Resurrection Point Hospital
1, Bryan County - Beach Shores - Beach Shores Medical Center (behind the Beach Shores Police Department)
2, Bryan County - Perito Bay - The Bay Care Center
3, L.A. Sanctuary - Rockford Hills - Mount Zonah Medical Center
4, L.A. Sanctuary - L.A. Metro Area - Mount Roundabout - Mount Roundabout Medical Center (divided into West and East)
5, L.A. Metro - South L.A. Metro - Strawberry - Central L.A. Metro Medical Center
Not as a resurrection point hospital or clinic
1, L.A. Metro - Goodmaywood - West Goodmaywood - Eclipse Medical Building
2, L.A. Metro - Rockford Hills - Trinity Medical Center, Portola
p>3, Los Santos-East Los Santos-Buro Heights-St. Fiacre's Hospital (behind the East Los Santos Fire Department)
4, Los Santos-Good McWoods-Hoiker-Los Santos Harmony Health Center is upstairs in Armed States.
5. Hospital establishments
such as the Los Santos County Coroner's Building across from the South Los Santos-Central Los Santos Medical Center.