General Electric's Web Portal

General Electric Company of America launched the General Electric USA website in 1996. The site was designed with a marketing objective based on a B2C operation model, with six to eight leading appliances as the target for promotion; it was designed to win over about 25% of new household customers, while taking into account other customers who were replacing or acquiring individual products. After several general restructuring, it has become a large-scale e-commerce site for online sales, online design, and online consultation and service. The following is a specific analysis of General Electric's online marketing strategy.

GE's website consists of many independent websites as one of its structural features. The main site has many columns, according to the "leading column area", "online shopping area", "offline shopping area", "advertising area ", "Service Area", "Business News Area", "Technology News Area", "Stock Market Quotes Area ", "Key Recommendations Area", "Sports News Area" and several information retrieval entry windows, etc. 1) GE Home Page

2) GE Businesses

(1) Aero Engines (2) Electrical Equipment (3) Aerospace Services

(4) Funding Services (5) Commercial Facilities Investments (6) Commercial Credit

(7) Employees' Reinsurance Company (8) GE Stock (9) Financial Insurance

(10) Global Consumer Funding (11 ) Global Information Hub Services (12) Industrial Systems

(13) Lighting (14) Healthcare Systems (15) Mortgage Insurance Companies

(16) NBC (short for National Broadcasting Company) (17) Plastics Industry (18) Energy Systems

3) Small Business Service Programs

(1) Small Business Solutions (2) Acquiring a Business (3) Purchase/Lease of Transportation

(4) Purchase/Lease of Equipment (5) Purchase of New IT Equipment (6) Company Credit

(7) Employee Benefits (8) Expansion/Addition of Equipment (9) Reduction of Transportation Expenses

(10) Re-applying for a Loan (11) Short Term Working Capital

4) Industrial Solutions

(1) ) Vehicles (2) Architectural and Engineering Structures (3) Telecommunications

(4) Transportation (5) Equipment and Gear

5) Home Solutions

(1) Lighting (2) Household Electricity (3) Home Electrical Safety (4) Adhesives and Sealants

6) Personal Financial Counseling

(1) Annuities for Income (2) Auto Insurance (3 ) Bank Deposits and Loans

(4) GE Credit (5) Direct Stock Investments (6) GE Auto Warranty Program

(7) GE Payment Management (8) GE Payments Plus Interest (9) Home Mortgages

(10) Life Insurance (11) Long-Term Health Insurance (12) Mutual Funds

7) Corporate Information

(1) Information Room (2) Annual Report (3) Investors

(4) GE in the Community (5) Talent Recruitment (6) Contact Us

8) Global Connections

GE also has a number of websites organized by leading services, such as (General Electric's main website), (financial and investment consulting services website), (home appliances website), (supply services business website), ( Women's Healthcare Counseling Website), (National Professional Basketball and Olympic Basketball Tournament Website), (General Electric Small Business Services Website), and so on.

This structure is used by many large corporations, such as the Procter & Gamble () Web site. The difference is that Procter & Gamble's output is focused only on beauty, health, skin care, personal cleanliness and other categories, and is according to the "brand strategy" marketing, that is, "a brand, a website" approach to design; and General Electric generally only use "GE,, the brand, and its products and services across too large a span, so the sub-site are used "by function of the domain name" rather than "according to the brand of the domain name" idea. There are no advantages and disadvantages of the two programs, only branded websites in the keyword search need to add another note. Any website, one is the information layer, the second is the channel layer, the third is the service layer. Most of the domestic electronic sites are still competing on the information level, not because they do not want to build a stable customer channels, to provide substantial services, but because most of them do not have the basis of industrial practice, it is difficult to start from the consumer or business reality, to build a novel online business model. Or rather, their lack of deep understanding of the product, the customer, and the actual business model is the main reason for the lack of vitality of these sites.

GE's Web site is top-notch in terms of information dissemination, channel construction, and service model. First of all, the site is not simply positioned in the "B2B", "B2C", "B2G" and other external forms, but in the customer base. Therefore, the site is organized by "Individuals", "Families", "Small Businesses", "Companies", "Industrial Solutions", "GE Business" and "Global Services".

Based on this concept, the GE website "captures" customers with information and expands channels with services. In terms of the form of operation, it includes "B2C", "B2B", "B2G", and "ASP" models. " and other modes. For example:

B2C - lighting, home appliances, bonding and sealants, appliance security, personal finance, GE credit cards, home leasing, credit, etc.;

B2B - general-purpose network services, small business services, acquisition/leasing of equipment, new IT equipment, reducing vehicle expenses, business development, employee benefits, automation, communications, transportation, GE investments, commercial equipment, etc.;

ASP - global information exchange services, enterprise purchasing solutions, GE website solutions, EDI solutions, etc.

Secondly, it's also hard to say which one the GE website belongs to in terms of the so-called portal form. As a corporate website, in terms of product marketing, it is doing very professional, but also very exclusive, such as its household appliances and electric light source product column plate, in the marketing creativity and virtual effect on the display of all the B2C website can be called a model.