Rural cooperative medical insurance system in foreign research status?

(I) Japan's rural medical insurance system

1. The main content of Japan's rural medical insurance system. Japanese farmers can enjoy the medical insurance mainly refers to the "national health insurance", the main source of the insurance fund is the premiums paid by the insured, the financial subsidies of the state and local governments and the premiums in the capital market investment income. Premiums are paid as a percentage of the standard annual income of each insured person and are approved annually, with appropriate reductions for low-income families. Japan's rural health insurance pays a high level of payments, and pays mainly for medical expenses, which are family-based, and which cover 70% of the cost of medical treatment and specific treatment, high-cost medical treatment, midwifery, funeral expenses, and child-care subsidies, among other things.

2. Characteristics of Japan's rural health insurance system. (1) Sound legal system. Japan's rural medical insurance in its operation and management of every aspect of the corresponding legal constraints, to ensure the smooth operation of the organization. (2) Clear management hierarchy. Japan's rural medical insurance management organization has a clear division of responsibilities, a clear hierarchy, and the cooperation of each organization is well coordinated, so that the complex medical insurance system operates in an orderly manner. (3) Sound supervisory organization. In order to correct any deviations in the operation of the insurance fund in a timely manner and to avoid any loss of control, the supervisory and review organization, which consists of people representing different interests, is given absolute independence and is protected by law to avoid any bias in the supervisory process. (4) Rural health insurance and health insurance for employees are independent of each other and exclusive. The two not only have different insurance revenue composition, but also the proportion of insurance premiums in their financial resources is also quite different, in which the government's investment in rural health insurance has a larger proportion.

(2) Thailand's rural medical insurance system

1. Thailand's rural health insurance is based on a health card system. For poor farmers, free health cards are issued at the expense of the government. For farmers in general, on a voluntary basis, individual farmers pay 500 baht and the government subsidizes 500 baht, and the government issues a uniformly printed health card, with which the whole family can enjoy free health care services, while those who are more than five need to purchase another card, and those who are over 50 years of age and children under 12 years of age are entitled to free medical care. In order to promote the issuance of health cards, the Government has stipulated that subsidies will be given only if more than 35 per cent of the families in the village participate. The funds raised for the health card are coordinated by the provincial management committee, with 90% used to pay for health care and 10% to pay for administrative costs. The health card can be used for medical treatment, maternal and child health care and immunization. Health card holders go to health centers or community health care with their cards, and when the health centers or community hospitals deem it necessary to make referrals, they can be transferred to provincial hospitals or regional hospitals up to central level hospitals. When health card holders go to public hospitals with their cards, they are allowed to visit public hospitals eight times, except for the prescribed self-payment items, with a maximum limit for each visit, which will be billed to the Provincial Management Committee by the unit where the visit is made. For visits to private hospitals, outpatient expenses are self-paid and hospitalization expenses are subsidized at an average of 3,000 baht per month within the annual limit.

In line with the implementation of the health card system, the Thai government has assumed responsibility for the construction of public **** health services. Thailand's rural health services are invested by the government to build institutions, equipped with health personnel and equipment, provide most of the maintenance costs and the necessary expansion of the fixed assets investment and operational funds to carry out preventive work, and the rest of the government organized by the villagers to raise funds to solve the problem. In terms of management, rural health services in Thailand are managed by health centers, whose basic function is to organize and implement preventive health care for the entire village under the leadership of the Government. The director of the village health center is a government official who is responsible for the health of the entire township on behalf of the government.

2. Characteristics of Thailand's rural health insurance system. Thailand's most basic health health protection in addition to the public **** health care services, is to limit the medical coverage received with the consumer balance, easy to operate in the operation, low operating costs. It is conducive to the control of health care costs. Thailand's health card system implemented in rural areas to provide farmers with the most basic protection, so that a region's fund-raising, sharing of economic losses due to disease and health care in one, can provide better medical and preventive health care at the grass-roots units, for the protection of the grass-roots people's health has a very good role.

(3) Brazil's Rural Health Insurance System

1. Brazilian rural residents have the same medical insurance as urban residents. The cost of medical insurance for farmers is paid in the form of a tax surcharge, plus appropriate subsidies from the state treasury, with state taxes and financial subsidies accounting for about 22% of the total insurance fund. The use of the health insurance fund is based on a centralized and decentralized approach, whereby the health insurance administration raises funds through the banks and the treasury, and according to the actual needs reported by the states and regions in terms of the number of visits, and after reviewing and consolidating the balance, the funds are allocated to the states, which then allocate the funds on the basis of their budgets, which are approved by the governors of the states. Health insurance in Brazil is unified under the Ministry of Social Welfare, with the National Health Insurance Institute (INAM), which operates its own insurance hospitals. There are three levels of insured hospitals: high, medium and primary, and in addition to the self-insured medical institutions, there are also a number of contracted private hospitals and doctors. When a resident falls ill, he or she must first consult a local primary health-care institution and, with the consent of the primary health-care doctor, be transferred to an intermediate or higher-level health-care institution for treatment. When a patient seeks medical treatment at random from a hospital or doctor, he or she is responsible for all expenses.

2. Characteristics of the Brazilian rural health insurance system. The country's urban and rural residents to implement universal health insurance without discrimination, rich or poor people enjoy the right to health care, health insurance coverage, the rapid development of a high level of treatment.

(4) Mexico's rural health insurance system

1. Agricultural workers and their families participate in the National Employees' Social Insurance Institute (INSS), and free medical relief for farmers is also administered by INSS. The governing body of the Institute is the Council, which is composed of representatives of the Government, employers and employees. The director of the association is appointed by the president, the association's congress is the highest authority, mainly responsible for the development of the budget and project plans and review of the implementation of the association, the association also set up the appropriate organizations at each level, the specific implementation of the policies formulated by the association.

Because agricultural workers are employees and have a guaranteed financial income, the health insurance fund is raised and paid in the same way as industrial workers. The insurance fund comes from the funds contributed by employers and employees and a small subsidy from the government. The main expenditures of the medical insurance fund of the National Employees' Social Insurance Institute are: the administrative expenses of the medical insurance organizations, the construction and upgrading of the equipment of the affiliated medical institutions, the salaries of the medical staff of the affiliated medical institutions and the costs of medicines for the insured. Medical services for poor rural residents are managed by the General Coordinator of the Rural Affairs Department of the National Employees' Social Insurance Institute (NESI), and an agreement is signed between the Government and the Institute to utilize the human and material resources of the Institute to provide free medical relief for poor farmers who cannot afford to pay for medical expenses, with the costs fully borne by the Government.

Medical care for agricultural workers is provided by hospitals affiliated to the insurance associations, and medical institutions under the social insurance associations at all levels of the country provide free medical care to the participants of the associations. These medical institutions are divided into first, second and third levels, with the first level being clinics; the second level being general hospitals; and the third level being medical centers, which are the highest level of medical care. Medical care for members of the Association is provided on a district-by-district referral basis, with most patients receiving care on an outpatient basis. Poor farmers go to hospitals run by the Government, or to clinics and hospitals contracted by the Government and the Association. <br>

2. Characteristics of Mexico's rural health insurance system. All levels of government are involved, health insurance organizations run hospitals, and the number of people covered by health insurance is high. Agricultural workers and industrial workers as employees in the health insurance is categorized as a system differentiated from other objects, at the same time for the poor farmers in remote areas of the government also gives free medical relief.