Occupational disease hazards of the workplace should meet what requirements

4.4.2 Reasonable production layout

The production layout should be in accordance with the provisions of GBZ1, try to consider mechanization, automation and remote operation, strengthen the confinement, and avoid

direct operation. And should be combined with the production process to take appropriate protective measures. Production layout should include the overall layout and workshop production

Layout of process equipment.

The overall layout includes plane layout and vertical layout. Plane layout of the plant or workshop, should focus on meeting the needs of the main

project under the premise. The serious pollution hazard facilities away from non-polluting facilities. Noise level of high workshops and low workshops

separated, hot and cold processing workshop separated from the workshop, the workshop to produce dust and produce poisonous substances separated from the workshop, and in the production of occupational

industrial disease hazards of the workshop and other workshops and living areas set up a certain amount of sanitary protection between green belts plant for the multi-storey buildings vertically

directional arrangement, the production of heat release and hazardous gases. Operations should be arranged in the building's upper floors; noise and vibration equipment

should be placed on the ground floor; containing volatile gases, vapors, wastewater discharge pipeline can not be passed through the instrumentation control room and lounge and other living

room under the ground.

The layout of the production process equipment in the workshop should focus on achieving dust, poison, heat, cold, noise and vibration, anti-

ionizing radiation, non-ionizing radiation and other requirements.

4.4.3 Harmful and non-harmful operations are separated

Workplaces that generate dust, toxins, the arrangement of its sources should meet the following requirements: escape of different toxic substances

production process is arranged in the same building, the toxicity of the operation and the toxicity of the operation should be separated, non-toxic operations and toxic

operations should be separated; dust, Toxic sources should be arranged in the workplace of natural ventilation downwind side; such as the arrangement of multi-storey

building, the escape of harmful gases in the production process should be arranged in the upper part of the building. If it must be arranged in the lower level. Should come

take effective measures to prevent contamination of the upper air.

Non-toxic and toxic operations can be taken to separate the toxic operations of closed, pipeline, or toxic operations are limited to

an independent operation room, and take the ventilation and purification of toxic gases out of the way.

4.4.4 Acute occupational injuries may occur in toxic, hazardous workplaces set alarm devices

Acute occupational injuries may occur in toxic, hazardous workplaces, refers to the possibility of poisons, strong corrosive substances, irritants

leakage of substances on the workers' lives and health of the workplace caused by the acute hazards.

Toxic and hazardous substances that may cause acute occupational injuries are those that are acutely toxic, irritating and/or dangerous

harmful, or that may produce irritation, chronic or irreversible tissue damage, anesthesia sufficient to increase

possible accidental injuries affecting the ability to save visually and reduce work efficiency in a short period of time of exposure. Specific toxic and hazardous substances are determined with reference to the "Highly toxic

articles catalog" and GBZ2.1.

The above alarm devices must be approved by the relevant departments, and should be set up by the appropriate system, the responsibility is in place, someone is responsible for the

pre-shift and regular checks, timely maintenance to ensure that the alarm device can operate normally.

4.4.5 Acute occupational injuries may occur in toxic and hazardous workplaces equipped with on-site first aid supplies

On-site first aid supplies, including first aiders in the event of accidents used by the individual occupational disease protection supplies, such as portable respirators,

Total enclosed chemical protective clothing, protective gloves, protective shoes and boots, etc.: as well as first aid supplies required to rescue the rescued person, such as Doing human

workers need to breathe one-way valve protective masks, on-site hemostatic supplies, cooling supplies, oxygenator, with special needs can be equipped with

first aid car, protection of the small medicine box and so on.

The configuration of first aid supplies should be based on the need for on-site protection, under the guidance of professionals, taking into account the production conditions, the physical and chemical properties of chemical substances

and dosage. First aid supplies should be stored in the workshop or near the workshop, once an accident occurs. In the event of an accident, first aid supplies should be accessible within

10 seconds. First aid supplies should be stored in a conspicuous location should be warning signs to ensure that workers know. Workers should be taught how to use the first aid supplies.

The above on-site first aid supplies should be safe and effective, and should establish a corresponding management system, with responsibilities in place, someone in charge, daily inspections

inspection, timely maintenance or renewal, to ensure the safety and effectiveness of on-site first aid supplies.

4.4.6 Acute occupational injuries may occur in toxic and hazardous workplaces equipped with flushing equipment

Flushing equipment mainly refers to the eye flusher, mobile faucet and shower equipment in the skin mucous membranes or eyes may occur burning money,

corrosive, irritating chemical substances should be equipped with the above flushing equipment in the workplace, with a special emphasis on the flushing equipment should be taken to facilitate the

This is a very important part of the workplace, but it is also a very important part of the workplace.

And does not hinder the work, to ensure that in the event of an accident. Workers can be rinsed within 10 seconds. The water used for flushing should be safe and ensure

that it is running water. The place where the flushing equipment is installed should be clearly labeled and easy to find.

The above flushing equipment should ensure that it can be used normally, and should establish a corresponding management system, with responsibilities in place, someone in charge, every

Daily inspection, timely maintenance.

4.4.7 Toxic and hazardous workplaces where acute occupational injuries may occur are equipped with emergency evacuation routes

Emergency routes should be kept open, emergency lighting facilities should be set up and obvious warning signs should be set up at conspicuous locations. Evacuation channel

The width of the channel should be set up according to the need, such as the need for vehicles, stretchers, the width should be able to ensure that the vehicle, stretcher smooth passage.

The corresponding management system should be established, the responsibility is in place, someone is responsible for regular checks to ensure that the emergency channel is smooth.

4.4.8 Acute occupational injury may occur in the toxic, hazardous workplace configuration of the necessary relief area

According to the production conditions, the physical and chemical properties of the chemicals used and the amount of consideration of the location of the relief area set, size and selection of materials.

The hazardous area should not be surrounded by substances that may be flammable, explosive and other chemical reactions with the toxic and hazardous substances discharged into the hazardous area

The materials around the hazardous area should not react with the hazardous substances, leaking substances and rinse water should be included in the industrial wastewater treatment system.

In the perimeter of the hazardous area should be set up in a conspicuous position in the obvious warning signs as well as Chinese warning instructions. Regular leakage should be in the Chinese

warning instructions to explain the time of regular leakage, leakage of substances and precautions; accidental leakage should be formulated leakage plan, clearly

sure leakage conditions, leakage of the order of the issuer, leakage of how to evacuate the crowd, leakage of harmless treatment of substances, eliminating

In addition to the occurrence of secondary accidents, the risk of leakage, the aftermath of the aftermath of the work. Should also establish a corresponding management system to clarify the relevant personnel responsible for

discharge of the day-to-day management, and to ensure that unrelated personnel can not enter the discharge area.