Write some Doraemon short stories!

Complete Table of Contents for Doraemon's Big Long, Middle, and Special Episodes

Big Long

Big Long ドラえもん1 のびタの Dinosaur 80.11.28

Big Long ドラえもん2 のびタの Universe Exploitation History 81.02.28

Big Long ドラえもん3 のびタの Daemonic Realm 82.08.28


Daraemon 4: Nabiki no Ghost Rock 83.05.28

Daraemon 5: Nabiki no Daimonogatari 84.09.28

Daraemon 6: Nabiki no Universe 85.10.28

Daraemon 7: Nabiki no Ironman Soldier 86.01.28

Daraemon 7: Nabiki no Ironman Soldier 86.01.28

Daraemon 8: Nabiki no Ironman Soldier 86.01.28

Daicho ドラえもん8 のびタと竜の骑士 87.05.28

Daicho ドラえもん9 大長編ドラえもん9 大雄的平行西游记 88

Daicho ドラえもん10 のびタの日本诞生 89.07.28

Daicho ドラえもん11 のびタとアニマル confusing stars 90.10.27

Daicho ドラえもん12 のびタのドラビアンナイト 91.07.27

Da Chang Jie ドラえもん13 のびタと云の王国 92.06.28

Da Chang Jie ドラえもん14 のびタとブリキの labyrinth 93.07.28

Da Chang Jie ドラえもん15 のびタと梦幻三剣士 94.08. 27

Daicho ドラえもん16 のびタの Genesis Diary 95.08.28

Daicho ドラえもん17 のびタと Galaxy Super Express 96.08.28

Daicho ドラえもん18 のびタの Niji-Maki City Adventure 97.08.28

Daicho ドラえもん19 のびタの Nansea The Great Adventure 98.09.28

Daicho ドラえもん 20 Nobutai no Cosmic Drift 99.09.28

Daicho ドラえもん 21 Nobutai no Sun King Densetsu 00.07.28

Daicho ドラえもん 22 Nobutai and the Winged Brave Man Tachi 01.07.28

Daicho ドラえもん 23 のび太とロボット王国 02.03.09

大长编ドラえもん24 のび太とふしぎ风使い 2003

大长编ドラえもん25 のび太のワンニャン時時気伝 2004

大长编ドラえもん26 のび太の恐竜2006

Name of the Chinese versions of the Big Long Story

01. 1980 Nobita's Dinosaur

02. 1981 The Records of Nobita, Spaceblazer

03. 1982 Nobita and Haunts of Evil

03. 1982 Nobita and Haunts of Evil

04. Nobita and the Castle of the Undersea Devil)

05. 1984 Nobita's Great Adventure into the Underworld)

06. Nobita's Great Adventure into the Underworld)

06. 1985 Nobita's Little Space War

07. 1986 Nobita and the Streel Trrops

07. 1986 Nobita and the Castle of the Undersea Devil

08. Nobita and the Streel Trrops

08. 1987 Nobita and the Knights on Dinosaurs

09. 1988 Nobita's Parallel Journey to the West

10. 1989 Nobita and the Birth of Japan

11. 1990 Nobita's Little Space War

11. 1990 Nobita's Little Space War

12. p>

11. 1990 Nobita and the Animal Planet

12. 1991 Nobita's Dorabian Nights

13. 1992 Nobita and the Kingdom of Clouds

14. 15. 16. Nobita and the Kingdom of Clouds)

14. 1993 Nobita and the Tin Labyrinth)

15. 1994 Nobita's Three Visionary Swordsmen)

16. Nobita's Diary on the Creation of the World)

17. 1996 Nobita and the Galaxy Superexpress)

18. Nobita and the Spiral City)

19. 1998 Nobita's Great Adventure in the South Seas)

20. Nobita and the Spiral City)

19. 1998 Nobita's Great Adventure in the South Seas)

20. 1999 Nobita Drifts in the Universe)

21. 2000 Nobita's the Legend of the Sun King

22. 2001 Nobita and the Spiral City

3. 2001 Nobita and the Spiral City

24. 22. 2001 Nobita and the Winged Braves

23. 2002 Nobita in the Robot Kingdom

24. 2003 Nobita And The Envoy Of The Wind

24. 2003 Nobita And The Envoy Of The Wind

24. 25. 26. Nobita's The Cat And Dog Spread In Space Time

26. 2006 Nobita's Dinosaur2006

37. Dinosaur2006)


1981--I'm Momotaro's What's-His-Name---------Same Screening

1989--SOS!!!! Mini Tinker Bell------------Same Cinema Extra

1991--Nianshan Luck Troupe---------------------Same Cinema Extra

1993--Halo! Dinosaurs --------------------- same encore screening

- Go Sun's Friends! The Sun Tinker Bell - same encore screening

1994 - Cyan's Summer Theater --------------- same encore screening

1995 ----2112 The Birth of Tinker Bell -------------- same encore screening

1996 ----- Robot School's Seven Weirdest Tales --------- same encore screening <

1997-Doraemons Dora Ban Mystery Challenge Same Screening

1998---- Tinker Bell Goes Back ------------------ Same Screening

--- Bugs Alive --------------- Same Screening

1999- Doraemons Fruitlanders Strange Fruitlanders Same Screening

-- Nobita's Wedding Eve Nobita's Wedding Eve Same Screening

2000----- Memories of Grandma ------------------ Same Screening

-- Tinker Bell's Family ------------------------ Same Screening

2001 -- Doraemon and the Doraemon Clan: A Close Call at the Cosmic Playground Same Screening

-- Go! Fat Tiger! ---------------------- Same Screening


Spring (Chapter) 1: Nobita's Gold Medal of Dreams

Spring (Chapter) 2: Farewell Tree Boy, the Strange Incident at Shamu Village

Spring (Chapter) 3: The Forest Calls to Me. Life Over Again Machine . Adventures in the Ant Kingdom . Nobita is a Tyrant

Summer No. 1: Ness is Coming. Tinkerbell Village's Hoy. The Treasure of Death Mountain . Transformation Rings and Cards☆

Ship of Summer (Chapter) 2: Smooth Deck. Traveling to Japan 70,000 Years Ago. Using a Sleepwalker Pillow to Transform into a Genius Boy. Survive by the power of animals

Autumn (Chapter) 1: Let's go to the southern island, Family Section apron

Autumn (Chapter) 2: Doraemon's health diagnosis, Opposite Planet

Autumn (Chapter) 3: ① Exploration of the underground country, ② Dangerous in the future world

Autumn (Chapter) 4: Anti growth glasses

Autumn (Chapter) 5:Take it easy with Copy-Mind, No Man's Island is my Island, Bringing Nature to the Room

No. Winter (Chapter) 1:Wild Dog Ichi's Country, etc.

No. Winter (Chapter) 2:SF Mega-Shoot - Cosmic Superman

Early Spring: Positively Dreaming of Newspapers, Memories of Grandma

Spring is here! Doraemon Special - Witty King

New Year's Eve Special - 21st Century Comes gogo Nobita Superman and more

Doraemon Autumn Special (last episode foretold dream to save the earth, Chikunichi helmet...)

Doraemon 30 Years Anniversary Autumn Festival A- Wild Park Adventure, Gathering Sand Machine, Mole Type Horn

Doraemon 30 Years Anniversary Autumn Festival B- Ship Bottle Maker, Reverse Growth Glasses, Motion Recorder

2112 Tinker Bell Birth Episode

New Semester Special

Doraemon is Sick (in person) Not DOWN yet)

Tinker Bell, Adventures of the Scarecrow (Not DOWN yet by me)

Go Sun's friends! (Sun Tinkerbell) (I have not DOWN yet)

The Cyan Summer Theater (I have not DOWN yet)

I'm Momotaro's what's-his-name

SOS!!!!! Mini Tinkerbell

The Teenage Mountain Thieves

Tinkerbell's Hello! Dinosaur Jr.

The Seven Strange Tales of Robot School

The Challenge Letter of Doraemon the Thief

Tinker Bell Goes Back

The Buggy Active Battle

Nobita's Wedding Night

Tinkerbell's Clan

Doraemons Fruitland

Doraemons Fruitland (The Strange Land of Fruit)

Doraemon & Doraemons. A Dream Clan: A Close Call at the Cosmic Playground

Go! Fat Tiger!

Short Robot Cat Doraemon Manga Full Catalog !!!!!!

People's Fine Arts Publishing House

Volume 1

A Thousand Miles from the Land of the Future

Machine Cat's Great Prophecy

Transformation Cookie

Secret Combat Operations

Opposite Flute

Old School Contest

Grasshoppers Who Make Mistakes

Ancestors Go

Catching Shadows

Patting Horse Lipstick

Wanting to get a hundred percent for once in my life

Proposal Action Plan

Booked Planner

Snowing Scalding

Smoke Bogey in the Oil Lamp

Run! Takenoma

Volume 2

Examinations and Dark Memory Bread

Luuko's Love

Ghost Story Lamp

Dreaming Wind Chimes

The Day I Was Born

Honest Taro

Shizuku's Feathered Clothes

Lying Mirrors

Time Wrap Leather

A Set of Psychic Palmistry Tools

A Litter of Wolves

N.S. Badge

Making the Underground

Raddy on a Mat

Contagious Colds

Indoor Avalanche

Searching for Dinosaurs

Pre-emptively-Replied-Messages in Mailboxes

Volume 3

Criticality! The Lion-Faced Man

Swapping Mothers for Each Other

The Detective Tools of Sherlock Holmes

The Schedule Clock

The Lying Machine


Bonus 1,024x

The Guiding Angel

Magical Colored Pencils

The Dress-Changing Camera

Ahhh, love it, love it, love it

Dream city, the kingdom of Nobi

All-purpose pill

Be your own teacher

Girls who look like a white lily

Story badge

White! Come back to life.

Volume 4

Magic Camera

Lies Come True

An Army of Toys

The Reverse Actor

A Trip to the Bottom of the Sea

Moonlight and Bugs

Groups Spell the Guests' Faces

Using Money You Haven't Saved Up For Yet

Friendship Sealer

The World's End

The Perspective Telescope

Melody Gas

Nobi's Buried Treasure

Future World's Weirdo

The Kettle Recorder

The Stone Hat

The Lucky Gun

Remembrances of Grandma

Volume 5

Slow Pill and Fast Pill

Weight Paint

Making the Globe

Nobie in the Mirror

Hammer to Help with Memories

Fine Box

Machine Cat's Own Party

Four-Dimensional Tricycle

Going on Underground Adventures

Defensive Cloak

Making the Badge

Wildby's Pool

Continued Spray

Dreams Come True Pillow

Black Belt

Daddy Won the Lottery

Toy Phone

Rescuing Elephants

Volume 6

King of the Night

Catching the Funky Virus

Hot Springs Motel

Taking Shizuko Skiing

"The Illustrated Book of Real Things

The Six Million Yen Painting

The Carp Flag

The Spreading Gum

The Cannon That Goes Anywhere

The Little Girl in the Red Shoes

The First Class Crewman's Cap

Nobey's Drift Story

Taking the Submarine to the Sea

Taking the King to the Sea

Taking the King to the Sea

Taking the King to the Sea

The Buzz Monster is Coming

Nobi's Typhoon

The Pill that Reverses the Personality

The Search for the Future Daughter-in-Law

Farewell, RoboCat

Machine Cat Treasure Show

Volume 7

Return of the RoboCat

Machine Dwarf

The Champion Dreams

Flying Fish in the Air

Indescribable Love

Travel Souvenir Photo

Mom's Diamonds

Trouble is Not Enough

The Mouse and the Bomb

Future Shopper

The King of the Stone Age


The Super Stirrer

The Special Cap

Reaction Tester

The Beaver Machine

Seven Hands, Feet, and Three Eyes

The Pipiro Rope

The Curious Case of the Village of the Depression

Volume 8

Slow Reflective Wipes


Misplaced Charts

Charts Don't Lie

The Big Fat One Singer's Dream

Man-Making Machine

Bad Luck Diamond

Ha-Ha Laughing Headphones

Transparent People Eye Drops

Attractive Vegetable Mallet

Diligent Bee

Manpowerful Locomotive

Into Degraded Radioactive Sources

Match-Buying Robot Cats

Disgraceful Camera

Sight and Sound Recorder

Male Potion

Face Eraser

I'm Ms. Truth

If a Robot Says Yes

Hard Spoon

Volume 9

Touching Words

Finding Hammer Bugs

A Gala in the Wallpaper

Collecting Bottle Caps <

Through the Ring

Game of Tuning Forks

Automatic Manipulator

Forgetful Grass

Urasima Sugar Granules (RoboCat's Sister)

Island Building

Moving Maps

Emotional Tester

Lies on Lies

Nobey's Nobey

Tracking Cards

Snail Dwelling

The Devil's Phone

I am Momotaro

1`The Mystery of the Time Photo

2`The Strange Foreigner

3`The OOO Born in the Peach

Volume 10

Candy that Delays the Voice

The Body Cutter

Apartment Tree

Honoring the Elderly with a Drinking Dish

Eye Potion for Invisible People

Past, Future Diary

Subscription for 100 Years From Now

Buying Blackout

X-Ray Camera

Remote-Controlled Alien

Weather Bucket

Refracting Light Bath

Playing with Dolls

Leading My Brother Home

Animal Escape Pills

Submarine in the Stomach

Wish Star

Remote Control Manipulator


Nobby's Dinosaurs

Volume 11

What If Phone Booths

Release of Life Activity Paper

Shooing Away Pesky Guests

Above the Clouds

Wolf Face Beauty Cream

Speed Up the Clockwork


The Electric Lightsaber


Transmitting Flavored Gum

Hypnotic Glasses

Being a TV Station Manager

Silver Forks

Forbidden Future The Antenna

The Purse That Holds Things

The Part Changer

The Vending Machine

April Fools Day

The Big Fat Friend

The Robot Cat Dabaiko

Volume 12

The Sensory Rocket

The Tongue Reader

The Truth-Telling Duct Tape

Reminder Bird

Premonition Bug

Aerial Battle

Pets and Owners

Masked Warrior


Weather Reservation Chart

Spooky Dry

Learning to Swim


Emotional Parasol

Indoor Hooking Pond

Western Gunfighter

Learning to Ride

Solid Sound

Helping Dad Find His Wallet

Ghost Castle

Volume 13

Exaggerated Clothes

Telescopes That Hold Things

Personal Coins

World of Don't Want Money

Electricity Storage Clothes

The Big, Fat Smorgasbord <

School by Bow and Arrow

Synthetic Paste

Ruyi Straw

Treasure Quest Toy Box

Magic Gloves

Universe Adventure

Beating Down Other People's Robots

Restoring Torch

Movement Indicator

Learning to be a King of the Stolen Bases

Devil's Passport <

Soul Returner

Fan Movement

Real or Fake UFOs

Volume 14

Getting Farther and Farther Away from Home

Shedding Flashlights

Advertising Mirrors

Excitement Bands

Collar of the "One Call" <

Idea Microphone

Secret Pen

Blowing Ancestors

Typhoon Generator

Leaving Home for No Man's Land

Super-Miniature Vehicle Training Ground

Lazy Plot

Giant Baseball

Pretty Mimi

Good Things to do and Bad Things to do

Man-Eating House The House That Eats People

The Alien's House

The Swimming Pool in the Clouds

Remote-Controlled Battle of the Seas

Kind Grandpa

Volume 15

Dreaming Channels

Kitten's Company

Treasure of Jengaro Ridge

Doors to Every House

Switching Rope

Unfortunate Letter Lovers' Club

All-Purpose Pass

Catching the Doer with a Flight Time

Secret Camera

Stacking Pole Device

Life Reclaimer

Shoulder Badge

Dictator Electro Button

Doodle Gun

Emoji Control Disk

Noise Nuisance

The Tiny Congress

The World of Rope Flipping

Volume 16

The Silent World

The Time Saver

The Four Seasons Badge

Being a Good Father

Mostly I Hate Money

Deluxe Torch

Standing Dreaming Hat

Four-Dimensional Space Pocket

Lasso Rope

Monster Box Cane

Magic Leaf

Talking Spout

Super Armor

Singer Songwriter Composer

Dwarf Hat

Couldn't Learn in the Sahara Desert

Cloud Controller

Pre-written Journals Are Awful

Daddy Spreads the Dirt Too

Tarzan of the Universe

Volume 17

The Doubling Fluid

The Origami Craft Riot

Noobie Weekly

Swift Drift

Forced Sweatpants

Playing Dangerously in the Sky

Safety Gloves

The Complete Opposite of Planets

Protagonist Push to Plug Machine

Moving around

Clean note

Self-contained satellites

Houses turned into robots

Spaceman RC machine

Noise wave oscillator

Brasscakes, the movie, booked out

Saving extinct dingoes and dodos

By the way " Saving the Extinct Dinobirds and Dodo Birds" plays a pivotal role in the extra-long 12-volume Cloud Kingdom.

Volume 18

Special screening at Nopi's house

Thrill darts

Biased trees

Reconnaissance with spy satellites

Indoor swimmers

Cabin in the Great Iceberg

Nopi runs away to Kyushu

Talking to telepaths

Driving around on vacuum cleaners

Automatic Pawnshop Machine

Family Maze

Realistic Hat

Happy Stars

The One That Didn't Go Down That Time

Fear Pills

Girlfriend's Catalog

No Beauty Without Spending Money on Stuff

Sleepless Nights Meet Sandman

The Hundred Bitters Timer

Dandelions Fly to the Sky

Volume 19

The Gym

Repelling the Gyroscope

Walking Under the Sea

Universe Battle on the Roof

Happy Mermaid Princess

Automation Maru Rebellion

Mate Test Badge

Nobie's Secret Passage

Ruyi's Box

Wacky Umbrella

Pandora's Box

The Gratitude Machine

Delivery Phone

Photographic Slide Show

Earth Quiz

Invincible Insect Dan

Christmas Smoking Pipes

Skiing Memoirs

Farewell Outside the Window

Volume 20

Secret Base

The God of Fortune and the God of Poverty

Medicine Kits

Eager Pills

Nature in the Room

Half-Snake-Haired Demon

Physical Stereoscopic Daylight Photographs

Galactic Railroad Nights

Pressing the Button Door

Pocket Flatbed Camera

Illusory Real Guns

Lucky Veggies

Room-sized Red Bean Cake

Press Money

Parallel Injection

Cosmic Adventure Chess

Mind Potion

Snowmass Romance

Super Extraordinarily Special Movie Cosmic Daimao

Volume 21


Lobo Prom

Vast Japan

Multifunctional Amulet

Dinosaur Exodus

Future City Retainer

Warrior Noppi

Tiny Houses for the Summer

Forward! Superman Nopi

Drakla's Cloak

The Fast Road

The Idea Camera

Three Thousand Kilometers in Search of Mother

Remote Control Imitator

Christmas Postal Cards

Elf Bracelet

Volume 22

Machine Maker

Beating Camera

Giving Wooden Shirt Hypnotic Tactics

Educational Candy

The Tale of Much Ado About Nothing

Fat Girl's Lover Nopi

Remote-Controlled Mercedes Benz

Magic Cards

Blissful Bluebird

Nopi Rescues Daredevil Expedition

Timer Lost

Taking Pictures of a Rear-Viewing Scope

Imagination Sugar Beans

Tax Birds

Spa Rope

Wild Dogs "First" Nation

Volume 23

Live Action Video

Exemplary Letter Writers

The Dreaded Justice Vine

Marble Shop

Big Fatty. Happy Birthday

Harmony Stick

Indoor Aquarium

La La Glove

Powder for Water Processing

Crisis Caused by See-Through Seal

Children Who Can't Do It Better Than Me

Isoteric Club Membership Badge

Get Up and Get Well

Body Protector

Long New Year

Big Crazy, Giant Robot

Volume 24

Nobi's Helicopter

Rainbow Valley Yumeko

Fire Forecast Bell

Twentieth-Century Prince

Dividing the Turf Liquid

Candy Pastry Ranch

Time, O Time! Go wow!

Delivery Machines

Sinking Balls

Folding Houses

Cartoonist Fat Chicks

Striking Lights of the Go-Goers

Producing Cartoons Without the Effort

Six-Sided Cameras

Ways to Appreciate the Big, Fat Soloist

Gunfighters of the American Westerns, Wild Bee

Droopy Robot Cat

Volume 25

Nobe's Long Time Away from Home

The Big Rich Written in a Yen Pen

Spare Parts in a Four-Dimensional Pocket

Nobe's Space Shuttle

Happy Oil Gas

Nobe Surprisingly Scores a One-Hundred

Material Properties Transformer

Creating Behind Closed Doors in a Canisterister

Incoming Incense

Peaceful Antennae

Where the Feathered Ants Go

Sleeper Express - My Home

Eight Days in the Palace of the Sea Dragons

Tomorrow's Newspaper

Nobie's Pre-Wedding Night

Volume 26

Television Sticky Gum

Earthquake Catfish

The "True Flag" is Always Right


Sinking and Floating Gas

Snail Catching Submarine

Equality Bomb

Shizuko the Little Witch

Light and Heavy Light

Adventure Parachute

Air Transit Satellite

The Forest Grows

Watch the Water

The Hike to the Moon

Nobey's Black Hole

Snow Card

Nobey's Underground Land

Time Capsule

Volume 27

Quadruple-Dimensional Adding Cement Prefabricated Blocks

Nobi's Tune-Up Teacher

Machine Cat in Love

Cuckoo's Egg

Split Hammer

Ride on an Insect Plane

Thin and Long Friends

Changing the Time Viewer

Prohibited Signs

Earth Viewer and Maps

Magical Covers

Magical Covers <

Occupational Trial Cufflinks

Real Video Games

Nobody, the World's Just One

Circle-Square Fear

Big Fat Strongman Good Baby

World Without Mirrors

End of the 10-Minute Superhuman

Happy Playing Cards Fear

Volume 28

Catch the Tail Order Transformation Vegetables

Horizon Tape

Brother Carder

Replacement of Name Tags

One Punch Equals One Hundred Yen

Going for Fame with the New Breed Illustrated

The Secret of Shizuku's Heart

The Set of Tools for Ninja Cultivation

Dream Ladder

Why the Play Became a Mess

Danger! Strongman's Exam Papers

Expert Signs

Nobi Airways

Reaching Out to God Robot for Friendship

Movie and TV Favorite Merchandise Ordering Machine

The Original Large Plastic Model of Hyakujojima Island

Pearl Maker's Box

Volume 29

The Peephole Sheet

Machine Mechanized Machine

Speed Robot

Universe Adventure Game

Ghost Life

The Great Plastic Toy Escape

Droopy Big Fat

Automatic Buyout Machine

Fixing That Guy Up

Sea Bathing in the Universe

Bunny Monsters of the Backcountry

Exciting Days

The Flying Thin Blanket

The Squashing Iron

The Swallow's Wildby

The Wing came to my house

Mr. Cartoonist Fat Girl

Volume 30

The Encyclopedia of Microscopic Physical Objects

The Ubiquitous Movie Star

Sharks on the Empty Yard

Leveling the Bank

Sleeping genius Wildby

The phone demon in the middle of the night

The wild pet's cabin

Wildby Superman in the composite picture

Big fat on TV

Excitement bottle caps

Long-lost suitcases

House switch

Prophetic mirrors

The kid's hang-glider

It's better in the past

The great invention of the invention machine

Volume 31

Long day

Caught the bald sea monster!

Mixed Monster Box

Superman Kovu

Moses' Cane

Mr. Dinosaur Please Come to Japan

Good Home Bad Home

Enjoying with the Experience Machine

Running Away from Home on Parasitic Plants

Magical Albums

Tarzan's Shorts

Connecting the Wires <

Squash Ball

Wall Scene Changer

Manga Sequel

Modified Toy Cars

Try Saying Goodbye

Volume 32

Into the Giant Stereoscopic Screens

Can Nopey Be a Genius Too?

The Pool of Hooked Lost Objects

Changing the Dilapidated Hotel

Ultra-realistic Model Set

Video Omnipotent Remote Control

Light Plane

Nobie's House Lost Weight

Universal Landing Airport

Jet Lag Chart

Johnny Husband's Butt Going Unknown

Cinderella Nopi

The Monopoly Nopi

The Seeker Detector

The Flamboyant Robot


Associative Reasoning Magnifier

Good-bye! "Shizuko"

Volume 33

The Nobby Who Turned Into a Poster

The Big Fat Fan Club

The Underground Mine of Polygraphic Ice

An Almighty Roller Skate

An Unruly Road

An Sleeve Badge to Reprimand Adults

The World in a Mirror

The Camera of the Future

Punishing Big Fatty for Robbing People

Harry's Tail

Liquid Aerosol

The Immediate Action Gun

The Fuse of Bad Luck

Steam Train Smoke Pipes

Postcards That Are Sure to Win the Prize

People Who Wear Fake Masks

By the way, Tree-kun in the last story of Volume 33 plays a crucial role in the extra-long version of Volume 12, Kingdom of Clouds.

Volume 34

Taking to the Skies by the Word (w a)

The Eskimo Bottle

The Pre-Alarm Antenna

The Owl Man's Suit

The Genius of the Painter

Tiny Magic Tricks Without Organs

Persimmon Trees Fruiting in a Single Night

The Time Rumbles On

The Time Rumbles On

The Rain Man

The Rain Man's Tale

The Tree Rumbles On

The Tree Rumbles Off <

It's hard to be a rain man

Automatic return of a shipping label

Guns that fill the soul

Satisfaction of a hope card


Nobies sometimes think

Earthquake training paper

Nap paradise

Bone-tongue fish in a puddle

Volume 35

Messenger of the message

The Message Cannon

Automatic Electronic Typewriter

Echo Mountain in the Middle of the Night

Dangling New Year's Bags

Ramp Shifter

Replica Hen

Reversing the Ball Without Hitting It

Compulsive Withdrawal Cards

Shizuko and the Cabin of Love

Lower Globe Globe

A Passionate Letter to Big Fatty

Animal Transformation Payback Pill

Giving Robot Cat a Day Off

Clay Robot

All Funky Toys

Clockwork Submarine

Devil's Difficulty

Big Fatty Typhoon Approaching

"Donk Will Hoei-kun of Dontsukuri Village"

By the way, "Hoei-kun of Dontsukuri Village" plays a pivotal role in the extra-long version of the 12-volume Kingdom of the Clouds

Volume 36

Charter Chips

Anti-Dreams of Beauty

Trouble with Gulliver

Troublesome The Gulliver

"Character Jar" is peeking

Boil it up! Dramatic Gas

Intentional Phonics

Big Fat Reflection, Nopey in Trouble

Resting Bee's Nest

Time Hole

The Great Prophecy, The Day the Earth Dies

Adventure Tea

God's Game

Mischievous Toy Guns

Beeper's Bell

Nopey's Son Running Away From Home

Fractured Vision Machine

Swimming Back to the River's Wine

Pygmy's Spring

The Geocaching Buddha

Volume 37

Magic Encyclopedic Dictionary

Manifest Company

Sensory Monitors

Ghosts Behind the Robot

Elevator Lift Plates

Moving Confidence Machine

Gift Wrapped Skin

Climbing Ski Poles

Scary VCR

Magical Horn

Cute Rock

Robot Sachiko

Cat that Solicits Guests

Dubbing Line Phone

Shizuka in the Eggshell

Making Nobita Battle Plan to Get Out of Zero Points

Asexual Reproduction Fluid

The ghosts are out!

The Hugely Popular Mr. Koriskinai

Volume 38

The Splendid Night Sky

Fat Tiger's Gonna Give Another Concert

The Alarm Clock That Hatched Out of an Eggshell

The Fantasy Machine

Let's Put the Nasties to Sleep!

Object Transformation Gun

Revenge Summons

Circle of Friends

Who Lied! Mistakes Come True Machine

The Most Effective Amulet

Sleepwalker Box

Adventure Game Book

Use of the Banana Fan

Effortless Fishing Poles

Matsutake Mushroom Harvesting in the Bonsai

Drinks for Entering No Man's Land

Stone Age Inn

Cluck Cluck Cluck Cluck Solid Lamp

Kov's Invincible Battery

Volume 39

Fairytale Kingdom Admission Ticket

Nobita Becomes a God

Memory Disk

Concession Cap

The Ten Commandments Tablet

Going to Thick Needles

Going for a Ride in Traffic Boots

Truthfully Speaking

Make Your Own Cloud play is so much fun

Escape tunnel pen

Gnosis helmet

Hydrogen balloon sends out a letter

Shift stick

Quadruple dimensional space tender leaf logo

Seat cushions have souls too

Murder made by Fat Tiger

Nobita's model railroad

Robinson's drifter

Clockwork Typhoon

Concretized Footage

Rainbow Sister

Volume 40

Randomly Selected Building Supplies

The Sensei Strikes Again

Magic Touch Gloves

The Terrifying Potion of Retribution

Fictional Horror of Retribution

The Imaginary Character Egg

Looks, Physical Strength and IQ

Can't Be a Normal Boy

Interview Coverage Robot

Cloth Doll Camera

Typhoon Valve and Reservoir

Changing Screen Landscape In Order to Learn

Blind Spot Star

Time House Persimmon Tales

Koofu is the Perfect Big Brother

Mini Hot Air Balloon

Human Savings Box Maker

Manga All Up in the Air

Fat Girl Don't Cry

Get Shizuka Back (Reclaiming Shizuko)

Volume 41

Left, Straight, Right, Right, Left

Invisible Bodyguard

Seven Hole Horn

Future Book Buying List

Please, Keep Doing It

Mini Doraemon

Flying Mouth and Eyes

Use of Magic

Nobita's House Goes to the Thirtieth Floor

Timed Fools' Bombs

Collecting Insects from All Over the World

Discard Returns to Spray Jugs

Big Monster on No Man's Land

The Fickle Calendar

The All-Purpose Device

The Light and Heavy Gauge

The City Turns to the Bottom of the Sea in the Dead of Night

Volume 42

The Battle of the City Breakout

The Forbidden Wish Shrine

The Scenic Knife

Eating with Your Eyes

Private Object Gases

Invisibility Stick

Drill in it! Clam Crate

One Singing Capsule

Universal Remover

Ride in a deep-sea submarine for only two hundred bucks! Wish-granting machine

Emotional energy storage bottle

What are they doing?

Whether to go right or left in life

The Complete Encyclopedia of the Universe

Volume 43

Need a Nobita Cat?

Universal Print Camera

Advance Deferrer

Packet Rental Phone

Lazy with a Replicating Mind

Manly Determined

Gather the Neighborhood's Weather Here

Godly Discipline Lesson

Time Replicator

Human Remote Control

Synthetic Mining Vegetables

Willpower Stone

Bad to Good Sprayer

Luck Mirror

Cosmic Battleship Attacks Nobita

Eating, Singing, and Enjoying the Flowers

Will Nobita Disappear

Jack, Betty, and Jenny

Volume 44

Stance Shift Gun

Live Feed Picture Book

Smashing When Upset

Ten Dollar Shopping Machine

The Troubled Fat Tiger

State of Affairs Reversing Horses

Deliveryman's Hat

Animation Crate

Temporary Performance Enhancement Spray

Scenes to Make Nobita Proud

Making Handmade Missiles

Do you know what it's like to be hungry?

Discovering Dinosaur Footprints

Bug Specimen Collection

Balance Training Mats

Seasonal Canning

New Manga for Fat Girls

Hawaii's Coming

Cutting a Piece of the Ocean Off


Black-White Ballpoint Pens

Volume 45

There are Buoyant Pipe

Doraemon is seriously ill?

Powerful Cup Gas Pump

A Great Adventure in the South Seas

Series of Plastic Models for Observing Nature

Four-Dimensional Dumpster

The Great Battle of the Sea in a Glass Bottle

Time Overdrive Device

Flying Chess

Substitute Dolls

Flower Viewing No Matter What Happens

The dreaded human infection

The map syringe

Courage potion

The boy who came up from the planet Karapa

Super-long Robot Cat Doraemon manga full catalog !!!!!!

Jilin Fine Arts Publishing House

1. Nobita and the Little Dinosaur

2. Nobita's History of Exploiting the Universe

3. Nobita in the Magic Realm

4. Nobita in the Undersea Castle of the Haunted Rock

5. Nobita in the Magic Realm Adventure

6. Nobita and the Cosmic Little War

7. Nobita and the Iron Man Corps

8. Nobita and the Dinosaur Knights

9. Nobita and the Birth of Japan

10. Nobita and the Animal Planet

11. Nobita's Tales of One Thousand and One Nights

12. Nobita's Dream Kingdom

13. Nobita in the Platinum Labyrinth

14. Nobita and the Three Swordsmen of Dreams

15, Nobita's Genesis Diary

16, Nobita and the Galactic Express

17, Nobita's Key City Adventures

18, Nobita's South Seas Adventure

19, Nobita's Cosmic Adrift

20, Nobita's Legend of the Sun King

21, Nobita and the Warriors with Wings

22 Nobita and the Robot Kingdom

23, Nobita and the Wind Waker

24, Nobita's Dogs and Cats Time and Space Legend

<< < end >> !!!!!!!!!!

It's exhausting.