A, dental clinic decoration how to design
1, dental clinic decoration design must comply with the health bureau of the layout plan, is the necessary basis for each dental clinic decoration design, at present, all over the health bureau, are required to each dental clinic decoration design must have a cleaning room, disinfection room and closed medical filth room, and then the dental film X-ray equipment room.
2, dental clinic decoration design dental mold mechanic room, some small dental clinics, dental appliances using external processing, it is not necessary to set up a dental mold mechanic room, such as their own processing dental appliances, dental clinic decoration design requires a more spacious dental mold mechanic room, and there are up and down the water, which the downpipe needs to be thicker, favoring the gypsum material rinsing and drainage.
3, dental clinic renovation design floor plan next is in line with the law of dental treatment visits to some common space, such as dental clinic renovation design waiting room, open treatment area, single treatment room, some larger dental clinics, usually all the use of single treatment room form.
Two, dental clinic renovation considerations
1, the correct positioning clinic design. The new clinic must be large enough, after the renovation should make the staff and patients feel comfortable, this point of view seems obvious, however, the clinic is usually overestimated, the plan to make significantly larger or smaller.
2. Design of sterilization areas and centralized and decentralized management. The sterilization and resupply area is the center of the clinical work end, think FedEx. Be sure to place this area in the center, adequately equip these two areas to make it possible to sterilize and re-store all the instruments, if you are ready to create a clinic with less than 10 treatment areas, do not think about dispersing the sterilization in multiple locations, you should place the sterilization area in the center. Don't waste money on a pre-established sterilization center either; these centers are too compact, usually don't employ full-time sterilization assistants, and don't provide a good cost-to-margin ratio.
3. The design and management of the stockroom should be applied. Gathering stock does not mean buying in large quantities. Consolidate the stockpile so that it can be quickly re-supplied on it. Don't make yourself regret this one aspect in the design. We often see clinics that spend a lot of money on large quantities of goods piled up to the point of being overwhelmed. These make purchase control and inventory turnover impossible.
4, clinic design in the importance of quiet. The importance of installing effective soundproofing or acoustic mats in the dental office should not be minimized. The old idea of separating the waiting room from the rest of the clinic is no longer desirable. It is also inappropriate because the patient wants to be a guest in the clinic. Not a piece of storage or part of the furniture.