Anti-decubitus air mattress bed still has a certain effect, there is no bedsore people can basically guarantee that they will not have a bedsore, already have a bedsore, then, can be effectively relieved to avoid deterioration of the situation. Now the anti-decubitus air mattress bed is basically a double airway stripes, exchange inflatable exchange away from the dirty gas, but also can be divided into pressure.
Medicine to prevent bedsores, there is a rubber band pad, there are inflatable mattresses. Rubber ring pads are cheap, but can not be used for too long, improper use will cause pressure around the skin ischemia, necrosis. Inflatable mattress is more expensive, but the current noise is greater, will affect the elderly rest, improper use will also lead to aggravation of bedsores, in short, the most important care, proper care, can not be used anti-decubitus air mattress bed.