Cardboard box handmade airplane step by step Simple

1, Cut out all the flaps on one side.

2, draw round arc lines on both sides of the longer side and cut it out.

3, the cut off part is not wasted, draw propellers on it.

4, the propeller is ready.

5, and then use the cut off cover to make the wing and tail.

6, the wing so installed, need to cut in the side of the box.

7, the tail is made and installed.

8, the propeller is mounted and also traced down and painted with a simple pattern.

9, Install the propeller to the front of the box.

Aircraft are not only widely used in civil transportation and scientific research, but also an important weapon in the modern military, so they are divided into civil aircraft and military aircraft.

Civilian aircraft, in addition to passenger aircraft and transport aircraft, there are agricultural aircraft, forest protection aircraft, aerial survey aircraft, medical rescue aircraft, excursion aircraft, business aircraft, sports aircraft, experimental research aircraft, meteorological aircraft, aerobatics, law enforcement aircraft and so on. Aircraft can also be classified according to the shape, number and relative position of the constituent parts.

By the number of wings, can be divided into monoplane, biplane and multi-wing aircraft. According to the position of the wing relative to the fuselage, can be divided into lower monoplane, center monoplane and upper monoplane. According to the shape of the wing planes, they can be divided into flat-winged, swept-back, swept-forward and delta-winged airplanes.

According to the location of the horizontal tail and the presence or absence of horizontal tail, can be divided into the normal layout of the aircraft (horizontal tail after the wing), duck-type aircraft (front fuselage equipped with a small wing surface) and tailless airplanes (without a horizontal tail); the normal layout of the aircraft have a single pitot, double pitot, multi-pitot, and V-tail and other types of tail.