Professor Yadong Wang has taken the lead in bioinformatics research in China, and as a senior expert has strongly promoted China's research in bioinformatics.
He has presided over and completed more than 20 national scientific and technological major projects, National 863 Program projects, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and international cooperation projects, including one national major special project, one key project of the National Science and Technology Support Program (NSTSP), more than 10 projects of the National 863 Program, five projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC), and five projects of the International Cooperation Program (ICP). Prof. Wang Yadong won the second prize of National Scientific and Technological Progress, the second prize of Provincial Scientific and Technological Progress, and the second prize of Provincial Natural Science; he has been published in the journals of Nucleic Acids Research (SCI, IF 8.278), Bioinformatics (SCI, IF 5.323), Human Mutation (SCI, IF 5.213), Human Mutation (IF 5.323) and Human Mutation (IF 5.323). (SCI, IF 5.323), Human Mutation (SCI, IF 5.213), BMC Genomics (SCI, IF 4.40), BMC Bioinformatics (SCI, IF 3.02) and other international journals, published more than 150 papers, with the highest number of citations of 314 times, and was selected as one of the "China's 100 most influential international academic papers" in 2009. "Prof. Wang Yadong's representative academic papers. The total impact factor of Prof. Yadong Wang's representative academic papers is more than 150.
Major research projects include : Biological big data representation indexing, searching and storage and access technology, Major Project of National 863 Program, 2015.01-2017.12 Research and Development of Key Technology for Biological Digital Resource Integration and Information Service, Project of National 863 Program, 2014.01-2017.12 Key Technology for Medical Internet of Things. 2016.12 Research on key technology and equipment development and validation of medical Internet of Things, National Science and Technology Major Project, 2013.01-2015.12 Development of integrated and fused technology and system for medical information, National 863 Program, 2011.01-2015.12 Research on personal health information acquisition and management technology, National 863 Program, 2012.01- 2015.12 Development of major products for translational bioinformatics, National 863 Program Project, 2012.01-2014.12 Harbin Institute of Technology - Aisikai Joint Research Laboratory of Medical Information Technology, International Collaboration Project, 2011.01-2014.12 Research on genome splicing and assembling algorithms based on new generation sequencing data , National Natural Science Foundation of China. 2011.01-2015.12 Research on allele transcriptional regulation model based on single nucleotide mutation in individual genome, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2014.01-2017.12 Research on high-throughput sequencing fragment mapping method based on multi-reference genome, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2014.01-2016.12 Research on disease-causing based on biological data fusion Research on the identification method of disease-causing microRNAs based on biological data fusion, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2012.01-2014.12 Research on the prediction of regulatory single nucleotide variants in non-coding regions related to complex human diseases, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2014.01-2016.12 Major awards include: "Research on agricultural expert system and its development tools" was awarded the first Heilongjiang Provincial Prize for "Agricultural expert system and its development tools". The project "Research on Agricultural Expert System and its Development Tools" won the first prize of the first Heilongjiang Provincial University Science and Technology Award (2002) The project "Research on Pattern Recognition Methods of Complex Disease Gene Mapping" won the first prize of the first Heilongjiang Provincial University Science and Technology Award and the second prize of the second Heilongjiang Provincial Natural Science and Technology Award (2005) J-220-2-15 Research and Application of Agricultural Expert System" won the Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award (General Project) (2006) "Research on Automatic Color Matching Technology Based on Machine Learning" won the Second Prize of Natural Science and Technology of Heilongjiang Province (2006) The paper "miR2Disease: a new approach for the identification of complex disease genes" won the First Prize of University Science and Technology of Heilongjiang Province and the Second Prize of Natural Science and Technology of Heilongjiang Province. The paper "miR2Disease: a manually curated database for microRNA deregulation in human disease" was awarded the prize of China's 100 Most Influential International Academic Papers (2010) and the first prize of the 12th Heilongjiang Provincial Natural Science and Technology Academic Achievement Award (2011). The Personal Genome Browser (PGB) is the world's first browser customized for the personal genome, and the related paper "The Personal Genome Browser: Visualizing Functions of Genetic Variants" has been published in Nucleic Acids Research (2014 IF: 8.278): 8.278). The reviewer highly evaluated the significance of the research, "You do a lot of great works to the world", marking the completion of the navigation task in this brand new research field in China. Software achievements include: miR2Disease miR2Disease, a manually curated database, aims at providing a comprehensive resource of miRNA deregulation in various human diseases. miR2Disease is a comprehensive database of miRNA deregulation in various human diseases. Personal Genome Browser Personal Genome Browser, a genome browser for visualizing individual genetic variants and their functions, with support of diverse genomic annotations. Personal Genome Browser, a genome browser for visualizing individual genetic variants and their functions, with support of diverse genomic annotations and knowledge bases. SIDD SIDD aims to establish semantic associations among disease-related databases and integrate them to provide disease global view at a glance. SIDD aims to establish semantic associations among disease-related databases and integrate them to provide disease global view at biological levels. PRISM PRISM is a software for split read (reads which span across a structrual variant SV ) mapping and SV calling from SV to SV. - PRISM is a software for split reads (reads which span across a structrual variant SV ) mapping and SV calling from the mapping result. PRISM is able to detect small insertions and abitrary size deletions, inversions and tandom duplications with the direction of discordant read pairs. PRISM_CTX is a tool for detecting inter-chromosome trans-location events. DNMFilter ESclassifier ESclassifier is a supervised machine learning-based approach for exon skipping event detection from RNA-Seq data lncRNA2Target lncRNA2Target, a manually curated database for differentially expressed genes after lncRNA knockdown or over expression. lncRNA2Function LncRNA2Function, an ontology-driven user-friendly web interface named lncRNA2Function, which enables researchers to browse the lncRNAs associated with a specific functional term, the functional terms associated with a specific lncRNA, or to assign functional terms to a set of human lncRNA genes, such TF2Lncrna TF2Lncrna, a web interface contains two panels on the left and right hand side, which allow users to input a set of lncRNAs for use in a variety of applications. set of lncRNAs for finding their common TFs or for browsing and retrieving TF-lncRNA regulatory relationships for a specific TF or lncRNA in a specific cell line of interest.