This time in a number of aspects have made a new change, in the past to dismantle the panoramic camera need ten minutes, but this time just two actions, the panoramic camera can be dismantled, the reason for the use of a new small mechanical arm, at the same time, the path also has a certain change, a new state of affairs, the astronauts carried out very smoothly.
The development of spaceflight technology allows us to see the distant outer space, what is the wonderful place to ask the sky when should be Chang's air frying soup is the core location of Shenzhou 14, which is the astronauts out of the cabin activities of an exit diameter of 1 meter 10 astronauts out of the cabin activities have become more relaxed in the beginning of the design compared to the sky and the core of the cabin of the node module for the experimental cabin of the airlock cabin, do not need to take into account the Docking the function of the visiting vehicle, so the internal volume is larger, for the astronauts to travel more convenient.
Shenzhou 14 astronauts first time out of the cabin.
September 1, 2022, Shenzhou 14 is in space to complete, out of the cabin mission, from the relevant broadcast we can see open the hatch past, 4 and a half hours later, the classroom activities are still in progress, installing a good cable protection device, installing a good extension pump group to enhance the panoramic camera, in this mission to effectively verify the main path outside the warehouse to transfer paths , ten thousand one day window outside a main path need to go to climb a climb, verify once. The new cabin this time using the airlock compartment of the askan cabin and the node compartment is very different, on the one hand more spacious, there are about 15 cubic meters or so, than the node compartment 10 cubic meters or so to be quite spacious.
What are some of the new space technologies that make it easier and safer for astronauts to leave the module?
Till out of the soup combined with the previous several out of the cabin activities experience, some need to use the equipment and tools for a new upgrade, whether it is a new small mechanical arm, or the astronauts space suit and astronauts are in very good condition, the first time to start the ask Tiansha cabin space is bigger, out of the cabin is more convenient, from the video we can see that the astronauts out of the location of the cabin Is a movable, exit diameter 1, meters inside more flat. From the day and node module out of the cabin, the astronauts is looks like from the bottom up? Climbing? and the exit from the weather gate looks like a top-down climb. Drill? The view of the astronauts after leaving the cabin will also be very different.