Boiler risk common sense

1. What are the risk factors of the boiler

The common risk factors of the boiler are:

Abnormal water level mainly occurs in the boiler operation process of water shortage and full of water. When the serious water shortage, water-cooled wall tubes have been partially dry burning, overheating, if the water is forced into this time, will make the high temperature of the air package and water-cooled wall tubes to occur rapid cooling, resulting in huge thermal stress, while a large number of water vaporization, will cause extensive damage to the tube or even furnace tube burst.

Therefore, when the boiler is seriously short of water, never immediately add water to the furnace, should immediately shut down the furnace. Full of water will also cause serious fluctuations in steam pressure resulting in boiler damage, this time should reduce the water supply or timely discharge, if necessary, should also stop the furnace inspection.

2. steam **** Teng is mainly boiler water level fluctuations in the magnitude of the abnormal, the water surface flip degree.

The reason is the high salt content in the water, the pipe wall scaling is serious, the water vaporization is disturbed by serious fluctuations in the steam system pressure, and sometimes may cause damage to the boiler pressure system components, and even cause the furnace tube burst. 3.

Furnace explosion furnace explosion refers to the occurrence of combustible combustion phenomenon in the furnace chamber. The cause is mainly ignited before the furnace chamber memory combustible materials, combustible gases.

These combustibles and combustible gases are generally unsuccessful ignition did not clean up the furnace chamber in time and stay down, when the ignition again may cause deflagration. Therefore, the boiler before ignition must be ventilated and replaced to remove the combustible material, so that the concentration of combustible gases far below the explosion limit.

2. What are the risk factors of the pressure vessel

In production and life may come into contact with the pressure vessel, the pressure vessel is subjected to pressure of the closed container.

If a pressure vessel ruptures, it will release a huge amount of energy, causing injuries and damage to equipment and buildings. Some pressure vessels are filled with flammable gas, once the leakage occurs, the flammable gas will be immediately mixed with air and reach the explosive limit, if encountered with an ignition source can lead to secondary explosion or combustion and other chain reactions, resulting in large fires, explosions and casualties.

Therefore, the state will be pressure vessels and boilers, as stipulated for the management of special equipment. Pressure vessels according to its pressure level, the degree of media hazards, use and dangerous role in the production process can be divided into a class of containers, two types of containers, three types of containers.

General pressure vessel rupture can be divided into bremsstrahlung rupture, brittle rupture, fatigue rupture, corrosion rupture and creep rupture and other five forms.

3. What is the main danger of the steam boiler

1, the monitoring of sources of danger Boiler monitoring, steam boiler regular inspections and monitor the pressure, water level, temperature and combustion at any time in order to control the boiler operating conditions.

And take timely measures to ensure safety. 2, steam boiler operation in the event of special circumstances: boiler water shortage Phenomenon: boiler water shortage, the water level table water level below the limit level and not visible, the water level alarm issued by the low water level alarm, bell light, low water interlocking device to make the blower, induced draft fan and other shutdown operation; boiler exhaust temperature, water shortage is serious, the top of the stove produced a charcoal lake flavor, from the door to see the red water-cooled wall tubes, the stove pipe deformation and even the burst pipe, can be heard bursting sound. Burst pipe, can hear the bursting sound, steam and smoke from the furnace door to see the fire door out.

Handling: judged to be a serious water shortage, should be an emergency stop, serious water shortage boiler is strictly prohibited to the boiler into the water. Immediately stop the supply of fuel, stop the blower to weaken the induced draft, the grate in front of the coal out of the grates, the grate switch the most da, so that the combustion of fast su fell into the slag hopper, doused with water, the furnace fire is extinguished, stop the induced draft, open the ash door, the door to promote the accelerated cooling.

Note: It is strictly prohibited to give water to the boiler, shall not take measures to quickly reduce the pressure to prevent the expansion of the accident, shall not be taken to the hearth to pour water to extinguish the fire method off the furnace fire.

4. What are the methods of protection against boiler hazards

The protection against boiler hazards is as follows: 1. There should be at least two exits on each floor of the boiler room, located on both sides, and the doors should be open to the outside, and are not allowed to be locked during the operation of the boiler.

The door of the workshop or living room in the boiler room should be open to the inside of the boiler room. 2. Boiler operation should have operating procedures, shift handover system, water quality management system, regular inspection system.

3. Operation of the boiler should be stopped annually to carry out an internal and external inspection, every two years for a hydrostatic test. 4. Steam boiler operation in one of the following cases, the furnace should be stopped immediately.

(1) boiler water level drops below the specified water level limit. (2) Increasing the boiler water supply and other measures, but the boiler water level continues to fall.

(3) boiler water level has risen to the upper limit of the water level specified in the operating procedures. (4) Feedwater mechanical failure.

(5) water level meter or safety valve failure. (6) boiler component damage, endangering the safety of the operator.

(7) Damage to the combustion equipment, furnace collapse or boiler frame is red-hot. (8) Other abnormal operating conditions.

5. What are the hazardous characteristics of boiler operation and emergency measures, first aid measures

Hazardous characteristics of boiler operation and emergency measures enterprise production, storage, operation of different qualities, different scales, what kind of plan should be compiled to meet the basic requirements of emergency? What are the basic contents of the emergency plan? How many functions does the plan have? How to carry out emergency preparedness, emergency response, emergency recovery? This *** rough discussion, with everyone *** with the study reference.

In the development of emergency plans should be the first enterprise production status quo for hazard identification and risk assessment. Hazardous factors are: factors that can cause casualties to people and damage to things.

Harmful factors are: factors that can affect human health, cause disease or damage to the object. Usually do not make a strict distinction between the two.

The identification of hazardous and harmful factors is the premise and basis for the preparation of emergency rescue plans. Through the identification to confirm the existence of hazards and their characteristics, to identify the materials, systems, processes and characteristics of the consequences of the accident, to assess the possible consequences of the accident.

First, the classification of hazardous and harmful factors (a) according to the cause of the accident is divided into six categories: 1, physical hazards (equipment defects, electrical hazards, noise, vibration, electromagnetic radiation, open flames, high temperature, parabolic, dust, the operating environment, etc.) 2, chemical hazards (flammable and explosive substances, spontaneous combustion, toxic, corrosive products) 3, biological hazards: (disease-causing microorganisms, harm-proof animals, Pathogenic microorganisms, harmful plants, infectious diseases) 4, physiological and psychological hazards (psychological abnormalities, health abnormalities, load overload, functional defects, prohibited operations) 5, behavioral hazards (command, operation, monitoring errors) 6, other dangerous and harmful factors. (B) according to cause accidents induced, the causative agent, injury mode of classification: 1, object strikes 2, vehicle injuries 3, mechanical injuries 4, lifting injuries 5, electrocution 6, drowning 7, burning 8, fire 9, falling 10, collapse 11, roof 12, water penetration 13, blasting 14, explosions (boilers, gas, containers, hazardous chemicals) 15, poisoning, 16, other.

Second, risk assessment (a) the basic situation of the enterprise site, geology, topography, meteorological conditions, the surrounding environment, the general layout of the building, functional differentiation, roads, hazardous and hazardous substances facilities, power equipment distribution; production process, high temperature, high pressure, corrosion, vibration and other key parts of the control, operation, overhaul and failures, failures, abnormalities in the event of failure; electrical equipment, work at height equipment, special monoblock equipment, pressure vessels, pressure vessels, equipment, equipment, equipment, equipment, equipment, equipment, equipment, equipment, equipment, equipment, equipment, equipment, equipment, equipment, equipment, equipment and equipment. Equipment, special equipment, pressure vessels; operating environment, poisons, noise, vibration, high temperature, low temperature, radiation, dust and other harmful factors and operating parts of the situation; enterprise safety management organization, production safety management system, safe operating procedures, training of special operators, daily safety management. (B) the consequences of the spread of hazardous chemical leakage analysis 1, to understand the main leakage equipment and leakage.

2, analyze the causes of leakage. Such as: design reasons, equipment reasons, management reasons, human error; 3, analyze the consequences of the pre-production.

Combustible gas leaks, toxic gas leaks, liquid leaks, the spread and scope of the leak. (C) the consequences of hazardous chemical fires 1, burning property, building losses 2, explosion 3, death, injury 4, gas poisoning three, vulnerability analysis vulnerability analysis is to determine, once a hazardous accident occurs, what parts of the enterprise can be damaged (a) by the accident disaster seriously affected by the process and equipment and major sources of risk.

(ii) the number and type of people expected to be located in the vulnerable zone. The main residential areas, schools, hospitals, office buildings, shopping malls, etc..

(iii) Potential damage to property. Mainly infrastructure, substations, buildings.

(D) the possible environmental impact. Geographic conditions where the enterprise is located, meteorological conditions, the surrounding environment and so on.

Fourth, the analysis of emergency resources and emergency response capacity assessment of emergency resources mainly refers to: the city's emergency rescue forces, such as public security, troops, firefighters, medical rescue, labor, environmental protection, safety supervision, rescue specialists, water, electricity, gas, heat management and communications, vehicle equipment and facilities and enterprises should be equipped with the necessary equipment and materials, as well as personal protective equipment, monitoring, testing equipment,, emergency power equipment, heavy lifting equipment. Heavy lifting equipment, etc. Emergency response capacity assessment, mainly used to assess the readiness of resources and the ability to engage in emergency activities, to ensure the effectiveness of emergency rescue, improve the level of emergency response.

Enterprise emergency assessment can be combined with emergency resource preparedness. Fifth, the emergency plan preparation preparation of emergency plans must consider the current situation and needs of the enterprise, in the accident risk analysis results, a large number of collection and reference to existing emergency information, in order to minimize the work of the link.

The complete emergency plan should include the following six elements: (a) guidelines and principles of whatever level and type of emergency rescue system, first of all, there must be a clear policy and principles, as a program to carry out emergency work. Guidelines and principles reflect the priority direction of emergency rescue work, policy, scope and overall objectives, emergency planning and preparation, emergency strategy development and on-site emergency rescue and recovery should be carried out around the guidelines and principles.

Emergency rescue work is in the premise of prevention, the implementation of unified command, hierarchical responsibility for the region-based, unit self-help and social rescue combined with the principle. Emergency rescue is also an important part of the prevention of accidents, take the initiative to implement the rescue work of the preparatory measures to do a good job in advance to be prepared, in the event of an accident can be implemented in a timely manner to remedy the situation and minimize casualties and property damage.

(ii) emergency planning emergency plan is the most important feature is targeted and operable. Therefore, emergency planning must be clear about the object of the plan and the available emergency resources, y analyze and evaluate the potential types of accidents and their nature, region, distribution, the consequences of the accident.

According to the results of the analysis and evaluation, assess the power and resources of emergency rescue in the enterprise, and provide constructive advice for emergency preparedness. Emergency planning, should also list the relevant national and local laws and regulations, as the basis for the development of the plan.

Therefore, emergency planning includes hazard analysis, emergency response capabilities, assessment and laws and regulations of the three elements. (C) emergency preparedness emergency preparedness is the result of emergency planning, to clarify the need for emergency response organizations and their responsibilities and powers, emergency team building and personnel training, emergency supplies, emergency preparedness exercises, public emergency knowledge training and signing of the necessary mutual aid agreements.

(D) emergency response to the embodiment of corporate emergency response capabilities, is the core functions and tasks in the emergency rescue process. These core functions have a certain independence, relevance, constitute the whole of the emergency response.