Specialties of Anyang City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Anyang City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has 1,100 open beds and 27 first-level departments including emergency, cardiology, cerebral disease, liver, gallbladder, spleen and gastroenterology, pediatrics (including pediatric emergency and critical care), nephrology, pulmonary disease, oncology, diabetes mellitus, general surgery, thoracic and cardiothoracic surgery, traumatic brain injury, orthopedic injury, spinal and joint surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, intensive care medicine, interventional vascular medicine, anorectal and intestinal medicine, and nursing care center; outpatient clinic has 68 specialized clinics for specialties such as diabetes mellitus, tracheitis, coughing The outpatient clinic has 68 specialized clinics for diabetes, bronchitis, cough and asthma, rheumatism, musculoskeletal injuries and bone diseases, lupus erythematosus, skin sores and ulcers, acupuncture and moxibustion, traditional Chinese medicine and gynecology, emotional outpatient clinic, and men's health. At present, the hospital has two national key TCM specialties - Pediatrics, Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen and Stomach; two provincial key TCM specialties - Cardiology, Encephalopathy; four municipal key specialties - Orthopaedics, Nephrology, Nephrology, Orthopaedics, Nephrology, Nephrology and Nephrology. Orthopedics and Traumatology, Nephrology, General Surgery, and Anal and Intestinal Diseases; it has a National Medical Hall and 4 municipal medical centers--An Yang City Future Disease Center, Cardiovascular Disease Chinese and Western Medicine Combination Clinic, Pediatric Anaphylactic Purpura Chinese Medicine Clinic, and Pediatric Cerebral Palsy Chinese Medicine Clinic.