Jiangxi area those enterprises use SEW, Flanders gearbox?

SEW Geared Motor Applications

Jiangxi Chenming Paper Co.

Jiangxi Xinyu Steel Factory

Jiangxi Sedeli Chemical Fiber Co. Ltd. - Yadong Cement

Deliwei Autocontrol Co., Ltd. of Jiangxi - Jiangsu Yangzhou Yadong Cement Plant

Deliwei Autocontrol Co., Ltd. of Jiangxi - Hubei Yadong Cement Plant

Shangrao Machinery Factory of Jiangxi China Building Materials Industry Construction Corporation - Hunan Changsha Yinshan Cement Plant

Shangrao Machinery Factory of Jiangxi China Building Materials Industry Construction

Jiangxi China Building Materials Industry Corporation Shangrao Machinery Factory - Zhejiang Changshan Jiangshan Cement

Jiangxi Jingdezhen Changhe Automobile Manufacturing Plant

The above is just the tip of the iceberg a few years ago, the current imported German production line 80% of the geared motors are SEW.

Water treatment plants, sewage treatment plants, automobile plants, aluminum plants, stage equipment, steel mills, rubber industry, food and beverage industry and so on.

Contact the SEW office in your area if you want more. They will tell you more.