Furniture pollution of the indoor environment what

Categorization of indoor environmental pollution caused by furniture

With the improvement of people's standard of living, the consumption of household fuels and cooking dishes continue to increase, as well as a large number of volatile toxic and hazardous substances can be emitted by the decoration, decorative materials, and furniture, consumer goods into the family, so that the types and quantities of indoor hazardous substances have increased significantly, aggravating the indoor air pollution. Modern indoor environmental space is mostly closed, furniture indoor environmental pollution caused by the following aspects:

1, heavy metals

Heavy metal pollution caused by furniture mainly from the color paint, furniture paints and coatings in the coloring material pigments. Excessive human intake of heavy metals can cause chronic poisoning. Especially heavy metals affect the growth and development of children, part of the heavy metals can be residual in the brain and internal organs, the liver, kidneys and other permanent damage to children's intellectual development caused by adverse effects. Furniture in the heavy metals in the main hazardous substances are mercury, cadmium, lead, chromium, arsenic and so on.

2, gas pollution

(1) formaldehyde pollution, molecular formula HCHO, colorless gas, soluble in water and ethanol (alcohol). Formaldehyde impact on human health is mainly manifested in the sense of smell abnormalities, stimulation of allergies, lung function abnormalities, liver function abnormalities, and immune function abnormalities, clinical manifestations of individual variability (in the allergy and anti-formaldehyde type). International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in June 2004 in its publication No. 153, formaldehyde rose to Category 1 carcinogens - carcinogenic to humans. The main source of formaldehyde in indoor air: it is volatilized from the building decoration man-made boards - plywood, fiberboard, particleboard, blockboard, adhesives (107 glue, phenolic glue, urea-formaldehyde adhesive, melamine glue), wood flooring and furniture. When the concentration of formaldehyde in the indoor air up to 0.1 mg/m3, there is an odor and discomfort, will stimulate the eyes to tears; when the concentration of formaldehyde is higher than 0.1 mg/m3, will cause throat discomfort, nausea, vomiting, coughing and emphysema, when the concentration of formaldehyde is as high as 30 mg/m3, it will be able to cause death.

(2) Benzene and benzene

Benzene and benzene are colorless light yellow transparent oily liquid with strong aromatic gas, volatile vapor, flammable and toxic. Toluene, xylene and benzene congeners, are coal tar fractionation or petroleum cracking products. Benzene compounds have been identified by the World Health Organization as strong carcinogens.

Benzene is a colorless to light yellow transparent oily liquid. It has a strong aromatic odor, is volatile and flammable. Insoluble in water, soluble in ethanol, ether and other organic solvents. Benzene vapor and air can form explosive mixtures.

Toluene is colorless transparent liquid, has a similar odor to benzene, flammable. Encountering fire, high pads can burn and explode, toxic, anesthetic, skin irritation and degreasing effect.

Xylene is a mixture of ethylbenzene. Colorless transparent volatile liquid, aromatic odor, toxic, insoluble in water. Easily soluble in ethanol, ether. Toluene, xylene is often used as building decoration materials, artificial board furniture solvents and adhesives, newly renovated rooms can be measured in high levels of toluene, xylene.

Toluene diisocyanate (TDI) has two isomers: 2,4-toluene diisocyanate and 2,6-toluene diisocyanate. Toluene diisocyanate is a water-white or light yellow liquid with a strong irritating odor. It has strong irritating effect on skin, eyes and respiratory tract, inhalation of high concentration of toluene diisocyanate vapor will cause bronchitis, bronchopneumonia and pulmonary edema; contact of the liquid with skin can cause dermatitis. Contact of the liquid with the eyes can cause severe irritation and, if left untreated, may result in permanent damage. Chronic exposure to toluene diisocyanate can cause chronic bronchitis. Allergy to toluene diisocyanate may cause asthma, with wheezing, difficulty breathing and coughing.

(3) volatile organic compounds pollution (VOC)

Volatile organic compounds pollution in the indoor environment, including halogenated solvents, aromatic hydrocarbon compounds, etc., at room temperature can produce vapors, exist in the architectural coatings, wall decorative materials, floor coverings, as well as adhesives in the material, has been recognized by the modern medical science is harmful to the human body, and can induce cancer substances. The volatile organic compounds in the indoor environment of newly renovated rooms mainly come from the materials used in the renovation, such as paints, coatings, adhesives and waterproofing materials.

(4) Radon

Radon (Rn): atomic coefficient 86, a natural radioactive element and gas. Radon is the decay product of radioactive element uranium decay series, radon and radon substrate in the decay process radiates high energy alpha particles, once radon and its decay substrate is absorbed by the human body, it will be deposited in the trachea, bronchial tubes and other parts of the body, and constantly emit alpha particles, these high-energy particles will destroy and kill the lung cells, and killed lung cells can be replenished through the normal human body's metabolism, but the lung cells that have been killed and killed The killed lung cells can be replenished through the normal metabolism of the human body, but the killed lung cells will undergo mutation, thus leading to lung cancer. The same process of radon decay is also accompanied by high energy gamma rays, which will destroy normal human cells, thus leading to lesions in the human body.

(5) Ammonia

In the biosphere, ammonia is the product of nitrogen-fixing bacteria activities, denitrification of nitrogen compounds, decomposition of organic nitrogen and animal urine. Ammonia damages human health mainly through inhalation. Excessive inhalation of ammonia causes respiratory diseases, headache, runny nose, sore throat, loss of sense of smell, excessive sweating, vomiting, chest pain, and strong irritation to the skin and eyes.

(6) Ozone

Ozone is an irritating odor, slightly light blue gas, was discovered by a German chemist, Dr. Sian Bein in 1840, when it was thought that the smell was similar to the Greek OZEIN (ozone), so it was named ozone. Gaseous ozone thick layer with blue, with a special odor, high concentration and chlorine odor; liquid ozone dark blue, solid ozone purple-black. Office building copiers, laser printers and engineering copiers and other modern office supplies in the operation process, due to high-voltage static electricity and ultraviolet light effect produces high concentrations of ozone, is the main source of indoor ozone.

3, biological pollution

There are many types of biological pollution in the indoor environment, and from a variety of sources of pollution. This kind of pollutant from the survey, in the current office buildings and families, can cause people's allergic diseases and respiratory diseases and other health damage to the indoor air biological pollution factors are mainly mold, legionella, dust mites, animal dander and biologically active substances.

4, respirable particulate matter

PM, known as particulate matter (particulate matter). Scientists use PM2.5 to indicate the amount of such particles per cubic meter of air, the higher the value, the more serious air pollution.

PM2.5 refers to particulate matter in the atmosphere that is less than or equal to 2.5 micrometers in diameter, also known as lung-accessible particulate matter. Although PM2.5 is only a very small component of the earth's atmospheric composition, but it has an important impact on air quality and visibility, etc. PM2.5 particle size is small, rich in a large number of toxic and harmful substances and in the atmosphere of the residence time is long, the transport distance is far, and thus on human health and atmospheric quality of the environment is more impact.

PM10 refers to particulate matter with an aerodynamic equivalent diameter of less than 10 microns. Suspended material that can float in the atmosphere for a long time is called drifting dust. In the revised Ambient Air Quality Standards (GB3095-1996) issued by the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) in 1996, floating dust was renamed respirable particulate matter (PM10). PM10 lasts for a long time in the ambient air and has a great impact on human health and atmospheric visibility. 

5, electromagnetic radiation

With the improvement of people's living standards of various types of household appliances, office automation equipment, mobile communications equipment, such as rapid entry into the office and home environment, along with these high-tech electrical products, in the use of the process will varying degrees of electromagnetic radiation, and has become the indoor environment following the indoor air pollution, radioactive contamination and noise pollution, another Pollution sources - "electromagnetic radiation pollution". Electromagnetic radiation pollution, also known as electronic fog pollution, electromagnetic wave pollution, is medical equipment, office automation equipment and microwave ovens, radios, televisions, computers and cell phones and other household appliances work produced by a variety of different wavelengths and frequencies of electromagnetic waves, these electromagnetic waves can penetrate a variety of substances, including the human body, the human body, if prolonged exposure to more than a safe dose of radiation, the human body cells will be extensive killed or killed, known as electromagnetic radiation pollution.

6, low-frequency noise

Frequency is Hz as a unit of reading Hertz, low-frequency noise refers to the frequency of 500 Hertz (octave) below the sound. In the range of the human ear is in the 20Hz - 5000Hz is low-frequency, i.e., in one second vibration 20 to 500 times the irregularity of the sound issued by the low-frequency noise. Frequency in 500Hz ~ 2kHz for the mid-frequency, and high-frequency is 2kHz ~ 16KHz. low-frequency noise according to the propagation pathway is mainly divided into the structure of the sound transmission, airborne sound transmission and standing wave, which is the most harmful standing wave. All noise is harmful to the human body, although the direct impact of low-frequency noise on physiology is not as obvious as high-frequency noise, but low-frequency noise will have a long-term impact on human health.

7, light pollution

Light pollution refers to the excessive light radiation on the human indoor and outdoor environment caused by the adverse effects of the phenomenon, mainly refers to visible light pollution, also known as noise. Light pollution mainly damages the human visual system, long-term exposure to bright light, so that the visual acuity is reduced, vision loss. Among them, the biggest damage to the eyes is caused by lasers, which can involve the conjunctiva, iris and lens and even damage the deep tissues and nervous system. In addition, visual pollution can make people depressed, moody, etc. thus affecting physical and mental health.

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