Air Conditioning Market Analysis Report

Major listed companies in the industry: Haier Zhijia (600690), Changhong Meiling (000521), Midea Group (000333), Gree Electric Appliances (000651), Aucma (600336)

Core data in this article: air conditioning output , air conditioning sales, air conditioning online, offline channel sales ratio, air conditioning production and sales rate

Air conditioning production has been reduced

The National Bureau of Statistics published data show that China's air conditioning production was relatively stable in 2010-2016, and from 2017-2019, by the impact of inventories, the weather, as well as the improvement of the demand of three and four levels of the market Under the influence of the weather, China's air conditioning production has been increasing, and in 2019, air conditioning production peaked at 218.662 million units. Affected by the epidemic, China's air conditioner production reached 210,646,000 units in 2020, a year-on-year decline of 8.3%.In 2021, the economy improved, with air conditioner production in the January-November period at 197,414,000 units, an increase of 11.4% year-on-year.

Decline in air conditioner sales in 2020

2016 -China's domestic sales of air conditioners in 2020 showed fluctuating changes, with air conditioner sales peaking at 151,748,000 units in 2018; affected by the epidemic, domestic sales of air conditioners in 2020 were 141,464,000 units, a year-on-year decline of 6%.

Higher sales of air conditioners in offline channels

From the current sales channels of air conditioning products, mainly divided into online channels and offline channels, at present, offline is still the main channel for air conditioning sales, and the proportion of offline sales of air conditioners in 2020 was 56.21%. Online channel sales accounted for 43.79%.

Air conditioning industry overcapacity problem

2016-2020, China's air conditioning production and sales rate showed a trend of first rising and then falling. 2017, China's air conditioning production and sales rate was the highest, reaching 80%; starting in 2018, air conditioning production was rising, and the sales volume was on a downward trend, which led to a decrease in the production and sales rate. In 2020, China's air conditioning production and sales rate fell to 67%, and China's air conditioning industry has an overcapacity problem.

Air conditioner sales reached 154.5 billion yuan

According to AVC, China's air conditioner sales fluctuated from 2016 to 2020, with air conditioner sales declining in 2019 after sales peaked in 2018. air conditioner sales in 2020 were 154.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year decline of 21.9%.

The above data refer to China Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry Market Outlook and Investment Strategy Planning Analysis Report by Prospect Industry Research Institute.

Chapter 1: Definition of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry and Explanation of Statistical Standards

1.1 Definition of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

1.2 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry Classification

1.3 Classification of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment into National Economy Sectors

1.4 Definition of the Scope of Research of This Report

1.5 Explanation of Data Sources and Statistical Standards in this Report

Chapter 2: Macro-Environmental Analysis of China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry (PEST)

2.1 Environmental Analysis of China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry Policy

2.1.1 Introduction to the Regulatory System and Institutions of the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

(1) Refrigeration, Air-conditioning Equipment Industry Authorities

(2)Self-regulatory Organizations in the Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment Industry

2.1.2 Current Status of the Construction of the Industry Standard System for Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment

2.1.3 Summary of Policies and Plans for Development of the Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment Industry and Interpretation of the Policies and Plans for the Development of the Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment Industry

(1)Summary of Policies for the Development of the Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment Industry

Impact Analysis of the Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment Industry

2.1.6 Impact Analysis of the Policy Environment on the Development of the Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment Industry

2.2 Analysis of the Economic Environment of China's Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment Industry

2.2.1 Current Situation of the Macroeconomic Development

(1)China's GDP Growth Situation

( 2)Growth of Industrial Economy

(3)Fixed Asset Investment Analysis

2.2.2 Macroeconomic Development Outlook

2.2.3 Analysis of Correlation between China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry Development and Macroeconomic Development

2.3 Analysis of China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry's Social (Society) Environment

2.3.1 China's Population Size and Environment

2.3.2 Changes in China's Urbanization Level

2.3.3 Structure and Historical Evolution of China's Consumption Expenditures

2.3.4 Analysis of Changes in the Social Environment and Their Influence on the Development of the Industry

2.4 Analysis of the Technological Environment for China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

2.4 Analysis of the Technology in the Industry Environmental Analysis

2.4.1 Current Situation of R&D and Innovation in the Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment Industry

(1) DC Speed Control Technology

(2) High-efficiency Heat Transfer Technology

2.4.2 Patent Application and Publication in the Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment Industry

(1) Patent Application for Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment

(2) Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Patent Granted

(3)Popular Applicants of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment

(4)Popular Technologies of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment

2.4.3 Impact Analysis of the Technological Environment on the Development of the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

Chapter 3: Current Development Status of the Global Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry and Trend Prospects Forecast

3.1 Global Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry Development History

3.2 Global Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry Market Status

3.3 Global Representative Economies Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry Development Situation

3.3.1 U.S. Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry Market Development Situation

3.3.2 Japan Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry Market Development Situation

3.3.3 Market Development of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry in the United Kingdom

3.4 Global Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry Market Competitive Landscape and Enterprise Case Analysis

3.4.1 Market Competitive Landscape of the Global Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

3.4.2 Global Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Enterprises' Merger and Reorganization Status

3.4.3 Layout Cases of Representative Enterprises in the Global Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry




3.5 Development Trend of the Global Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry and Market Forecast

3.5.1 Development Trend Forecast of the Global Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

3.5. 2 Global Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry Market Outlook Forecast

Chapter 4: Analysis of the Development Status of China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

4.1 Development History and Market Characteristics of China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

4.1.1 Development History of China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

4.1.2 Market Characteristics of China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

4.2 Analysis of the Import and Export Situation of China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

4.2.1 General Import and Export Overview of China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

4.2.2 Import Situation of China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

(1)Structure of Imported Products in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

(2)Distribution of Imported Source Country Distribution

(3)Distribution of Import Receiving Place in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

4.2.3 Export Situation of China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

(1)Product Structure of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry Exports

(2)Distribution of Exporting Destination in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

(3)Distribution of Exporting Place of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

(3)Distribution of Exporting Shipment Distribution

4.3 Types and Scale of Participants in China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

4.3.1 Types of Participants in China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

4.3.2 Scale of Number of Enterprises in China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

(1) Number of Enterprises in China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

(2) Distribution of Enterprises in China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry Enterprises Distribution

4.4 Market Supply and Demand Analysis of China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

4.5 Market Size Measurement of China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

4.5.1 Analysis of Air Conditioning Equipment Industry Segmentation

4.6 Analysis of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Segmented Product Market in China

4.6.1 China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry Segment Product Market Structure

4.6.2 China Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Market Analysis

(1)Definition of Commercial Refrigeration Equipment

(2)Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Market Size Analysis

(3)Development Trend of Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Industry

4.6.3 China Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Analysis

(1)Definition of Industrial Refrigeration Equipment

(2)Market Size Analysis of Industrial Refrigeration Equipment

(3)Development Trend of Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Industry

4.6.4 Analysis of China's Centralized Air Conditioning Market

(1)Definition of Centralized Air Conditioning

(2)Market Size of Centralized Air Conditioning

(3)Centralized Air Conditioning Competitive Landscape

(4) Development Trend of Central Air Conditioning

4.6.5 Analysis of Automotive Air Conditioning Market in China

(1)Automotive Air Conditioning Definition

(2)Automotive Air Conditioning Market Scale

(3)Competitive Landscape of Automotive Air Conditioning

(4)Development Trend of the Market

4.7 Analysis of Chinese Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Segmented Regional Market Analysis

4.7.1 Development Status of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry in Zhejiang Province

(1)Development Environment of Zhejiang Province

(2)Background of Demand for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment in Zhejiang Province

(3)Analysis of Demand Status of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment in Zhejiang Province

4.7.2 Development Status of Shanghai Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Development Status of the Industry

(1) Development Environment of Shanghai Municipality

(2) Demand Background of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment in Shanghai Municipality

(3) Analysis of the Current Demand Situation of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment in Shanghai Municipality

4.7.3 Development Status of the Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment Industry in Jiangsu Province

(1) Development Environment of Jiangsu Province

(2) Jiangsu Province, refrigeration, air-conditioning equipment demand background

(3) Jiangsu Province, refrigeration, air-conditioning equipment demand status analysis

4.7.4 Guangdong Province, refrigeration, air-conditioning equipment industry development status

(1) Guangdong Province, the development of the environment

(2) Guangdong Province, refrigeration, air-conditioning equipment demand background

(3) Guangdong Province, refrigeration, air-conditioning equipment Analysis of Current Demand Situation

Chapter 5: Analysis of Market Competition Situation and International Competitiveness of China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

5.1 Analysis of Porter's Five Forces Model of China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

5.1.1 Competition among Existing Competitors in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

5.1.2 Analysis of the Upstream Bargaining Power of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry Analysis

5.1.3 Downstream Bargaining Power Analysis of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

5.1.4 Analysis of Potential Entrants in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

5.1.5 Analysis of Threats of Substitutes in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

5.1.6 Competitive Situation of the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry Summarized

5.2 China Refrigeration, Air-conditioning Equipment Industry Investment, Financing, Merger and Reorganization Status in China

5.2.1 Development Status of Investment, Financing, Merger and Reorganization in China's Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment Industry

5.2.2 Analysis of the Motivation of Investment, Financing, Merger and Reorganization in China's Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment Industry

5.2.3 Development Trend of Investment, Financing, Merger and Reorganization in China's Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment Industry

5.3 Summary of Competitive Situation in China's Refrigeration, Air-conditioning Equipment Industry p>5.3 Market Competitive Landscape Analysis of China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

5.4 Market Concentration Analysis of China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

5.5 International Competitiveness Analysis of China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

Chapter 6: Panoramic In-depth Analysis of China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry Chain

6.1 China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Attributes of Industrial Structure (Industry Chain)

6.2 Analysis of Upstream Industries of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment in China

6.2.1 Analysis of Steel Supply Market for Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment

(1) Analysis of Steel Production

(2) Analysis of Apparent Consumption of Steel

(3) Trend of Steel Market Price

6.2.2 Supply Market Analysis of Non-ferrous Metals for Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment

(1) Copper Market Analysis

(2) Aluminum Market Analysis

6.2.3 Supply Market Analysis of Electronic Components for Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment

(1) Supply of Electronic Components

(2) Competition of Electronic Components

(3) Electronic Components Market Size

6.2.4 Refrigeration Compressor Market Analysis for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment

(1)Market Development Status

(2)Market Supply Analysis

(3)Impact of Future Development on the Industry

6.2.5 Electronic Expansion Valve Market Analysis for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment

(1)Market Development Status

(2) Market Supply and Suppliers

(3) Impact of Future Development on the Industry

6.2.6 Condenser and Evaporator Market Analysis for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment

(1) Market Development Status

(2) Market Supply and Suppliers

(3) Impact of Future Development on the Industry

6.3 Analysis of Market Demand Potential for Downstream Applications in China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

6.3.1 Distribution of Downstream Application Scenarios in China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

6.3.2 Analysis of Market Demand Potential for Application of China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment in Cold Chain Logistics

(1) Major Application Areas and Demand Characteristics

(2) Major Development Status and Application of Application Areas

1)Refrigerated Vehicles

2)Railway Refrigerated Vehicles

3)Refrigerated Vessels

(3)Potential of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment in Cold Chain Logistics Application

6.3.3 Analysis of the Potential of Demand for Application of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment in the Electric Power Sector in China

(1)Major Application Areas and Demand Characteristics

(1)Major Application Fields and Demand Characteristics

(2)Development Status and Application of Major Application Fields

(3)Demand Potential of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment

1)Advancement of Smart Grid Construction, Forming New Demand for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment

2)Transformation of Electric Power Structure under the Goal of "Dual Carbon", Forming New Demand for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment

2)Transformation of Electric Power Structure Under the Goal of "Double Carbon Transformation of power structure, incremental demand for refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment will be released

6.3.4 Analysis of China's potential demand for refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment in the pharmaceutical industry

(1)Main application areas and demand characteristics

(2)Development status and application of major application areas

1)Medical institutions

2)Pharmaceutical factories

3)Medical Device Manufacturing

(3)Demand Potential for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment in the Pharmaceutical Industry

6.3.5 Analysis of Demand Potential for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment in the Application of Public **** as well as Commercial Buildings in China

(1)Main Application Areas and Demand Characteristics

(2)Current Development Status of the Main Application Areas and Applications

(2) /p>

1)Commercial Buildings

2)Public **** Buildings

(3)Demand Potential of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment in Public **** as well as Commercial Buildings

Chapter 7: Market Pain Points of China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry and Development Layout of Industrial Transformation and Upgrading

7.1 Analysis of Business Benefits of China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

7.1.1 Revenue Status of China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

7.1.2 Profit Level of China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

7.1.3 Cost Control of China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

7.2 Analysis of China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry's Business Models

7.3 China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry Market Pain Points Analysis

7.4 Development Path of Structural Optimization and Transformation and Upgrading of China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

7.5 Development Layout of Structural Optimization and Transformation and Upgrading of China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

7.5.1 Optimization of Structural Layout of China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

7.5.2 Digitalized Information Management of China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry Layout

7.5.3 Layout of Decarbonization/Green Transformation of China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

Chapter 8: Case Studies of Representative Enterprises in China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

8.1 Comparison of the Development Layout of Representative Enterprises in China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

8.2 Cases of Development Layout of Representative Enterprises in China's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry (In no particular order)

8.2.1 Shuangliang Energy Saving System Company Limited

(1) Basic information of the enterprise

(2) Development status of the enterprise

(3) Current status of the business layout of the enterprise's refrigeration and air-conditioning equipments and details of the products

(4) Layout status of the upstream and downstream industrial chain of the enterprise's refrigeration and air-conditioning equipments

(5)Business layout planning and latest development of refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment

(6)Strengths and weaknesses of the refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment business layout of the enterprise

8.2.2 Zhengzhou Kaixue Cold Chain Company Limited

(1)Basic information of the enterprise

(2)Development status of the enterprise

(3)Business layout of refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment of the enterprise Current Status and Product Details

(4) Upstream and Downstream Layout of the Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment Industry Chain

(5) Business Layout Planning and Latest Developments of the Enterprise's Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment Business

(6) Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses of the Business Layout of the Enterprise's Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment Business

8.2.3 Qingdao Hairong Commercial Cold Chain Co.

(1) Basic Information of the Company

(2) Development Status of the Company

(3) Current Situation of the Business Layout of the Company's Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipments and Details of the Products

(4) Layout Situation of the Industry Chain of the Company's Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipments in Upstream and Downstream Streams

(5) Business Layout Planning of the Company's Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipments and the Latest Developments

(6) Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses of the Company's Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipments Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages of Business Layout

8.2.4 Yindu Food & Beverage Equipment Company Limited

(1)Basic Information of the Company

(2)Development Status of the Company

(3)Current Situation of Business Layout of the Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment of the Company and Details of Its Products

(4)Layout of the Industry Chain of the Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment of the Company in the Upstream and Downstream Streams

(5) Layout planning and latest development of the refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment business

(6) Analysis of advantages and disadvantages of the refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment business layout of the enterprise

8.2.5 Icewheel Environmental Technology Co. Layout Status and Product Details

(4)Upstream and Downstream Layout of the Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment Industry Chain

(5)Layout Planning and Latest Developments of the Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment Business of the Company

(6)Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses of the Business Layout of the Company's Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment Business

8.2.6 Fujian Xuehnen Co. Basic Information

(2)Development Status

(3)Current Situation of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment Business Layout and Product Details

(4)Upstream and Downstream Layout of the Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment Industry Chain

(5)Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment Business Layout Planning and the Latest Developments

(6)Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses of the Business Layout of the Company

8.2.6 Fujian Snowman Co. Advantages and Disadvantages of Business Layout

8.2.7 Sanhe Tongfei Refrigeration Company Limited

(1)Basic Information

(2)Development Status

(3)Current Situation of Business Layout of the Company's Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment and Details of Its Products

(4)Layout of Industry Chain of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment in the Upstream and Downstream Chains of the Company

() 5)Business Layout Planning and Latest Developments of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment

(6)Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment Business Layout of the Company

8.2.8 Quadrangle Science and Technology Group Company Limited

(1)Basic Information of the Company

(2)Development Status of the Company

(3)Business Layout of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Equipment of the Company Current status and product details

(4) Upstream and downstream layout of the refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment industry chain of the Company

(5) Planning and latest developments of the business layout of the refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment business of the Company

(6) Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the business layout of the refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment business of the Company

8.2.9 Zhejiang Guoxiang Company Limited

(1) Basic information of the Company Information

(2)Development status of the Company

(3)Current status of the Company's refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment business layout and product details

(4)Layout of the Company's refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment industry chain both upstream and downstream

(5)The Company's refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment business layout plan and the latest developments

(6)Analysis of advantages and disadvantages of the Company's refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment business layout

8.2.9 Zhejiang Guoxiang Co. Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis

8.2.10 Zhejiang Dunan Artificial Environment Company Limited

(1) Basic Information of the Company

(2) Development Situation of the Company

(3) Current Situation of the Business Layout of the Company's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipments and Details of Its Products

(4) Layout Situation of the Industry Chain of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipments in the Upper and Lower Streams of the Company

(5)Business Layout Planning and Latest Developments of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment of Enterprises

(6)Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis of the Business Layout of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment of Enterprises

Chapter 9: China Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry Market Prospect Forecast and Suggestions on Investment Strategies

9.1 SWOT Analysis of the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry in China

9.2 China Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry Development Potential Assessment

9.3 Development Prospect Forecast of China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

9.4 Development Trend Forecast of China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

9.5 Barriers to Entry of China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

9.6 Early Warning of Investment Risks in China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

9.7 China's Investment Value Assessment of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry in China

9.8 Investment Opportunity Analysis of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry in China

9.9 Investment Strategies and Suggestions of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry in China

9.10 Suggestions on Sustainable Development of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry in China

Chart Catalog

Chart 1: Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry Classification

Chart 2: Classification of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry in the National Economic Industry Classification (GB/T 4754-2021)

Chart 3: Definition of the Scope of the Report

Chart 4: Explanation of the Main Data Sources and Statistical Standards of the Report

Chart 5: Competent Authorities in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

Chart 6: Self-regulatory Organizations in the Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

Chart 7: Summary of Industry Standards for Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment as of 2021

Chart 8: Summary of Development Policies for the Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry from 2020-2021

Chart 9: Summary of Development Targets for the Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry as of 2025 (in billions of yuan, %, China's GDP Growth Chart, 2021 (Unit: Trillion Yuan, %)

Chart 13: China's Industrial Value Added and Growth Rate Chart, 2013-2021 (Unit: Trillion Yuan, %)

Chart 14: Growth Rate of China's Fixed Asset Investment (Excluding Farming Households), 2010-2021 (Unit: Trillion Yuan, %)

Chart 15: Forecast of China's GDP Growth Rate in 2021 (Unit: %)

Chart 16: Trend of China's Population Growth in 2011-2021 (Unit: Billions)

Chart 17: Population and its Composition of Mainland China at the End of 2021 (Unit: Million People, %)

Chart 18: China's Urbanization in 2011-2021 Level Change (Unit: 10,000 people, %)

Chart 19: Stage of China's Urbanization Process (Unit: %)

Chart 20: Per Capita Disposable Income of Residents, 2012-2021 (Unit: Yuan, %)

Chart 21: Per Capita Consumption Expenditures of Chinese Residents, 2014-2021 (Unit: Yuan)

Chart 22: Changes in the Structure of Consumption Expenditure of China's Residents, 2016-2021 (Unit: %)

Chart 23: Changes in Patent Applications Related to Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment in China, 2012-2021 (Unit: Item)

Chart 24: Changes in Patent Authorizations Related to Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment in China, 2012-2021 (Unit: Item)

Chart 25: Changes in Patent Authorizations Related to Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment in China, 2014-2021 (Unit: Yuan)< /p>

Chart 25: Top 10 Technology Patent Applicants in China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry as of 2021 (Unit: Item)

Chart 26: Distribution Fields of Technology Patents in China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry as of 2021 (Unit: Item)

Chart 27: Development History of Global Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

Chart 28: Production Volume of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment in Japan in the First Half of 2020-2021 (Unit)

Chart 29: Regional Competitive Pattern of Global Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

Chart 30: Major Participating Enterprises in the Global Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

Chart 31: Application Cases of McWhirer's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Products

Chart 32: McWhirer's Manufacturing Base in China

Chart 33: McWhirer's Sales Network in China

Chart 34: Application Cases of Carrier's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Products

Chart 35: Summary of Carrier's Major Events in China

Chart 36: Summary of Trane's Major Events in China

Chart 37: Prediction of the Development Trends of Global Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

Chart 38: Market Market Size Forecast of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry in 2026 (in billion USD)

Chart 39: Development History of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry in China

Chart 40: Characteristics of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry in China

Chart 41: Import and Export Amounts of China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment, 2017-2021 Total (in USD billion)

Chart 42: Product Structure of Imported Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment in China, 2021 (in USD million, %)

Chart 43: Distribution of Import Source Countries of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment in China, by Amount (in %)

Chart 44: Distribution of Import Receiving Place of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment in China, by Amount (Unit: %)

Chart 45: Product Structure of China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Exports in 2021 (Unit: USD million, %)

Chart 46: Distribution of Destination Countries of China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Exports by Amount (Unit: %) in 2021

Chart 47: Distribution of China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Exports by Place of Delivery in 2021, by Amount (Unit: %)

Chart 48: Types of Participants in China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

Chart 49: Number of Enterprises Above Scale in China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry, 2013-2021 (Unit: Households)

Chart 50: Distribution of Enterprises in China's Refrigeration, Air Conditioning Equipment Industry

Chart 51: China's Refrigeration, Air-conditioning Equipment Industry Analysis of Production and Sales of Representative Enterprises (Unit: Sets, %)

Chart 52: Sales Revenue of Refrigeration, Air-conditioning Equipment Industry Above Scale in China (Unit: 100 Million Yuan), 2013-2021

Chart 53: Market Structure of Refrigeration, Air-conditioning Equipment Industry Segmented Products in China (Unit: %), 2021

Chart 54: Main Distinctions between Household Refrigerators and Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Main Differences

Chart 55: China Commercial Refrigeration Equipment Market Size, 2016-2021 (in billion yuan, %)

Chart 56: China Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Market Size, 2016-2021 (in billion yuan, %)

Chart 57: China Central Air Conditioning Market, 2015-2021 Size (Unit: Billion Yuan, %)

Chart 58: Market Share Statistics of Major Brands in China's Central Air Conditioning Industry, 2021 (Unit: %)

Chart 59: China's Automotive Air Conditioning Output (Unit: 10,000 Units), 2015-2021

Chart 60: China's Automotive Air Conditioning Market Size and Measurement, 2018-2021 (Unit. : 100 Million Yuan)

Chart 61: Competitive Landscape of Bus Air Conditioning Market

Chart 62: Competitive Landscape of Air Conditioning in Other Vehicles

Chart 63: Gross National Product of Zhejiang Province, 2014-2021 (Unit: 100 Million Yuan, %)

Chart 64: Growth Rate of Value Added of Industry in Zhejiang Province, 2014-2021 (Unit: %)

Chart 65: Per Capita Disposable Income and Consumption Expenditure of Zhejiang Province Residents, 2016-2021 (Unit: Yuan)

Chart 66: Changes in Cold Storage Capacity of Zhejiang Province, 2018-2021 (Unit: 10,000 Tons)

Chart 67: Completed Commercial Land Area of Zhejiang Province, 2015-2021 (Unit: 10,000 Square Meters)

Chart 68: Scale of Automobile Production in Zhejiang Province, 2011-2021 (Unit: 10,000 Vehicles, %)

Chart 69: Demand Analysis of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment in Zhejiang Province, 2018-2021 (Unit: 10,000 sqm, 10,000 tons, 10,000 Vehicles, 100 Million Yuan, %)

Chart 70: Gross National Product of Shanghai, 2014-2021 (Unit: 100 Million Yuan , %)

Chart 71: Trend of Shanghai's Industrial Value Added, 2015-2021 (Unit: Billion Yuan, %)

Chart 72: Per Capita Disposable Income and Consumption Expenditure of Residents in Shanghai, 2016-2021 (Unit: Yuan)

Chart 73: Changes in Shanghai's Cold Storage Capacity, 2018-2021 (Unit: 10,000 tons)

Chart 74: Completed Area of Commercial Land in Shanghai, 2015-2021 (Unit: 10,000 square meters)

Chart 75: Scale of Automobile Output in Shanghai, 2014-2021 (Unit: 10,000 units, %)

Chart 76: Analysis of Demand for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment in Shanghai, 2018-2021 (Unit: 10,000 Square Meter, 10,000 Tons, 10,000 Vehicles, 100 Million Yuan, %)

Chart 77: Gross National Product of Jiangsu Province, 2014-2021 (Unit: 100 Million Yuan, %)

Chart 78: Cumulative Growth Rate of Value Added of Industries Above Scale in Jiangsu Province, 2011-2021 (Unit: %)

Chart 79: Per Capita Disposable Income and Consumption Expenditures of Residents in Jiangsu Province, 2016-2021 (Unit: 100 Million Yuan) Income and Consumption Expenditure (Unit: Yuan)

Chart 80: Changes in Cold Storage Capacity of Jiangsu Province, 2018-2021 (Unit: 10,000 Tons)

Chart 81: Completed Commercial Land Area of Jiangsu Province, 2015-2021 (Unit: 10,000 Square Meters)

Chart 82: Scale of Automobile Production of Jiangsu Province, 2011-2021 Chart (Unit: 10,000 Vehicles, %)

Chart 83: Demand Analysis of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment in Jiangsu Province, 2018-2021 (Unit: 10,000 Square Meter, 10,000 Tons, 10,000 Vehicles, 100 Million Yuan, %)

Chart 84: Gross National Product of Guangdong Province, 2014-2021 (Unit: 100 Million Yuan, %)

Chart 85: 2012-2021 Value Added of Industry Above Scale in Guangdong Province (Unit: Trillion Yuan, %)

Chart 86: Disposable Income and Consumption Expenditure per Capita of Residents in Guangdong Province, 2016-2021 (Unit: Yuan)

Chart 87: Changes in Cold Storage Capacity of Eastern Province, 2018-2021 (Unit: Ten Thousand Tons)

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