Dawn killer medical kit accessories

The Dawn Killer escapee tools can also be paired with add-ons to enhance the effect, and the medical kit is one of them, the next deep space high play for you to bring you a list of the Dawn Killer medical kit accessories, interested players quickly take a look at it.

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Name effect can be stacked? Rarity DescriptionRubber gloves are common disposable medical gloves that avoid cross infection. Minorly reduces the difficulty of skill checks for healing. Butterfly Tape is common medical tape that can be used to heal small wounds. Increases healing speed slightly. Bandages are a pack of bandages often found in common first aid kits. Increases medical kit durability by 6. Sponge is an uncommon piece of common sponge that can be used to wipe away excess blood and facilitate examination of wounds. Moderately reduces the difficulty of skill checks for healing. A self-adhesive bandage is an uncommon roll of adhesive bandage that can be quickly applied to a wound without the need for fixing clips or repeated adjustments. Increases medical kit durability by 6. Increases healing speed slightly. Sutures are uncommon and not specialized medical instruments, but can be used to close wounds quickly and painfully. Increases the chance of skill tests appearing slightly. Significantly reduces the success area of skill tests. Medium increase in healing speed. Medical scissors are uncommon scissors designed for easy cutting of fabric. Increases healing speed by a moderate amount. Gauze Rolls are uncommon sterilized gauze that can be used to bandage a variety of wounds and are an integral part of the overall healing system. Increases medkit durability by 8. Surgical Suture Tools are rare medical instruments used to suture and stabilize body tissue. While efficient, they are still challenging to use. Moderately increases the chance of a skill check appearing. Moderately reduces the area of success on skill tests. Medium increase in healing speed. Gel Bandaids are rare packets of gel bandages used to dress heavy septic wounds. Increases medkit durability by 10. Abdominal Bandage is a rare, highly absorbent bandage used for large abdominal wounds to prevent blood and body fluids from leaking. Significantly increases healing speed. Reduces medkit durability by 25%. Hemostatic No Rare white powder with blood clotting properties, sprinkle some of this powder on a wound to stop bleeding. Reduces medkit durability by 25%. Immediately heals one lifepoint using a secondary action. Exhausts the used medkit. Hemostatic Syringe No Super rare an anti-bleeding drug that can stop bleeding in seconds. Reduces medkit durability by 50%. Uses a secondary action to heal vitals immediately and completely . Exhausts the used medkit. LikedStompedYou rated this answer? Comment Wrap Up // High quality OR Satisfaction OR Specialty OR Recommended Answer Hit Points Time window.iPerformance && window.iPerformance.mark('c_best', +new Date); Recommended Lawyer Service: If you have not solved your problem, please describe your problem in detail, and through the Baidu Law Pro for free professional 咨询其他类似问题2019-02-27黎明杀机全物品道具翻译介绍_医疗包插件使用功能为你推荐:特别推荐 F.context('cmsRight', [ { 'url':'/d01373f082025aaf511aa256e9edab64034f1a07?x-bce- process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cw_450%2Ch_600%2Climit_1%2Fquality%2Cq_85%2Fformat%2Cf_auto', 'contractId':'A24KA00562', } ]); Cancer Treatment Why are the costs getting higher? What are the effects of "cyber toilets"? Is the quality of electric cars guaranteed with multiple price cuts? Are used cell phones in Huaqiangbei reliable? Recommended for you F.context('recBrand',[{"img":"\/86d6277f9e2f07083523f69dfb24b899a901f20d?x-bce-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cw_450%2Ch_ 600%2Climit_1%2Fquality%2Cq_85%2Fformat%2Cf_auto", "url":"/hm.js?6859ce5aaf00fb00387e6434e4fcc925"; var s = document. getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })(); window.tt = 1721679152;