Negotiating price tips and techniques

1, the bottom of the price negotiations

In order to avoid suppliers in the advantage of profiteering, the procurement staff had to agree to the supplier has a "reasonable" profit, otherwise indiscriminate price, still give the supplier an opportunity to take advantage of. Therefore, usually by the procurement staff to require suppliers to provide all cost information. In terms of foreign goods, the total agent is asked to provide all import documents, in order to check the true cost, and then add a reasonable profit as the purchase price.

2, the supplier to raise prices

Because of the rapid changes in the environment, such as the international situation, the scarcity of raw materials (such as rare metal cobalt, chromium and other difficulties in obtaining) and so on, often resulting in the supplier to take advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of the formation of a seller's market, and in turn increase the selling price. At this time, the purchasing department has a more important responsibility. If we can utilize our bargaining and negotiation skills, we will be able to negotiate a price reduction in response to the seller's increased price. In the process of bargaining negotiations, procurement staff can be used directly or indirectly, the price negotiations. Now explained as follows:

(1) direct bargaining negotiations. Even if the face, facing inflation, prices rise; direct bargaining can still achieve the function of reducing prices. The following four techniques can be used to negotiate.

①Facing the increase in selling prices, purchasing staff still order at the original price. When the supplier raises the price, often unwilling to spend too much time on repeated bargaining negotiations, so if the original customer, you can take advantage of this point, asked to buy at the original price.

②Purchasing staff directly state the preset floor price. In the bargaining process, the purchasing staff can directly indicate the preset floor price, so that the supplier can be prompted to offer a price closer to the floor price, and then ask the other side to reduce the price.

3 do not do pull back. This technique is a more aggressive way of bargaining, this method has caused a fire scene may be, but in certain circumstances is still a good bargaining skills, this method applies:

-When the procurement staff do not want to haggle again.

-When the result of the bargaining has reached the upper limit of the price acceptable to the purchaser.

In the above two cases, the use of "do not do it" strong tactics, can often reverse the supplier's attitude, and then some concessions.

④Requirement to explain the reason for the increase in price. Suppliers to increase the price, often attributed to rising raw materials, wages, profits are too thin and other reasons. Purchasing staff in the bargaining negotiations, should be any unreasonable price increases to question, so that you can grasp the opportunity to ask the supplier to reduce prices.