What products does Brazil mainly import from abroad?

Global imports of goods totaled $181.2 billion, with an increase of 20.2% from 2017 to 2018.

From a continental perspective, 35.9% of Brazil's total imports in 2018 were purchased from Asian countries by value. European trading partners provided 23 percent of imports sold to Brazil, while 20.1 percent by value came from North American exporters. A smaller percentage came from Latin America and the Caribbean (16.7%), excluding the 3.6% provided by Mexican and African sources.

Given that Brazil has a population of 208.8 million, Brazilian imports totaled $181.2 billion in 2018, implying an annual product demand of about $870 for each person in this South American country.

The following product categories represent the highest dollar value of Brazilian import purchases in 2018. Each product category is also shown as a percentage of Brazil's overall imports. I,

Mineral fuels including oil: $26.2 billion (14.5% of total imports)

II, Electrical machinery and equipment: $21.8 billion (12%)

III, Machinery including computers: $19.1 billion (10.5%)


Vehicles: $14 billion (7.7%)

p>v, Organic chemicals: $10.6 billion (5.8 percent)vi,

Ships, small boats: $9.9 billion (5.4 percent)

vii, Fertilizers: $8.6 billion (4.8 percent)

viii, Plastics, plastics products: $7.3 billion (4 percent)

nine, Pharmaceuticals: $7.2 billion (4 percent)


Optics. Technology, Medical Equipment: $5.5 billion (3%)