What are the main equipments in pig farms? What are their characteristics? In the selection of pig equipment, what problems should be noted

Section I. Characteristics of modern pig production I. Biological characteristics and behavioral characteristics of pigs (1) multiple births, high yield, short generation interval) multiple births, high yield, (2) fast growth and development, short production cycle) fast growth and development, (3) omnivorous, high feed utilization) omnivorous, (4) thick subcutaneous fat, sweat gland degradation, poor thermoregulation ability) thick subcutaneous fat, sweat gland degradation, (5) developed sense of smell, (5) well-developed sense of smell, sensitive hearing and poor vision) well-developed sense of smell, (6) love of cleanliness, easy to train) love of cleanliness, (7) group living, the dominance of the sequence is obvious) group living, (8) adaptable, widely distributed) adaptable, Second, the characteristics of modern pig production The characteristics of modern pig production 1. Arrange the process according to the reproductive process. 2. 2. All in all out, according to the rhythm of the implementation of balanced production throughout the year. 3. All in all out, 3. The use of good breeds, high quality feed, 4. Use of good breeds, 4. Adoption of modernized scientific supporting technology. 5. Utilization of engineering technology and guarantee. 6. Modernized enterprise management system and operation mode. The pig house is the most direct environment for pigs to survive, and the pig house building must reflect the different needs of all kinds of pigs for the environment. The ideal pig house building should meet the following requirements: ① conform to the biological characteristics of pigs and have good indoor environmental conditions; ② conform to the requirements of modern pig production process; ③ adapt to the regional climatic and geographic conditions; ④ have a solid structure and be economically applicable; ⑤ facilitate scientific feeding and production management and so on. (5) It is convenient to implement scientific feeding and production management and other requirements. I. Classification of pig house building and its characteristics Classification of pig house building and its characteristics (1) According to the characteristics of building enclosure structure, it can be divided into four types, such as open, semi-open, closed, assembled, etc.: (2) According to the form of the roof, it is mainly divided into single-slope, double-slope, vaulted, half-air building type. In addition, there are flat roof type, folding plate type, sawtooth type, joint type and other types of pig houses. (C) According to the configuration of the pig bar in the house can be divided into single-row, double-row, multi-row type. (D) According to the use of pig house, it can be divided into breeding barn (including boar barn, vacant sow barn and reserve sow barn), gestation sow barn, farrowing barn (farrowing house), piglet nursery and fattening barn. The following classification explains how to carry out building design according to the characteristics of pig house. Second, the requirements of building plan design of pig house The main problems solved by building plan design of pig house are: according to the characteristics of different pig houses, reasonable arrangement of pig pens, pig house building plan design mainly solves the problems of: aisle and doors and windows, carefully organize the feed route and clearing manure route. Third, the building structure design requirements of pig house (a) Ground The ground part of the pig pen, channel and so on is the place where the pig rests and moves, which has a great influence on the production; according to the observation and analysis of the pig's behavior, the pig's lying and sleeping time accounts for 80% of the time, and the pig likes to arch and nibble. Therefore, the design of the ground has high requirements, which should be: ① no moisture return, less heat conduction; ② easy to keep dry; ③ solid and non-slip, with a certain degree of elasticity, corrosion-resistant, easy to wash and disinfect; ④ easy for the pigs to walk, lie down; ⑤ durable and inexpensive to use. (Wall is the main maintenance structure and load-bearing structure of pig house. The general requirements are strong and durable, earthquake and fire resistant, easy to clean and eliminate, and good heat preservation and insulation. (The roof is the part of the pig house that dissipates the most heat and is usually expensive. Therefore, it requires simple structure, strong and durable, good heat preservation, rainproof, fireproof and easy to clean and disinfect. Like the reform of wall materials, the roof should gradually adopt new materials such as color steel plate and polystyrene sandwich board. (D) Doors and windows 1. Doors. For people, pigs and carts to enter and exit, the outer door of pigsty is generally 2.0~2.4m high and 1.2~1.5m wide, with ramps outside the door. 2. windows. The windows are mainly used for lighting and ventilation. (e) Feces and urine ditch Requirements smooth, impermeable, along the flow direction with a slope of 1-2%, feces and urine ditch is generally located on the outside of the wall of the pig pen. Section III equipment of piggery The equipment of piggery mainly includes all kinds of pens, floors, feeding equipment, drinking water equipment, manure removing equipment, environmental control equipment and transportation equipment and so on. When choosing equipment, it should follow the principles of economic and practical, durable, convenient management, reasonable design, and meet the sanitary and epidemic prevention and hygiene requirements. With the continuous progress of engineering technology of factory pig raising industry, China has initially formed a number of series of supporting equipment for factory pig raising, in order to promote the industrialization of China's pig industry, and improve the level of pig production has laid a foundation. First, pig pen The pig pen is the basic production unit of modern pig farm, different feeding methods and types of pigs need different forms of pig pens. According to the group of pigs, pig pen can be divided into boar pen, breeding pen, sow pen, gestation pen, delivery pen, nursery pen, fattening pen, etc. According to the number of heads kept in the pen, it can be divided into two groups. According to the number of heads kept in the pen, it can be divided into single pen and group pen. According to the location and structure of manure discharge area, there are ground scraping pens, partially leaky floor pens, fully leaky floor pens, front manure discharge pens and side manure discharge pens. According to the structural form, there are solid pens, fence pens, integrated pens, assembled pens and so on. (I) Boar pens and breeding pens Boar pens are mainly used for raising boars, which are usually raised in a single pen, single-row or double-row arrangement. In the past, the boar pen and breeding pen are generally combined into one, i.e. the boar pen is used instead of the breeding pen. However, because the sows are not positioned during breeding, it is inconvenient to operate them, and it is also a big interference to other boars during breeding, so it is necessary to design separate breeding pens. (ii) Sow pen There are three kinds of sow pens in common use: ① The sows are kept in a single pen for the whole empty period and gestation period. Its characteristic is that each pig occupies a small area, and it is more convenient to feed, observe and manage, and the sows will not be aborted due to collision. However, the activities of sows are restricted, less exercise, which has a certain impact on the delivery of sows. ②The sows are kept in group pens for the whole period of pregnancy and gestation, usually 3~5 sows per pen. It overcomes the disadvantage of insufficient activity of sows in single pen, but it is easy to cause abortion due to fighting or collision between sows. (3) In the empty period and pre-gestation period, the sows are kept in group pens, and in the late gestation period, the sows are kept in single pens. (iii) Delivery pen is also called farrowing pen. In pig farms, the requirement for farrowing pen is the highest. (D) Piglet nursery pens Piglet nursery pens are also one kind of pig equipment with higher requirements. Piglet nursery pens are mostly raised on high beds with full slit floors, and the pens are made of full metal frames with plastic or cast iron slit floors, automatic feeding troughs and automatic waterers. (E) Fattening pen In actual production, in order to save investment, the fattening pen is relatively simple, often using all-metal pen or brick wall spacing, metal pen door. In modern pig production, in order to maintain the hygiene of pig farm, improve the environment and reduce the cleaning, it is common to use the leakage floor on the manure ditch. Requirements of leakage floor: corrosion-resistant, non-deformation, flat surface, non-slippery, small thermal conductivity, durable, leakage floor requirements Leakage effect is good, easy to wash and disinfect. The gap width of the floor must be suitable for all kinds of pig ages to walk and stand, and not stuck pig hooves. Commonly used leakage floor are: cement concrete slab, steel woven wire mesh, welded wire mesh and other metal woven wire mesh floor Commonly used leakage floor are board, engineering plastic floor and cast iron, ceramic floor and so on. (i) Cement concrete leakage flooring Cement concrete leakage flooring is most commonly used in breeding and gestation houses and fattening houses, and can be made into slabs or strips. This kind of floor is low-cost, firm and durable, but the requirements for manufacturing process are strict, and the cement grade must meet the requirements of the design drawings. (ii) Metal leakage flooring Metal leakage flooring can be made of metal strips arranged and welded, or metal strips can be woven into a mesh. Because of the large proportion of the seams, the feces and urine fall smoothly, the seams are not easy to be blocked, will not be slippery, the pen is clean and dry, and it is commonly used in the intensive pig production. (C) Plastic funnel floor Plastic funnel floor is made of engineering plastic molding, easy to dismantle and install, light in quality, corrosion-resistant, firm and durable, warmer than concrete, metal and slate floors, but easy to slip, and unstable for pigs with big weight, suitable for the floor of nursery pens for piglets or the floor of activity area of piglets in farrowing and lactation pens. (d) Temperature-regulating floor The temperature-regulating floor is a flat plate made of heat exchanger as skeleton and cement-based material for easy movement and transportation, with water inlet and outlet connected with water supply pipe. Third, feeding equipment In pig production, feed cost accounts for about 50~70%, feeding workload accounts for about 30%~40%, therefore, feeding equipment has a great impact on improving feed utilization, reducing labor intensity, and improving economic efficiency of pig farms. Artificial feeding equipment is relatively simple, mainly including feeding carts and troughs. Automatic feeding system consists of storage tower, feed conveyor, conveying pipeline, automatic feeding equipment, measuring equipment, food trough and so on. Fourth, drinking water equipment There are many kinds of pig automatic drinker, mainly duckbill type, nipple type, sucking type and cup type, etc., each of which has many kinds of structural forms. Duckbill type pig automatic waterer is a kind of drinking equipment which is used most in large-scale pig farms. Nipple type automatic pig drinker consists of three parts: shell, top bar and steel ball. Suck type pig automatic drinker consists of three parts: top bar, steel ball and shell. The structure of water supply part of cup-type pig automatic drinker is more or less the same as that of duck-bill type, and the cup body is often made of cast iron, and it can also be made of engineering plastics or steel plate stamping (with plastic spraying on the surface). V. Manure clearing equipment Commonly used manure clearing machines are chain scraper manure clearing machine, reciprocating scraper manure clearing machine. (A) Chain scraper manure clearing machine Chain scraper manure clearing machine consists of chain scraper, driving device, guiding wheel and tensioning device, etc. This method is not suitable for high-bed feeding. This method is not suitable for manure cleaning in the delivery house and cultivation house of high-bed rearing. The main disadvantage of the chain scraper is that the tilting elevator, which is usually outside the house, is prone to freezing in northern winters. Therefore, the inclined elevator should not be used in winter in northern areas, and the manure should be manually loaded and transported to the manure collection yard. (B) Reciprocating scraper clearing machine Reciprocating scraper clearing machine is composed of skid frame with scraper (small skid with rollers on both sides and bottom), transmission device, tensioning mechanism and wire rope. Sixth, environmental control of pig house Environmental control of pig house mainly refers to the control of heating, cooling, ventilation and air quality of pig house, and it is necessary to configure the corresponding environmental control equipment to meet various environmental requirements. Commonly used heating methods in piggery are hot water heating system, hot air heating system and local heating system. Most of the areas in China are hot in summer, and it is necessary to take some effective measures to prevent summer heat in pig house. In addition to reasonable design of pig house, use of sunshade, greening and other weakening of solar radiation, to a certain extent, can reduce the harm of high temperature, take ventilation cooling, wet pad fan evaporation cooling, spray cooling and other measures, can get the ideal cooling effect. The use of drip cooling is also a cost-effective way of cooling the pig for the positional feeding process. In addition, in the lying area of the pig house under the floor, laying some pipes, so that the cold air or cold water or other cold sources through, so that the local floor temperature reduction, can also achieve the purpose of cooling. On the one hand, ventilation of pig house can play the role of cooling; on the other hand, through the exchange of air inside and outside the house, introduce fresh air outside the house, exclude the dirty air and excessive water vapor inside the house to improve the quality of the air environment inside the house and keep the relative humidity at a suitable level. When ventilating the pig house, it should be noted that: ① Mechanical ventilation in summer can play a role of cooling to a certain extent, but too high air velocity will make the pigs feel uncomfortable due to the friction between the airflow and the pig's body surface. Therefore, the summer mechanical ventilation of pig house wind speed should not exceed 2m / s; ② pig house ventilation generally require fans have a larger ventilation and smaller pressure, it is appropriate to use axial fans; ③ winter ventilation needs to be carried out in the maintenance of moderate temperature inside the house, and the requirements of the airflow is stable, uniform, not form a "thief wind", no dead ends. Seven, other equipment farms and some supporting equipment: backfat meter, pregnancy detector, electronic scales, model pigs, ear number pliers and electronic identification of ear tags, broken tail pliers. Piglet transfer vehicle, as well as for the disinfection of pigsties flame sterilizer, veterinary tools and so on. Chapter 6 Review Questions 1: What are the biological characteristics and behavioral habits of pigs? What are the biological characteristics and behavioral habits of pigs? What are the biological characteristics and behavioral habits of pigs? (1) Multiple births, high productivity, short generation intervals; (2) Fast growth and development, short production cycle; (3) Omnivorous, high feed utilization; (4) Thick subcutaneous fat, degradation of the sweat glands, poor thermoregulation; (5) Developed sense of smell, sensitive sense of hearing, but poorer visual sense; (6) Love of cleanliness, easy to train; (7) Herd living, dominance of the sequence of obvious; (8) Adaptable, widely distributed. (8) strong adaptability and wide distribution. 2. What are the characteristics of modern pig production? What are the characteristics of modern pig production? Answer: Modern pig production has the following characteristics: ① arrange the process according to the reproduction process; ② all-in-all-out, year-round balanced production according to the rhythm; ③ use good breeds and high quality feed; ④ adopt modern scientific supporting technology; ⑤ the application and guarantee of engineering technology; ⑥ modern enterprise management system and operation mode. 3、What are the types of pig house building and its characteristics? What are the types of pig house building and their characteristics when designing pig house? Requirements? Requirements? Answer: A. According to the characteristics of building enclosure structure, it can be divided into four types: open type, semi-open type, closed type, assembled type, etc. ① Open type pigsty: this type of pigsty can be divided into four types. (1) open-type pigsty: this pigsty open-type pigsty has walls on three sides, the south side of the wall and completely open, with the sports field walls or fences to close the pigs. Or there is no wall, only the roof and the ground, plus some fencing or bolting facilities. The advantages of this barn is that the barn can get enough sunlight and fresh air, while the pigs can be free to the exercise yard activities, beneficial to the health of pigs, but the barn has a large temperature difference between day and night, insulation and heat resistance performance is poor. ② semi-open: semi-open barn with a roof, east, west and north of the full wall, south of the half wall, the upper half of the completely open, with or without exercise yards. Semi-open type pigsty borrows between closed type and open type pigsty and overcomes the shortcomings of both. (3) Closed type: Closed type pigsty is walled on all sides, built to the eaves, roof, walls and other external enclosure structure is complete. There are windows or no windows on the wall. Closed pigsty is divided into closed pigsty with windows and closed pigsty without windows. The advantages of closed pig house are good heat preservation in winter, little influence by climate change outside the house, and the environment inside the house can be automatically controlled, which is good for the growth of pigs; the disadvantages are large investment in equipment and large dependence on electricity. ④ Assembled pig house: the outer enclosure of this kind of pig house can be disassembled and installed at any time in whole or in part, and the pig house can be changed into the required type according to different climatic characteristics. It is very advantageous to use natural conditions to regulate the environment in the pigsty and easy to realize the commercialization and specification of pigsty building. B, according to the roof form is mainly divided into single-slope type, double-slope type, vault type, half air building type and so on: ① single-slope type: the roof consists of one side of the slope, the structure is simple, smooth drainage, good ventilation and lighting, the cost is low; but the winter heat preservation performance is poor. ② double-slope type: the advantages and single-slope type is basically the same, slightly better insulation, slightly higher cost. According to the length of the two slopes can be divided into two kinds of slopes and unequal slopes. Most of China's pig farm buildings are used double slope type. ③ Vault type: Vault type structure material has masonry and light steel. The masonry structure can be made from local materials and the cost is low; while the light steel structure can be assembled quickly, the construction speed is fast, and it can be relocated. ④ Semi-air building type: the roof is divided into two parts, and windows can be set up at the difference between the high and low levels for the light of the north side and the ventilation of the whole house. C. According to the configuration of pig pens in the house, it can be divided into single-row type, double-row type and multiple-row type: ① Single-row type, the pig pens are arranged in a row (usually on the south side of the house), and the north side of the house is divided into aisle and no aisle. This kind of pig house has good ventilation and lighting, fresh air inside the house, and can effectively prevent moisture; setting up aisles on the north side can play the role of heat preservation and cold prevention; it is possible to set up a sports ground on the south side of the house; the building span is small, and the structure is simple. The disadvantage is that the building utilization rate is low, the general small and medium-sized pig farms and boar barn building more of this form of construction. ② double row type, in the house will be arranged into two columns of pig pens, the center of the house a channel, generally no outdoor playground. The main advantage is that it is good for management, easy to realize mechanized feeding, good heat preservation and high utilization rate of the building. The disadvantage is that the light and moisture-proof are not as good as single row pig house. Breeding and fattening pig houses generally use this form. ③Multi-column type, the pig pens are arranged in more than three rows in the house, generally four rows in most cases. Multi-row type pig house is concentrated, short transportation line, high production efficiency; building enclosure less heat dissipation area, good thermal insulation in winter. However, the span of the building structure increases and the building construction is complicated; the natural lighting is insufficient, the natural ventilation effect is poor, and it is dark and damp. This kind of pig house is suitable for large groups of breeding and fattening pigs in cold areas. D. According to the use of pig house: it can be divided into breeding pig house (including boar house, vacant sow house and reserve sow house), pregnant sow house, farrowing pig house (farrowing house), piglet nursery and growth fattening house. The design requirements of building structure of pig house: (1) Ground: the design requirements of the ground are high, and it should be: ① no moisture return, less heat conduction; ② easy to keep dry; ③ solid and not slippery, with certain elasticity, corrosion-resistant, and easy to be rinsed and disinfected; ④ convenient for the pigs to walk and lie down; ⑤ durable and inexpensive. (2) Wall: Wall is the main maintenance structure and load-bearing structure of pig house. The overall requirements are solid and durable, earthquake and fire resistant, easy to clean and have good heat preservation and insulation performance. (3) Roof: The roof is the part of the pig house with the most heat dissipation, and the cost is usually high. Therefore, it requires simple structure, solid and durable, good heat preservation, rainproof, fireproof and easy to clean and disinfect. (4) Doors and windows: ① Door: for people, pigs and carts to enter and exit, the outer door of pig house is generally 2.0~2.4m high and 1.2~1.5m wide, with a ramp outside the door. The outside door should be set up to avoid the dominant wind direction in winter or to add door buckets. The middle aisle of double-lined pigsty should have double doors with width not less than 1.5m and height not less than 2.0m; the span of various pigsty doors should not be less than 0.8m, and all of them should be opened to the outside. ② windows: mainly used for lighting and ventilation. Large area, more light, good ventilation, but more heat dissipation in winter and summer heat transfer, not conducive to heat preservation. When designing, it is necessary to calculate the maximum ventilation in summer and minimum ventilation in winter according to the local climate conditions, organize the indoor ventilation flow line, and decide its size, number and location. (3) Feces and urine ditch: it is required to be smooth, impermeable, with 1-2% slope along the flow direction, and the feces and urine ditch is generally located on the outside of the wall of pig pen. 4. What are the main equipments of pig farm? What are its characteristics? When choosing pig equipment, what are the main equipment of pig farm? What are its characteristics? When choosing pig equipment, what requirements should be noted? What requirements should be paid attention to? A: Pig farm equipment mainly includes all kinds of pens, floors, feeding equipment, drinking water equipment, manure cleaning equipment, environmental control equipment and transportation equipment. A. Pig pen: It is the basic production unit of modern pig farm, different feeding methods and pig types need different forms of pig pens. According to the types of pigs, pig pens can be divided into boar pens, breeding pens, sow pens, gestation pens, delivery pens, nursery pens, fattening pens, etc. According to the number of heads kept in the pens, they can be divided into two types: male and female pens. According to the number of pigs kept in the pen, it can be divided into single pen and group pen. Single pen is to keep only one pig in one pen, while group pen usually keeps several or even a dozen or more pigs in one pen. In addition, according to the location and structure of the manure discharge area, it can be divided into ground scraping pen, part of the leaky floor pen, full leaky floor pen, front manure pen, side manure pen, and according to the structural form, it can be divided into solid pen, fence pen, integrated pen, assembled pen and so on. (1) Boar pen and breeding pen: Boar pen is mainly used for feeding boars, which is usually single-column feeding, single-row or double-row arrangement. In the past, the boar pen and breeding pen are generally combined into one, i.e. the boar pen is used instead of the breeding pen. However, because the sow is not positioned during breeding, the operation is not convenient, and the breeding is a big interference to other boars, so it is necessary to design the breeding pen separately. (2) Sow pens: There are three types of sow pens in common use, ① The whole empty period and gestation period of sows are kept in a single pen with restriction. It is characterized by a small area for each pig, easy to feed, observe and manage, and the sows will not cause abortion due to collision. However, the sows' activities are restricted, and the amount of movement is less, which has some influence on the delivery of the sows. Sows are kept in group pens for the entire gestation period, usually 3-5 sows per pen. It overcomes the disadvantage of insufficient activity of sows raised in single pen, but it is easy to cause abortion due to fighting or collision between sows. In the empty period and pre-gestation period, group pen is used to raise sows, and in the late gestation period, sows are raised in a single pen in a limited position. (3) Delivery pen: also called farrowing pen. In pig farms, the requirement for farrowing pen is the highest. (4) Piglet nursery pens: piglet nursery pens are also a kind of pig equipment with higher requirements. Piglet nursery pens are mostly high-bed full-seam floor feeding, and the pens adopt all-metal frame, with plastic or cast iron seam floor, automatic feeding trough and automatic waterer. (5) Fostering and fattening pens: In actual production, in order to save investment, the fostering and fattening pens used are relatively simple, and often use all-metal pens or brick wall spacing and metal bar gate. B. Leakage floor: In modern pig production, in order to keep the hygiene of pig farm, improve the environment and reduce the cleaning, it is common to use leakage floor on the manure ditch. Requirements for leaky floor: corrosion-resistant, non-deformation, flat surface, non-slippery, small thermal conductivity, durable, leakage of manure effect is good, easy to wash and disinfect. Floor gap width must be suitable for a variety of age of pigs walking and standing, not stuck hooves, commonly used leaky floor: cement concrete slabs, reinforced woven wire mesh, welded wire mesh and other metal woven wire mesh floor, engineering plastics flooring, and cast iron, ceramic flooring and so on. (1) Cement-concrete leaky floor: Cement-concrete leaky floor is most commonly used in mating gestation house and fattening house, and it can be made into slab or strip. This floor is low cost, firm and durable, but the manufacturing process requires strict requirements, the cement grade must meet the requirements of the design drawings. (2) metal leakage floor: metal leakage floor can be welded with metal strips rows and can also be used metal strips woven into a net. Because the proportion of the gap is large, feces and urine drop smoothly, the gap is not easy to block, not slippery, clean and dry inside the column, commonly used in intensive pig production. (3) Plastic slit floor: plastic slit floor is made of engineering plastic molding, easy to dismantle and install, light weight, corrosion-resistant, firm and durable, warmer than concrete, metal and slate floor, but easy to slip, unstable for pigs with large weight, suitable for piglet nursery barn floor or farrowing and nursing barn piglet activity area floor. (4) Temperature-regulating floor: Temperature-regulating floor is a flat plate with heat exchanger as skeleton and cement-based material poured for easy movement and transportation, with water inlet and outlet connected with water supply pipeline. C. Feeding equipment: In pig production, feed cost accounts for about 50~70%, feeding workload accounts for about 30%~40%, therefore, feeding equipment has a great impact on improving feed utilization, reducing labor intensity and improving economic efficiency of pig farms. Artificial feeding equipment is relatively simple, mainly including feeding carts, troughs. Automatic feeding system consists of storage tower, feed conveyor, conveying pipe, automatic feeding equipment, measuring equipment, trough and so on. D. Drinking water equipment: There are many kinds of automatic drinkers for pigs, mainly duckbill type, nipple type, sucking type and cup type, etc., each of which has many kinds of structural forms. Duckbill type pig automatic waterer is the most used one kind of drinking equipment in large-scale pig farms. Nipple type automatic pig drinker consists of three parts: shell, top bar and steel ball. Sucking type pig automatic drinker consists of three parts: top bar, steel ball and shell. The structure of water supply part of cup-type pig automatic drinker is more or less the same as that of duckbill type, the cup body is often made of cast iron, and it can also be made of engineering plastics or steel plate stamping (plastic spraying on the surface). E. Manure clearing equipment: the commonly used manure clearing machines are chain scraper manure clearing machine, reciprocating scraper manure clearing machine and so on. (1) Chain scraper manure cleaning machine is composed of chain scraper, driving device, guide wheel and tensioning device. This type is not suitable for manure removal in delivery and incubation houses for high bed rearing. The main disadvantage of the chain scraper is that the inclined elevator, which is usually outside the house, tends to freeze in northern winters. Therefore, in winter in northern regions, tilting elevators should not be used, and the manure should be manually loaded into trucks and transported to manure collection yards. (2) Reciprocating scraper cleaner consists of skid frame with scraper (small skid with rollers on both sides and bottom), transmission device, tensioning mechanism and wire rope. 5、How to control the environment of pig house? How to control the environment of pig house? A: The environmental control of pig house mainly refers to the control of heating, cooling, ventilation and air quality of pig house, and it is necessary to configure the corresponding environmental control equipment to meet various environmental requirements. Commonly used heating methods in piggery are hot water heating system, hot air heating system and local heating system. Reasonable design of piggery, use of sunshade, greening and other weakening of solar radiation, to a certain extent, can reduce the harm of high temperature, take ventilation cooling, wet pad fan evaporation cooling, spray cooling and other measures, can get ideal cooling effect. Ventilation of pig house can play a role in cooling on the one hand, and on the other hand, through the exchange of air inside and outside the house, introduce fresh air outside the house, and exclude the dirty air and excessive water vapor inside the house, in order to improve the quality of the air environment inside the house and keep the appropriate relative humidity. When the pig house is ventilated, it should be noted that: ① Mechanical ventilation in summer can play the role of cooling to a certain extent, but too high air speed will make the pigs feel uncomfortable due to the friction between the airflow and the pig's body surface. Therefore, the summer mechanical ventilation of pig house wind speed should not exceed 2m / s; ② pig house ventilation generally require fans have a larger ventilation and smaller pressure, it is appropriate to use axial fan; ③ winter ventilation needs to be carried out in the maintenance of moderate temperature inside the house, and to require a stable and uniform airflow, do not form a "thief wind", there is no dead space. 6、What requirements should the ideal pig house building meet? What requirements should the ideal pig house building meet? What requirements should be met by the ideal pig house building A: The ideal pig house building should meet: ① in line with the biological characteristics of pigs, with good indoor environmental conditions; ② in line with the requirements of modern pig production process; ③ to adapt to the regional climatic and geographic conditions; ④ with a solid structure and economy; ⑤ to facilitate the implementation of scientific feeding and production management and other requirements.