Commodity Coding

Goods coding refers to the process of identifying goods with a set of Arabic numerals, which is called a code. Commodity code and commodity barcode are two different concepts. Commodity code is the numerical information that represents the commodity, while commodity barcode is the symbol that represents this information. In commodity barcode work, to create a commodity barcode symbol, you must first program a digital code for the commodity. The code of the commodity bar code is compiled in accordance with the rules unified by the International Article Numbering Association (EAN), and is divided into two types: the standard version and the shortened version. Commodity bar code has the following principles: 1, the only livestock uniqueness refers to the commodity item and its identification code one-to-one correspondence, that is, a commodity item only a code, a code only identifies the same commodity item. Commodity item code once determined, never change, even if the goods stop production, stop supply, in a period of time (some countries provide for 3 years) shall not be assigned the code to other commodity items. 2, meaningless meaningless code means that the code number itself and its location does not indicate any specific information about the goods. In the EAN and UPC system, the commodity code is only a means of identifying goods, rather than a means of commodity classification. Meaningless so that the commodity code has a simple, flexible, reliable, full use of code capacity, vitality and other advantages, this coding method is particularly suitable for larger commodity system.