroller before learning embedded, or vice versa, it does not matter. Both need to understand the hardware, just focus on different things. Third, the hardware device how to play As there are too many hardware devices, embedded systems are also many, too many devices will lead to we do not know where to start. So first of all, before we intend to learn, we need to figure out what the purpose of our learning, what is our point of interest, after figuring out these we have specific learning objectives, which will help us get started. At present, our goal is not to do hardware development, not to do embedded development, our purpose is to do security research and reverse engineering, then we can do what for hardware: