Human radiation acceptance standard
According to the Basic Standards for Protection of Ionizing Radiation and Safety of Radiation Sources, the annual radiation dose of normal people should not exceed 1mSv. The national standard GB 15208. 1-2005 stipulates that the single inspection dose of X-ray security instrument is
Take the X-ray security inspection equipment used in the subway as an example, and its single inspection dose is 0.534? Gy, the radiation dose at the outer surface of 5cm is 0.788μGy/h, which is about110 of the upper limit stipulated by the national standard.
According to the data reported by the United Nations Scientific Committee on Radiation Effects, the radiation dose of chest X-ray examination is 50? Gy. That is to say, even if people are really put into this X-ray security device, it will take about 100 scans to reach the radiation dose received by a chest X-ray.