What are these three basic knowledge for nurses:
1, the judgment standard of brain death: voluntary respiratory arrest; irreversible deep coma; loss of nerve reflexes in the brainstem; pupil dilation or fixation; loss of brain waves; and complete disappearance of cerebral blood circulation.
2. For every 1°C rise in body temperature, the basal metabolic rate increases by 13%.?
3. Heart rate is accelerated during fever; for every 1°C rise in body temperature, the heart rate increases by about 18 beats/minute, and in children it may increase even faster.?
4. Types of hypoxia: hypotonic~, hematologic~, circulatory~, and tissue~?
5, the role of bile: emulsification of fat, promote fat digestion, promote the absorption of fat digestion products, promote the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (ADEK), neutralization of gastric acid, and promote the secretion of bile itself.?
6. Normal human serum potassium concentration: 3.5~5.5mmol/L?
7. Typical DIC is divided into three phases: hypercoagulable phase, consumptive hypocoagulable phase, and secondary hyperfibrinolytic phase?
8, the development of shock process: microcirculatory ischemic hypoxia stage, microcirculatory stasis hypoxia stage, microcirculatory failure stage?
9, the performance of patients with early onset of shock: pale face, cold and wet limbs, weak pulse, decreased urine output?
10, the total amount of rehydration fluid in shock patients is the amount of need to follow the "how much need, how much" principle. Dynamic observation of venous filling, urine output, pulse rate, blood pressure and other indicators, as the basis for monitoring the amount of infusion.
11, heart failure: refers to the role of a variety of pathogenic factors, the heart's systolic and/or diastolic dysfunction, so that the absolute or relative decline in cardiac output, that is, the heart pump function is weakened, so that it can not meet the body's metabolic needs of the pathophysiological process of the syndrome.?
12, common triggers of heart failure: systemic infection, acid-base balance and electrolyte metabolism disorders, heart rate arrhythmia, pregnancy and childbirth?
13, hepatic encephalopathy is divided into four phases: prodromal, pre-coma, lethargy, coma?
14, excessive infusion of fluids lead to the direct mechanism of pulmonary edema: a short period of time to enter the excessive amount of fluid, resulting in a sharp increase in pulmonary blood volume, capillary hydrostatic pressure rises, the endothelial gap increases, permeability increases, plasma infiltration into the alveoli to form pulmonary edema?.
15, DIC: is by a variety of pathogenic factors to activate the body's coagulation system, resulting in the body diffuse microthrombosis, coagulation factor consumption and secondary hyperfibrinolysis, thus causing systemic hemorrhage, microcirculatory disorders and even multi-organ failure of a clinical syndrome.?
16, cardiogenic shock: cardiac pumping failure, cardiac excretion is sharply reduced, effective circulating blood volume two decline caused by shock?
17, acute renal failure refers to a variety of reasons in a short period of time caused by the rapid impairment of renal urinary function, so that the body's internal environment appears to be a serious disruption of the pathological process of the clinical manifestations of water intoxication, azotemia, hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, etc.?
18, intestinal fever: the second to third week after the disease can be collected blood for fertilization reaction.
19, meningococcus is extremely sensitive to dryness, cold, heat, etc., 55 ° 5 minutes was that is destroyed. At room temperature within 3 hours can die, clinically taken specimens should be kept warm and moisturized, and immediately sent for examination.
20, tetanus bacillus pathogenic factors are mainly tetanus exotoxin, that is, tetanus spasmodic toxin.
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