What does pe stand for?

PE has many meanings.

1, polyethylene (PE) is one of the most commonly used polymer materials in daily life, which is widely used to make plastic bags, plastic films, milk barrels, etc., and is also the main cause of white pollution.

2. Petroleum ether is a light petroleum product with a boiling range of 30 ~ 150℃, which is mainly composed of pentane and hexane. The collection temperature range is generally around 30℃, and the boiling range specifications are 30 ~ 60℃, 60 ~ 90℃ and 90 ~ 120℃. Although the name is "ether", it is a mixture containing many hydrocarbons, which is different from ether compounds containing oxygen.

3. Physical Education (English: physical education, abbreviated as P.E.) is a teaching activity carried out in primary schools, middle schools and universities, aiming at promoting the all-round development of participants in physical activities.

4. Portable Executable file (English: portable executable, abbreviated as PE) is the file format of executable file, object file and dynamic link library, which is mainly used in 32-bit and 64-bit Windows operating systems.

5. Price-earnings ratio (P/E or PER), also known as price-earnings ratio, refers to the price per share divided by earnings per share (EPS), which is usually used as an indicator of whether a stock is cheap or expensive (inflation will inflate earnings per share, thus distorting the comparative value of price-earnings ratio). P/E ratio relates the stock price of an enterprise to its ability to create wealth.

6. Private equity investment (also known as private equity investment or private equity fund) is a very broad concept, which refers to the investment in any kind of equity assets that cannot be traded freely in the stock market.

7.Windows preinstallation environment (English: Microsoft Windows preinstallation environment), referred to as Windows PE or WinPE for short, is a lightweight version of Microsoft Windows, which mainly provides customized operating system environment for PC developers (mainly OEMs), workstations and servers, or performs troubleshooting when the system is offline to replace the old MS-DOS startup floppy disk/startup CD.

It can be understood as the Live CD or subsystem of Windows, and the core of the system is 32-bit /64-bit. Because the hardware requirements are not great, it is convenient to store in various portable storage devices such as CD-ROM drive, USB flash drive, etc.