Introducing General Dynamics, which produces the F-16

According to information published in August 2000 by Defense News Research, General Dynamics had a military turnover of $8.95 billion in 1999, with a net income of $715 million, and a military turnover of 100 percent of total turnover. The company's military turnover ranked No. 5 among world companies.

The company was one of the major military contractors in the U.S. In the 1970s and 1980s, it began to move into military telecommunications.In 1973 it merged Alka Communications Systems and Alka Rentals, followed by United Business Communications, Telephone Communications, and Conti, and in 1982 it purchased all of the common stock of Chrysler Defense.In the 1990s, in the midst of the world's military-industrial mergers, it was the first company in the world to acquire common stock in the United States. In the 1990s, in the world of military-industrial mergers, General Dynamics has carried out large-scale acquisitions. September 1995, in order to promote the development of the electrical ship business, the company used 300 million U.S. dollars to buy the Bath ironworks; in February 1996, the company's subsidiary of the Ground Systems Division with 55 million in cash to buy Teledyne (Teledyne) Vehicle Systems Division, which strengthens the Participation in the "Crusader" field artillery system development force; in November 1996, $ 450 million to buy Lockheed Martin's defense systems and weapons systems division, the two business units of $ 500 million in annual revenue; in October 1997, $ 284 million to buy Lucent Advanced Technology Systems, Inc. Technology Systems; and on Dec. 31, 1997, purchased Ceridian's Computing Devices International division for $600 million.

General Dynamics has six divisions, whose organizations and functions are as follows:

(1) GroundSystemsDiv. The division has seven production and support plants, namely, the Lemar plant in Ohio, the Scranton plant in Pennsylvania, the Sterling Heights, Muskegon and Warren plants in Michigan, the Tallahassee and Yalahassee plants in Florida, and the Tallahassee and Yalahassee plants in Florida. Tallahassee plant, and the Annis plant in Alabama.

The Ground Systems Division produces tank vehicles, and is currently contracted to produce tanks through 2001, including the production of 580 M1A2 Abrams tanks and the rehabilitation of 18 M1Al Abrams tanks, for a total contract value of $1.541 billion. The contracts total $1.541 billion.

(2) Electromotion Submarine and Kunxi Shipbuilding Div. designs and builds nuclear submarines, repairs and overhauls submarines, and performs engineering work, including advance research and technology development, system and component qualification, prototype development, and logistical support to operational forces.

(3) BathlronWorks The Department has been engaged in the production of military and civilian ships. It builds 24 percent of the warships ordered by the U.S. Navy. In recent years, the design and construction of such as "Aegis" (Aegis) a class of advanced level and technological advantages of the world's maritime warships.

(4) U.S. Overseas Marine (AmericanOverseasMarineCorp.) The Department is mainly for the U.S. Navy's five offshore pre-positioning ship, nine offshore reserve fleet ships, as well as two Marine Corps Reserve Reserve ships to provide management services.

(5) Weapon Systems Division (WeaponSvstensDiv.) This division designs, develops, and produces airborne weapon systems, ground-based air defense systems, and small-caliber weapon gun racks, and develops advanced fire control technologies. General Dynamics Ordnance Systems, a subsidiary of the division, produces ammunition and ordnance products and operates the Zeeland Army Ammunition Plant.