The high-sensitivity image quality of the 60D is still satisfactory. The image quality below ISO400 is very pure, while ISO800 starts to have subtle noise, but it is not obvious. At ISO1600, the image quality is still good and noise begins to appear, but the graininess is smaller and completely usable. Obvious noise begins to appear at ISO3200, and the noise is especially obvious in the purple and black areas. However, considering that if you turn on noise reduction and sacrifice some details to reduce noise and graininess, the image quality is still valuable. The ISO6400 image quality is obviously broken, grainy and noisy. 12800 is generally not recommended to be used unless it is necessary to record some scenes in some emergency situations. In general, 60D ISO is fully usable below 1600, 3200 small pictures are usable, and above 6400 it is only emergency. Of course, the actual image quality will also depend on the environment at the time.
It is suitable for wedding photography, portraits Photography is enough.